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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Everything was quiet in Iran while they developed their ICBMs and prepared for developing nuclear weapons, and at the same time financing and directing terrorist operations in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and numerous other locations around the world. When Iran's general arrived in Iraq he was coming from Lebanon and Damascus. Even though there was a U.N. resolution banning him from traveling out of Iran. that's why I say the U.N. is a joke.
  2. What I now expect Trump to do is offer Iran to join in talks with the U.S. to negotiate a real nuclear agreement that guarantees that Iran will never have a nuclear weapon.
  3. The nuclear deal signed by stupid Barack Obama wasn't worth the paper it was written on . Thank God the U.S. doesn't have someone in charge like the stupid ass wimpy girly man leader of Canada.
  4. If more wars were fought where generals and national leaders are the targets rather than lower level soldiers maybe nations wouldn't be so willing to go to war.
  5. Probably stand by his original promise, IRAN WILL NEVER HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. That's what this whole thing is about.
  6. Maybe there were no American casualties because Khamenei didn't want to end up like his his favorite terrorist general.
  7. Bottom line for President Trump to this whole thing is, we will not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Canadian troops don't do anything anyway. The luckiest thing for the Iranians last night is that they killed no Americans.
  9. She didn't leave much to the imagination when she was in R-1. There was hardly anything sexual that she didn't do during her last month there..
  10. Kristy find a new dick? That would be # what since she came to RLC?
  11. Probably her first time out of Russia. Might be home sick.
  12. No, actually I went over to recurbate.com to watch "Pioposh" videos. Just thought all the Kristy fans would be interested. All I can see in Kristy's room anyway are still snap shots since I don't have a sub.
  13. Get ready. Appears Kristy has her legs properly positioned on her bed for a show all masturbation session.
  14. Yep, that's normal everyday behavior to cleanup up in the kitchen completely nude while wearing deer antlers.
  15. The new management of RLC is so greedy and money hungry that they eliminated the two free cameras in the living room.
  16. That sounds like a reversal of roles from when Kamila and Kristy were in B-1, and Kristy would attack Kami on the couch. lol
  17. So much reality. I mean everyone I know in real life cooks in the kitchen in the nude. LMAO
  18. I don't think there are that many people on here watching because of the house set up.
  19. I see better at recurbate.com and it doesn't cost me any money.
  20. What if the Saudis decide to retaliate for new strikes. Seems to me if Iranians attack Saudi land, then the Saudis are justified in attacking Iranian land. I think Iran will probably do something to disrupt shipping in the Persian Gulf. Maybe sinking a ship to block all traffic.
  21. So were the Japanese in WW II, and numerous times in the history of Vietnam they kicked out the Chinese. Vietnam is now Communist, but the Vietnamese people are Vietnamese before they are Communists, and now China is screwing with them again.
  22. It was a civil war that we should have never been involved in, but the Chinese and Soviets should have never been involved there either. And who was it that got us involved there? It was the beloved Democrats' John Kennedy and Lyndon B.Johnson that got us into that war, and it was actually the hated Richard Nixon who got us out of Vietnam.
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