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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I knew Joe Biden was senile, but I didn't realize how much of a fucking idiot he is. He actually said that taking hydroxychloroquine is like injecting Clorox into your veins. The drug has been safely used since 1955.
  2. Drink your tea, eat your crumpets and worry about the UK and we'll take care of our problems, since you know nothing about what is happening in the U.S. anyway.
  3. For Democrats any time before the election will be too soon. Has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with politics. Democrats want the economy destroyed so that they can implement their socialist policies.
  4. Nancy Pelosi is complaining that it is not safe for President Trump to take hydroxychloroquine to protect him from being infected with covid-19. I wonder how safe it is for Nancy to continually have Botox shot into her ancient face?
  5. Sounds like RLC is trying to recreate the original Kamila/Kristy relationship.
  6. The state of New York requires nursing homes to accept patients who have tested positive for covid-19 on the orders of Governor Cuomo, and now Cuomo wants to investigate why New York has had so many nursing home residents die from coronavirus. Duh?
  7. So the UK government does not require CARE homes to accept patients who test positive for covid-19? Is that what you are saying?
  8. If your governor and his stupid health secretary get their way, by the time you are allowed to go back to work you won't have a job to go back to.
  9. Does the UK government require CARE homes to accept covid-19 positive patients like Governor Cuomo did in New York?
  10. I think Obama needs to be looking for a good lawyer. After all the law suits are settled Michael Flynn might own Barack's new house at Martha's Vineyard.
  11. You still believe numbers from these models? If they keep throwing out enough numbers eventually they'll be correct. So far they've predicted 2.2. million, 240,000, 100,000, 80,000, 60,000, and now 135,000. Put some numbers on a dart board, throw some darts and you can be an expert modeler too.
  12. The states of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts account for 52% of covid-19 deaths in the U.S. and those states have 11% of the U.S. population.
  13. Of the 1300 most recent covid-19 patients admitted to hospitals in New York, 66% of the people were sheltering at home.
  14. I think Hillary is still holding out hope of being president. If she can convince Biden and the DNC to make her the VP candidate, she figures if "Sleepy Joe" wins the election that two weeks after his inauguration he will be sent to a nursing home for dementia and she will be president.
  15. Other non-medical world leaders don't give opinions on treatments? Why did French President Macron spend three hours with Dr. Didier Raoult to review his work with hydroxychloroquine?
  16. The head of the WHO is a incompetent Marxist clown from Ethiopia who is a puppet of the Chinese Communist Government. The man is not even a medical doctor.
  17. Have they done an ethnic break down of infections in your area? In the midwest we have had clusters of infections in meat packing plants where a large number of employees are hispanic illegal aliens. Many of them live in very close quarters with numerous people living in one house. That makes for easy transmission of the virus. The meat packing plant in South Dakota was the only real hot spot in the whole state.
  18. If the WHO has lost credibility why did the EU and other members of WHO get so pissed when Trump cut off U.S.funding to the organization?
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