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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I doubt that since I am 74 years old and never attended kindergarten, and you are still a child living with mommy and daddy.
  2. Really nothing much has changed about Democrats since the Civil War except for the method in which they suppress Black people and make them dependent upon their master. Previous to the Civil War the Democrat Plantation master provided food, clothing , and shelter to his Black slaves, but made sure that they never became educated because it was much easier to control them if they were uneducated. Today the Democratic Party masters provide food, shelter, and clothing to inner city Blacks through welfare programs and make sure they never become educated by sending them to inner city government schools which teach them nothing ( Why do you think Democrats are against school choice for inner city students?). Keeping them uneducated makes it much easier to keep them on the Democratic plantation. And then the Democrat masters allow some Uncle Toms like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson a place of prominence in the party just to fool the Black community into thinking that Democrats actually care about them.
  3. Was that the V.A. study which had it's methodology trashed by other medical researchers? The drug was given to people who were so far gone that probably nothing would have saved them.The drug is most effective if used in the early stages of the disease before someone needs to be hospitalized. As for the side effects, the patients in the study were most likely given too large a dose or doses of the drug.
  4. Another elitist prick White boy telling a Black person what he should do and what he should think. You fucking liberal progressive phonies just don't understand do you?
  5. Or maybe it's that he knows that Nancy Pelosi's idea of negotiating is that she gets everything she wants or there will be no deal.
  6. I and my family the same way, because as working class people it was driven into our heads that Democrats were for working people and Republicans were just for the rich. I even voted for Jimmy Carter because he was a peanut farmer who was not a part of the Washington D.C. Was that ever a mistake. Until Barack Obama Jimmy Carter was the worst president in the history of the country. thank God I can now see the Democrats for who they really are. I will never ever vote for another Democrat nor another Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwelling Republican.
  7. Does he get a trial where all the facts are presented before they send him to prison? Or is that no longer a part of our justice system?
  8. There is no legal requirement for a political candidate to make their tax returns public. Not paying taxes if you don't owe any taxes is not criminal. The IRS has never brought any legal charges against Donald Trump. Trump did not call for double voting.
  9. The New York AG is still trying to get copies of Trump's tax returns through the courts. Why doesn't she just obtain them from the New York Times? Or could it be because the New York Times does not have Trump's tax returns?
  10. On Nov.8, 2016 Nate Silver gave Hillary Clinton a 71% probability of being elected president.
  11. Your explanation is fucking nuts. I lived in the U.S. in 1960 so I think I know more about that election than you do. I also live in the state of Illinois where Chicago is located. Illinois ended up being the state to give Kennedy enough electoral votes to win the electoral college. Stick to German politics because you know nothing about American politics.
  12. In my opinion, the purpose of this chart is to convince Republicans that it is futile to vote because Republicans have no chance of winning and thereby suppressing Republican turnout on election day. But it could have the opposite effect of convincing Democrat voters that their votes are not needed because the Democrats are going to win in a landslide. Since Republicans are more enthusiastic about voting for Trump than Democrats are about voting for Biden, the second scenario may be more likely than the first.
  13. Problem is that the communist organization BLM doesn't give a damn about Black people. Their ultimate goal is the overthrow of the U.S. government, and then to institute a communist style government in it's place.
  14. Not as bad as sending covid-19 infected patients to live in nursing homes like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo did.
  15. No, I learned that from past elections. Some of those elections probably took place before you were born. Like the 1960 election where Democrat Governor Daley of Chicago and the Chicago political machine came up with enough bogus votes to elect John F. Kennedy president.
  16. No one would believe you because they know that someone who still lives with mommy and daddy and has never worked a day in his life owns nothing. Correction, you probably do own a set of golf clubs that mommy and daddy bought for you.
  17. Appears to be you claim to be Scottish but are in fact Russian. Your mentality is that of a Russian communist.
  18. So you are denying that Mao and Stalin were responsible for deaths of millions of their own citizens?
  19. If Russia is so great, go live their you ignorant bastard.
  20. Trump going to hell? I thought you were an atheist and didn't believe in heaven or hell. Wonder if you'll still be an atheist on your death bed?
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