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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Not just suicides, but what about deaths that will result from doctors and hospitals being restricted from treating diseases other than covid-19. Also, what about reductions in standards of living and increased poverty resulting from economies being shut down.
  2. Similar to stories in the Washington Post and New York Times. Many times there is no connection between the newspaper headline and the facts revealed within the newspaper article. They hope people will just read the headline and never examine the actual facts.
  3. Yeah, you're never wrong. Just like you couldn't admit being wrong about Gov. Cuomo causing deaths in New York nursing homes by requiring them to admit patients infected with covid-19.
  4. It will take years to determine the damage done by covid-19 and by the decisions made to fight covid-19. How many people will die directly from covid-19 and how many people will die or have a reduced quality of life because economies were shut down to fight covid-19?
  5. Now you are just playing games with numbers, totally detached from reality. The death rate/day for covid-19 is not a static figure. In fact, it has been on the decline, so your 2,077,530 figure is ridiculous.
  6. And with in that article Sweden's government said it still believes their approach was a better long term strategy. The biggest mistake they made was the same mistake made in many other nations, failure to protect people in carehomes. Half their deaths so far are in carehomes. Nearly 40% of deaths in the U.S. were in nursing homes. The governor of the state of Florida did not completely shutdown their economy but concentrated on protecting patients in nursing homes. That policy turned out to be very successful in protecting the elderly.
  7. So? I also believe Sweden had the best policy for dealing with the covid-19 pandemic.
  8. But if our healthcare system was as bad as Starlight says why would anyone come to the U.S. to be treated? That's all I was saying. I said nothing negative about any other nations healthcare.
  9. I said I hoped the double blind studies would be fair and unbiased. You said I would not accept results of the studies unless they were pro hydroxychloroquine. You were never going to believe anything I had to say anyway, so why continue the conversation? As far as I was concerned the discussion on that topic was done when I said I was hoping the studies would be fair and unbiased.
  10. So why do people from all over the world come to the U.S. to receive medical treatment?
  11. Most hospitals in the U.S. have many empty beds because they stopped treating other diseases and then never experienced the predicted surge of covid-19 hospitalizations. Many of those hospitals have greatly reduced their staffs because of lost of revenues. Some may never recover financially and may be forced to close.
  12. And how many people are dying from other diseases because we have concentrated all our efforts on fighting covid-19 at the expense of treating those diseases?
  13. Members of the U.S. news media are about to have an orgasm because they will soon be able to announce that the covid-19 death toll in the U.S. has reached 100,000.
  14. Trump did everything Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx told him to do. As late as Feb. 29 Dr. Fauci was saying there was no need for Americans to change their behavior patterns. You have no problem blaming Trump, but you give China a pass? Your comments are laughable.
  15. In my opinion, five years from now we will all be saying that Sweden was the only country that got it right.
  16. And I was talking about the Lancet study. So? What's the problem? I'm only allowed to talk about what you want to talk about?
  17. In the "Declaration of Interests" section of the Lancet study did you notice who paid for the study? All the major drug companies. Could it be because hydroxychloroquine is an inexpensive drug with a patent that expired long ago?A new drug to cure covid-19 presents a potential financial bonanza for the pharmaceutical companies. Could that be why they mounted such an attack on hydroxychloroquine? There are no big profits to be made from hydroxychloroquine.
  18. My eyes are open. Yours and many others have been closed by the so called experts. The WHO has become more of a political organization than a healthcare organization. I've heard the results of numerous successful treatments with hydroxychloroquine from both doctors and patients. There are double blind studies being conducted in the U.S. right now. Let's see what happens from those studies. I just hope the studies are conducted in a fair and unbiased manner. Trump has nothing to do with my opinion. My opinion is based upon the first hand accounts of doctors and patients.
  19. These were in hospital cases. Most of the doctors I've seen who have had success with hydroxychloroquine treat patients in the early stages of the disease before they are hospitalized.
  20. But it is the "small doctors" who are saving lives. Maybe you need to study the results the country of Turkey has had in using hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19.
  21. As if you never insult anyone. You attempted to insult me with your original comment, but you always do so in such a gutless cowardly manner and then later deny that you did it. At least I am straight forward and unambiguous with my insults, which you are very deserving of. I trust the numerous doctors who have been treating and saving the lives of covid-19 victims with hydroxychloroquine. I for sure trust their judgement much more than I trust yours. Most of the so called medical experts who claim the drug is not an effective treatment are government bureaucrats who have not treated patients for years. They just sit in their ivory towers and pontificate.
  22. Your statement that "the drug has serious side effects- as you personally notice- and disturbs the mind", confirms that you are an ignorant arrogant asshole. You claim to be a nice guy, but your nasty remarks continually betray you and display the type person you really are. Now I suppose you will cowardly complain that Google did not properly translate your comment. Also, your statement that the drug is completely useless against Corona has been proven wrong by numerous doctors.
  23. And the same type warnings apply to almost every other prescribed medication. That's why they need to be prescribed by a physician and the results monitored by a physician. There are numerous lupus patients who have taken hydroxychloroquine for 20 to 30 years with no side effects.
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