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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So if people don't agree with or question what you're saying then they're not listening to you?
  2. Bernie Sanders is a complete and total idiot.Now I know what you are.Bernie Sanders also honeymooned in the Soviet Union when he was married,so that should help people to know who he is.
  3. I'm tired of your stupid talk about fairness.Who are the people who stand for fairness?Name them.
  4. As a matter of fact,Trump has not been ineffectual.Wages are actually rising as his policies begin to rebuild our manufacturing base..And the term "living wage" is nothing but a stupid progressive socialist term that only complete and total idiots like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren use.
  5. Yes,there are both Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC who want to get rid of Donald Trump. That's who make up the Washington DC swamp. This is not a Democrat/Republican thing.This is Donald Trump and working class Americans vs the Washington DC establishment (The Swamp).
  6. Anything presented by CNN is never a known fact.In fact,there is evidence that the downloading of Info from the DNC computer may have been an inside job because of the speed with which the info was downloaded.The info was downloaded too fast to be from an outside hack. Also,why was the DNC computer not turned over to the FBI for investigation when the so called hack was discovered?
  7. Here is another fact for you.Bruce Ohr was an employee of the DOJ working on the Trump investigation and his wife Nellie Ohr at the same time was an employee of Fusion GPS helping to prepare opposition research on Donald Trump for the Clinton campaign.
  8. Why will Rod Rosenstein not turn over documents about the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton to the Congressional oversight committee?What is he trying to hide?
  9. Why are Manafort's dealings with the Ukranians previous to him meeting Donald Trump being investigated by Mueller,but the $500,000 payment Bill Clinton received for one speech that he gave in Moscow not being investigated?What did the Russians expect to get in return for that money? How much money did Russians donate to the Clinton Foundation?Should that not be investigated?
  10. Mueller was not hired to find the truth.Mueller was hired to take out President Trump.
  11. What Thestarider said made perfect sense,but apparently you are too stupid to understand it.
  12. There is much more evidence of the Clinton campaign colluding with the Russians than there is of the Trump campaign colluding.
  13. And Christopher Steele's sources for the Trump dossier were Russian agents. So is that not Russians meddling in the 2016 election on the behalf of the Clinton campaign?
  14. While in the FBI Mueller had a history of convicting innocent people. If you don't believe me check it on the internet.
  15. So is Mueller going to investigate "Russian interference in the 2016 election" connected with the Clinton campaign? And what the hell does the term "related matters" mean,another term for unending witch hunt?
  16. And how many of the jobs created during Obama's reign were full time jobs? Obamacare caused employers to use part time workers in their businesses in order to avoid having to provide the expensive healthcare coverage for the employees.So where a business had one person working full time doing a job before Obama,during Obama's presidency that business would eliminate full time employment and have 2 or 3 part time employees doing the job that one full time employee handled before.
  17. The truth about what?The charges against Cohen have nothing to do with the Russian collusion investigation.
  18. Story on CBS News today,"Cohen under pressure to cooperate with prosecuters." Wonder what kind of lies Mueller wants him to tell to damage President Trump?
  19. Yea,Barack Obama is God! Only to brain dead leftists. And during Obama's presidency wages remained stagnant or declined and the economy experienced almost no growth.
  20. If I were Trump,just before he posed for a photo with Kim I would have said wait a minute while I adjust my eyebrows. 😂
  21. First the left said Trump was going to get us into a nuclear war with North Korea.Now they're complaining that Trump is being too friendly with Kim. Trump hatred runs very deep on the left. LMAO At least Trump didn't give Kim $150 billion like Obama gave to Iran.
  22. At least STNCLD knows that Trudeau is a phony.Need to give him credit for that.☺️
  23. In a vibrant economy the money supply is not static.Increased production results in the creation of new wealth and new money.The money supply can be increased without inflation if you have increased production of goods and services at the same time.Inflation results when you have too many dollars chasing to few products.And depressions and recessions result when there are too few dollars to purchase goods and services.
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