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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So after what the incompetent military did in Iran by shooting down the commercial Ukrainian plane, do you still have no problem with that same military having nuclear warheads mounted on ICBMs which with the press of button can take any city in the world. A city like Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver.
  2. You don't even understand what Trump is doing with Kim. Trump has Kim by the balls with economic sanctions, so he can afford to act like he is best buds with him. What happened to the Christmas present that Kim promised us? Let Kim do something stupid like Iran did in Iraq and watch what happens. What you fail to understand is that Donald Trump is 30 times more intelligent than you could ever hope to be.
  3. Do you mean America used to be better when the little boy Barack Obama would kiss Europe's ass?
  4. True. Trump should say in his campaign rallies that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are now an ally of Iran against the United States.
  5. And if they kill anymore Americans we will put the rest of their country there too.
  6. France? You may be cultured, but if you have no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons you are not very intelligent.
  7. If the U.S. Congress limits the president's ability to use military force to protect American citizens and soldiers from imminent attacks from Iran or terrorists, and Americans die because the needed actions were delayed then the blood of those Americans will be on the hands of the U.S. Congress.
  8. Too bad we didn't have nukes at the beginning of WW II. We could have saved years of death and destruction by dropping one on Tokyo and one on Berlin and ended the war in one day.
  9. Spoken by someone who lives in one of the wimpiest ass nations in the world.
  10. You, Mr. clown! It's not possible to have a meaningful conversation with someone who will not give an honest and straightforward answer to a question. Good-bye.
  11. So you are a liar when you said that Trump destroyed your country.
  12. No, the truth. And why does it matter to you anyway since you are on Mars?
  13. Except that we could never compete with China in a conventional war because of the size of their population. So if we totally give up nuclear weapons what deterrent do we have against Chinese aggression?
  14. No comparison between Trump and Putin. Putin was a ruthless head of the KGB. Putin's ultimate goal is to rebuild the Soviet Union. Trump wants what is best for the American people and expects the leaders of the other countries in the world to want what is best for their people.
  15. Trump will never send troops into Iran, but if they kill anymore Americans we will bomb their fucking country into the stone age.
  16. Does that include Iran who sponsors terrorist organizations in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and many other nations around the world? The person coordinating all those terrorist groups was the general President Trump took out in the drone strike.
  17. And if Iran develops nuclear warheads and ICBMs no country in the world is safe. Especially, with Iran being ruled by fanatical Islamic religious leaders who long for martyrdom.
  18. Trump backed away because no American was killed. Just like he did nothing when Iran shot down our unmanned drone, when Iran attacked oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, and when the Iranians attacked the Saudi oil fields. But when Iran backed militias killed an American contractor and wounded several American soldiers, President Trump ordered strikes on the militia locations, and then when he learned that the Iranian cockroach general was planning larger scale attacks on Americans in the Mideast he took him out with a drone.
  19. The Saudis fear Iran much more than we do, and for good reason. They know Iran's leaders are a bunch of radical religious crazy people. Iran is Shia Muslim, Saudi Arabia is Sunni Muslim. Shia and Sunni have hated each other for centuries.
  20. If you don't watch tv how is it that you claim to know so much about President Trump? Have you met him personally?
  21. So, we will squeeze them with more sanctions until they agree to give up nuclear weapons.
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