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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Bullshit. You hate American police and almost everything about America. Thanks to people like you, today I ordered a "I SUPPORT OUR POLICE" bumper sticker for my vehicle.
  2. Why did you conveniently leave out the House testimony of the sister of the Black police officer that was killed in Oakland by rioters? You do not want to solve problems. All you want to do is ramp up hatred of American police officers.
  3. There is currently an article by POLITICO on MSN entitled "The City That Actually Got Rid of the Police" which if you read the article you will see is a total lie. The story is about Camden, NJ where the police system was reformed not gotten rid of.
  4. Sorry about that. But I bet happy would also not be opposed to more police training.
  5. Show me where I ever said I was against cops getting better training? Cops should be held to a high standard, but I would need to see exactly what you mean by a higher standard before I agreed to that. SO STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH.
  6. Where are all the videos that show police helping people, which far outnumber the occasions of police mistreating people? You and the news sources who present a one sided story have an agenda to smear all police based upon the actions of a few. Do protesters say prosecute abusive police officers or get rid of abusive officers? No, they say abolish all police.
  7. The old man confronted the police. Put his hands on a policeman. The policeman pushed him out of the way, the man lost his balance, fell and unfortunately hit his head. An ambulance was called and the old man attended to.
  8. No, just helped to offset losses in one of my other retirement accounts which was fully invested in stock funds when the disaster struck. I enjoy making money more than I enjoy losing money. Does that make me evil?
  9. So why don't the liberal progressive Democrat mayor and governor not do anything? If Trump uses the military to take back the streets the Democrats and the news media will declare him a dictator and want to restart impeachment proceedings.
  10. I was referring to another CC member who used the Google excuse numerous times.
  11. Today I moved another $1000 from a money market account into two stock accounts just like I moved $4000 during the last big collapse. That paid off big time for me. Hope my latest move does too.
  12. Just like I said. The Dow lost almost 1900 points today based upon experts predictions of a Covid-19 second wave.
  13. You conveniently left out the first sentence in my comment. Typical behavior of a intellectually dishonest liberal progressive.
  14. The Democrats have not fallen into this trap, they have promoted this behavior. This is their vision for the future of America.
  15. There's now another country for tourists to visit this summer. It's called the country of "Chaz" and is located in the center of Seattle, Wa. Its a perfect refuge for leftists and criminals since it is a police free zone. Before visiting the place, I recommend having your life insurance paid current. LMAO
  16. I wanted Derek Chauvin arrested for murder. Which is exactly what happened. When you saw the video of the retired Black police officer in St.Louis lying on the sidewalk dying after being shot by looters what did you want to do?
  17. I also saw the face of the dying Black retired police officer in St.Louis who was killed by rioting, looting punk ass kids. I've also seen the pain on the faces of parents from the inner cities when their children have been killed in drive by shootings by Black gang bangers. So what the fuck are your specific recommendations? What exactly is your answer to stop all this?
  18. BLM protesters are so ignorant, stupid, and unaware of history that the damn fools defaced a memorial in Massachusetts of a Black civil war regiment that fought for the Union Army.
  19. Just like Mueller and impeachment took him out?
  20. Eventually, Trump will remove the thugs if the mayor and governor don't do their jobs. And then you'll yell about Trump being a dictator.
  21. What is enough? What are the errors in the system? Give specific examples of what you want done?
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