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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Make elections more difficult or make them more honest? Keep trying to stir more shit, little Russian agent.
  2. During the Lincoln/Douglas debates of 1858 in Illinois there were no moderators. Maybe that's what we need, a debate with no moderator. There were seven Lincoln/Douglas debates and each was 3 hours long.
  3. Socialist Europeans supporting Biden is more reason for Americans to vote for Trump. Biden will kiss the asses of European leaders just as Obama did while selling out the American middle class.
  4. Typical liberal progressive Marxist Putin approach to any dissent, shut up the dissent. But why do you have no problem with Biden interrupting Trump, little Russian agent? How about this? Shut off the mike of one candidate when it is the other candidates turn to speak. Or how about the moderator shutting his mouth and allowing the candidates to debate, and then letting voters make their decision from what they see? Chris Wallace is a loud mouth prima donna just like his daddy was.
  5. Trump will win on election night, and then days or weeks later after all the legal games are played with mail-in ballots Biden will be declared the winner. I would not be surprised to see several instances in Democrat voting districts where more ballots are cast than there are registered voters in those districts.
  6. Many states are not set up to handle a large volume of mail-in votes. The primary elections in New York have already displayed major problems with mail-in voting. If anyone tries to steal the election it will be Joe Biden and his cadre of 600+ election lawyers, just like Hillary Clinton tried to do in 2016. Why do you think Hillary has told Biden to never concede?
  7. Biden can win the trust of voters by flip-flopping on the issues of healthcare, the Green New Deal, fracking, and law enforcement, and the progressive manifesto? In the debate Biden said he is not in favor of government run healthcare for everyone, he said he does not support the Green New Deal, he said he does not want to ban fracking, he said he supports law enforcement by police, and Biden said he did not sign a progressive manifesto with Bernie Sanders and AOC. That may win him points with moderate voters who are dumb enough to trust him, but how is that going to play with the Bernie Bros whose votes Biden has to have in order to win the election?
  8. The chaos created by massive mail-in voting will be a disaster for America and the American people. The election will be determined by lawyers, judges, and courts and not by the will of the U.S. citizens.
  9. On the days after the election President Trump will be proven correct in his assertion that massive mail-in voting will be a disaster. It will cause distrust in the whole election process and cause more division in this country.
  10. Those articles are just an example of how dishonest and biased TIME and the BBC are in their reporting.
  11. Biden didn't look too comfortable himself when Trump asked Joe about the money his son had received from the wife of the mayor Moscow or about the money his son received from a Ukrainian business and Chinese businesses.
  12. That is a total bullshit story, and you know it. Americans gargling bleach? Are you really stupid enough to believe that? Only Democrats are stupid enough to gargle bleach, and they hate Trump so much they would never listen to anything he says.
  13. The people in the U.S. are divided because of dishonest lying people like you in the news media. People doubted the news long before Donald Trump. Trump is the first president to so forcefully push back against the media lies and bias. The little wimps in the media can't handle the push back.
  14. Show me where he said the word bleach, liar. He was talking in hypothetical terms of developing a disinfectant type medication that could be used to treat the disease, and assholes like you in the news media totally distorted what he said and meant.
  15. You just explained what your problem is. You are a part of the fucking media, the biggest bunch of assholes in the country.
  16. How do you abuse a tax code? If you say you pay more income tax than you are legally required to pay I say you are a liar. A businessman has an obligation to his business to pay no more in taxes than is legally required. If there is a problem with the tax code that's the fault of the politicians who write the tax law. Biden was in Washington, D.C. for 47 years, so he is part of the crowd that wrote the tax code. If Trump was just concerned about his businesses why did he run for president in the first play? You just told a lie yourself when you claimed that Trump promoted bleach as a cure for covid-19.
  17. Per CDC data here are the covid-19 survival rates by age groups: age 0-19 ( 99.997%), age 20-49 ( 99.98%), age 50-69 ( 99.5%), age 70+ (94.6%).
  18. And some people like you never create an original thought. They just post other people's ideas.
  19. But the big difference is that there are vaccines for the flu, but no vaccine for covid-19.
  20. The only rule that counts is the U.S. Constitution. And besides, if Harry Reid had not changed the rules and eliminated the filibuster for judicial nominations Democrats wouldn't need to be concerned about Trump making this appointment because they could stop it through a filibuster.
  21. The Minneapolis City Council several months ago voted to defund the police. Now those same council members are complaining that crime has increased and that the police are not arresting anyone. Well duh! Talk about dumb and dumber. LMAO
  22. Democrat politicians believe if you are Black you can do no wrong. Got to have all those Black votes to win elections.
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