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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Sounds like a truthful answer to me by Trump. Newsweek is who you need to be mad at. They are the ones who started the story. And the whole Trump/Russia collusion hoax was an actual issue? You and the Democrats are a pathetic joke.
  2. This is just another contrived story by the news media to smear Trump. The whole thing was planned out by Newsweek, the news media and the Democrats. And the Democrats haven't been trying to dig up dirt on Trump for four years? You and the Democrats are such hypocrites and phonies.
  3. Told you she would hide behind her skin color and her pussy.
  4. That is a big fucking lie. Newsweek started this birther rumor and some fucking reporter brought it up in a news conference with Trump, and he said he was not aware of the accusation. Alladino, you are such a simple minded ignorant stupid lying son of a bitch.
  5. Kamala Harris proved herself to be a complete and total phony on the Stephen Colbert Show. When Colbert asked her how she could be Joe Biden's VP candidate after the accusations she made against him in the debates she just laughed and repeated "It was a debate." In other words, she admitted that the debates were just a phony act for her.
  6. Alladino, why have you not posted the video of the BLM and ANTIFA thugs beating the hell out of an innocent White man in Portland, OR this weekend? I guess facts like that don't fit your biased left wing agenda.
  7. So the science teacher could try to indoctrinate Trump likes he does the rest of his students?
  8. If Biden is elected president probably one the first things he will do is have his Secretary of State hand a reset button to the Chinese ambassador just like Obama, Biden and Clinton handed a reset button to the Russian ambassador at the beginning of the Obama presidency.
  9. You are so gullible and stupid. Putin must love all the money Trump has spent to upgrade our military. He must also love the fact that Trump has tried to stop the energy pipeline between Russia and Germany. He must be thrilled that we are stationing troops in Poland. Putin must really love the fact that we sold ant-tank missiles to Ukraine. Today it was announced that the U.S. will sell a billion dollars worth of air defense missiles to Hungary. Putin should really love that. Putin must also love the fact that Trump has made the U.S. energy independent which has greatly decreased the price of oil which is the life blood of Putin's economy.
  10. That's almost as many times as the news media and Democrats called George W. Bush racist. That's what the news media and Democrats do to all Republicans who don't kiss their asses.
  11. I pay much less in taxes now than I did when Barack Obama was president.
  12. I will no longer refer to you as a German. You are definitely a Russian agent working for Putin attempting to influence the vote in our 2020 election.
  13. Hope for who, Europe and China? She and Joe will sell out the American middle class to Europe and china just like Barack and Joe did for eight years. Only a complete fool would use CNN as a legitimate news source.
  14. Two years ago I posted the following comment on CNN's Facebook page, "CNN is no longer the Clinton News Network, it is now the Comedy News Network and all the reporters who work there are clowns." The next day when I attempted to log into my Facebook account I received a message saying my account had been deactivated . When I clicked another screen to learn why I was deactivated I was told that I was not who I said I was on the account. My account had my real name and my photo. FB said if I sent them a copy of my drivers license, birth certificate, or passport to prove who I was they would reactivate my account.
  15. Why didn't they remove the video of Rep. James Clyburn calling Trump Mussolini? Is that not hate speech?
  16. Actually, I don't want anyone banned, but their propaganda videos do waste a lot of space on here.
  17. They have special legal protections that other news media organizations do no have because they are suppose to be an open forum that does not impose it's personal values upon people who post on their platform. If they persist in censoring free speech then Congress needs to consider revoking their special legal protections.
  18. So you think it is a good thing for Facebook to censor the President of the United States and other political speech? Oh I forgot, you are German and suppressing free speech is a part of your heritage and DNA.
  19. I have a feeling Cody will be evicted from CC long before Trump is evicted from the White House.
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