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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The last thing I would ever call you is a"decent" person. People who apply for admission at U.S. ports of entry are "legal" immigrants.People who just walk across our border are "illegal" immigrants.Is that too much for your leftist,progressive,socialist Marxist full of mush brain to comprehend?
  2. And the policy of not detaining people at the border( catch and release) is a big reason why we have a large illegal immigrant population in our country right now. Illegal immigrants were assigned immigration hearing dates and then released into the U.S. The vast majority of those people just never bother to show up for their hearings,so they illegally remain in the U.S. Right now there is a backlog of approximately 700,000 scheduled immigration hearings for people who entered illegally. President Trump is attempting to end this ridiculous policy by detaining newly arriving illegal immigrants and not allowing them to disappear into the U.S.
  3. You still never answered the question. You gave some long term pie in the sky solution about immigration,but no answer to, "What should the U.S. do with people who illegally walk across our southern border", You still never answered the question of "What should the U.S. do with people who illegally walk across our southern border?",which is an everyday real world happening. You have no solutions to real world problems,just leftist utopian theories which have no basis in reality.
  4. If I were to sail a private yacht to Britain and enter the country without any form of identification,I wonder what would happen to me?
  5. The wall isn't needed??? If the wall isn't needed why are we having this debate about illegal immigration on our southern border? If we had a wall we wouldn't be having this conversation about children in cages and children being separated from their parents,because they wouldn't be in the U.S.
  6. You just told another lie.Policy was not started by Trump.Infact,many of the photos of children in cages posted by the news media were taken in 2014.
  7. I keep asking the question,"When someone illegally walks across our southern border,what should we do with that person?" But no one will give an answer.
  8. I think that was another lie told by Michelle Obama. You mean like Peter Fonda saying Donald Trump's son Baron should be put in a cage with a bunch of pedophiles? That's really going high,isn't it?
  9. Here's my chance to correct your grammar,smart ass. "Know one knows"???? You sure you made it out of kindergarten? You remind of the first class I attended in college.Before the class started I was sitting in the classroom listening to the other students speak to each other,and thought to myself,"these people sound so much more intelligent than me.What am I doing here?" But when it came around to test time I was making As & Bs and those same people were earning Ds & Fs. They were just good bullshitters like you,but were incapable of original thoughts.
  10. Must not disagree with Maturin,he knows everything about everyone and everything.If you don't believe me,just listen to him.😂
  11. Why don't you give the same message to Maturin? And why did you never answer my question when I asked you what we should do with people who illegally walk across our southern border? What is your solution to that problem? And it is you that is the village idiot. Like I said before,you have never had one original thought in your entire life.
  12. You're criticizing me?Go back and read some of Maturin's comments.Or does he get a pass from you just because you agree with his political views and don't agree with mine?
  13. But you never answered my question of "What do you recommend we do with people who illegally walk across our southern border?" Rather, you went off on some long-winded pseudo-intellectual socialist explanation for the cause of illegal immigration.
  14. I forgot,only you know the truth about the whole world. It's that know it all attitude of yours that prevents you from being truly intelligent. You have all the words,but there is no reality to your words.
  15. If you don't believe me that's your problem you ignorant simpleton.It's amazing how you know so much more about my country and my life than I do. And whether or not you believe me is irrelevant because to me you are a nobody and a nothing. You are an unaccomplished elitist prick.You probably actually believe that your shit does not stink. MBA is the abbreviation for Masters in Business Administration.Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration."Thanks once again for displaying your ignorance for everyone to see. Again,you are someone who has never had an original thought in his entire life. You just parrot the liberal.progressive,socialist propaganda that has been driven into your head.
  16. You are one of the people they were talking about.😄
  17. That will never happen because he only uses left wing sources for his info,and those people will never make that court decision known to the public unless they can use it in some way to smear President Trump.
  18. So you're admitting Mueller was appointed to get rid of Trump,never was about investigating Russians meddling in our election. Sorry,but Mueller has no authority to remove Trump.All he can do is present a case to Congress for impeachment and impeachment will never happen,because that is a losing political game for members of Congress. 60,000,000 people voted for President Trump.So dream on,little snowflake.
  19. Except the story of crying Honduran girl was a lie.Check out the true story in the Daily Mail.
  20. Check the story in the Daily Mail about the crying 2 year old Honduran child who was supposedly separated from her mother.See what her father has to say.The media used that girl to sway public opinion in America and across the world. My computer skills are limited,so I don't know how to post the story on here. If possible,could someone else please post the story to this thread.
  21. By "educate yourself",do you mean I should go to a reeducation camp like Mao set up in China? By the way,I'm of one of those stupid ,uneducated Trump followers who has a B.A. in Government and a M.B.A. I just didn't choose to be an elitist,condescending prick like you.
  22. And because there are illegal immigrants available for businesses to hire at low wages,wages for American workers are depressed. Yes, a number of establishment Republicans want open borders so that they have an unending supply of cheap labor and Democrats want open borders so that they have an unending supply of poor new voters.Why do you think both establishment Republicans and Democrats and the news media hate Donald Trump?Because he is a threat to their little game.The American middle class has been shrinking for a number of years because of these policies. P.S. Business tax cuts are business grants. You have a belief in government. I have a belief in individuals.
  23. On Oct.21,2016 the New York Times said that Hillary Clinton had a 93% chance of being elected President of the United States and Donald Trump had a 7% chance of winning. Sounds as if you are about as intelligent about U.S. politics as were the people at the New York Times.
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