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Everything posted by merz28

  1. maybe Sera is G Spot stimulation only? She will be squeaky clean anyhow
  2. Haha Angel heard that moan from Ginger and she started giggling
  3. I almost get the feeling Sera has never masturbated or touched her own self? Ginger is the instructor here.
  4. I believe the bubbles are Sera's blocking mechanism. Ginger could give a shit less if we saw it all.
  5. but of course add 2 ft of soap bubbles so no one can see the activity
  6. Getting Close to Showtime. Expect B1 to be home fairly shortly. Kinda a dull day on RLC so far.
  7. just a little scratch n rub. tease only to make sure we were watching.
  8. I don't rub my brothers or cousin's inner thighs.....................NEVER!!!
  9. Cam 9 is shit as well. Rest of the site cams seem fine. Blame it on the crap electrical system in that apt.
  10. B2 Cams are crap tonight. Cam 10 keeps on re buffering automatically
  11. OT Anna is getting ready to go out as well. However, Anna tends to do that this time of evening most days anyhow so not drawing many theories on she is meeting B4 or B1 anywhere.
  12. well Sera actually got ready in record time. Don't think they are going to the club because her Shirt/dress barely went past her ass. Plus it was a flannel shirt. Not near enough show for the club.
  13. 20:06 Ginger and Angel ready. Sera...........well not so much.
  14. Maybe headed to B4? Mila is preparing lots of Shrimp over there
  15. Seems about right Ginger and Angel are about 1/2 ready to go out and do something then Sera just starts to get ready. I have noticed this happens a lot. Does not phase her to have people wait for her to do her marry ole' time. time stamp 19:40 when Serra starts. Lets see how long this takes to the time when Sera walks out the door. Over/under anyone? Place your bets.
  16. don't forget the towel Ginger. Have a feeling you may need it with the new toy
  17. we can at least expect a great bate from Ginger tonight though I would expect.
  18. Do I sense trouble in the ice palace? Ginger's room seems to be slightly above 32 degrees
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