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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sounds like she is describing CNN's treatment of all Democrat politicians.
  2. You are an ass. Save your lies about ANTIFA and BLM for someone who is dumb enough to believe you, little ANTIFA thug.
  3. Actually, I'm kind of hoping the Democrats win both the Senate elections in Georgia. Then when the Democrats try to push through all their radical legislation Americans will finally be able to see who they really are and wipe them out of Congress in the 2022 election.
  4. Like I said before. No thoughts of your own because you have none. You need other people to do your thinking and speaking for you. A total Democrat robot.
  5. No, I suggest you and golfer do the country a favor and bury yourselves there.
  6. Apparently you post other people's thoughts because you are incapable of formulating any of your own.
  7. You definitely are brainwashed or just plain ignorant. Your comments are laughable. ANTIFA and BLM burning and looting businesses and physically attacking innocent people is sticking up for people's civil rights? LMAO
  8. You are the truly brainwashed individual. Brainwashed by the insane far left news media and internet blogs that you use as news sources.internet.
  9. Trump supporters are Anti-American? It is ANTIFA and BLM who are actually taking actions to destroy America.
  10. Those additional 132 votes for Biden must have been from ballots that arrived in the mail while they were doing the re-count.
  11. Manchin will be under a lot of pressure from the far left of the Democrats to vote their way, but Trump won 69% of the vote in West Virginia in 2020. Joe's caught between a rock and hard place.
  12. If the Democrats are able to steal the two Senate elections in Georgia Joe Manchin will become the most powerful person in the U.S. Senate.
  13. Wonder if Joe Biden's Secretary of State will present a reset button to the Chinese ambassador just like Hillary presented one to the Russian ambassador when she was Obama's Secretary of State? I wouldn't be surprised to see the new Secretary of State thank the Chinese for giving the coronavirus to America and the rest of the world, since that helped "Sleepy Joe" to steal the 2020 election.
  14. Nonpartisan civil service? LMAO A bunch of fucking lifer globalist bureaucratic swamp rats is a more accurate description. Parasites who live off the labor of working class Americans.
  15. You aren't fit to lick Michael Flynn's boots, you liberal progressive brain dead piece of shit.
  16. Trump actually received about 9 million more votes in 2020 than he received in 2016. And Trump losing won't change one thing about your miserable life will it?
  17. Did the "very reputable" BBC also tell you that the Democrats got their asses kicked in the House of Representatives elections? Or did they censor that part of the news?
  18. I see you are still fixated on Trump's ass. Appears you have a real problem.
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