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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. English isn’t my first language , whatever I say and write , it is a reflection of how we would be talking face to face and live when you want to share your thoughts with back and forth thoughts .. There’s the ignore button but people seem to “ ignore “ using it , that’s not my fault .. If I am a troll , I wouldn’t create such a controversy when I post 😁😆 .. i have my thoughts and opinions like EACH AND EVERYONE HERE but I am not staying at the shadows ( like hundreds of people that I know they do , some really incredible posters who have disappeared because of people who are expressing themselves negative towards other forum members ) , will speak my mind and i don’t care if it is right or wrong , as I have said , I WILL ALWAYS justify with an argument why I believe an opinion I have .. but people nowadays have forgotten what dialogue means and democracy .. never mind .
  2. According to recent observations concerning the sex life of this nice real life couple ( can we have more like them 😇 ) , Gyana is close to start learning swallowing 😁 … And of course , really much much improved of a sex life for this couple , clearly they started this relationship fresh when then joined RLC and the cameras haven’t been an issue for them to improve it and make it better and better , excellent couple .
  3. Ulyana can easily do g/g shows , but I think apart from Fiora , Olivia and Mimi , Harley has been the one roommate she hasn’t done anything with ..
  4. I speak of what we have seen and try to analyze the on screen happenings and not the “ would he/she “ , “ what if “ and so on .. Aziza slept on his bed when she found have slept on the couch in B7 , she repeatedly accepts his hugs , his kisses , she allows him to sleep on her bed … if this doesn’t speak of a woman that likes this guy for whatever reasons , then i don’t know what else should happen to justify this .. as for the message , she ( Aziza ) asked Ashley how the pool is called in Italian , Ashley said “ piscina “ and if you try and synchronize the messages written by Aziza on when Dylan checks , reads and his later actions ( obviously is a speculation since we can’t see her mobile .. ) but more than incredible high chances that he texted him .. I might be wrong but he also said it to Anthony when he came to his room and they had a brief talk … if I am wrong for these two and what they will be doing , time will tell as always .
  5. Ahh … last but certainly not least 😂🤣😂🤣 Ashley currently my favorite villas tenant ( real , sexy , crazy ) followed by the always one and only Tani and the “ child “ Zara .. Gloria is great too but Ashley is authentic to the bone ( and that’s why these two girls have been viciously characterized , being real , imagine … )
  6. By the way , I hope Aziza is exploding of frustration since she can’t really now how he feels or if she really believes what might answered her .. ( it seems she asked him to go/ join to the pool in B4 earlier as soon as they arrived and she was dancing )
  7. Just for the Dylan haters ( and jealous people 😂 ) … let’s see today .. The guy is feeling sick , he is watching quietly whatever Italian program , the girls come , Aziza texts him to go to B4 kitchen .. Ashley and Gloria come in his room breaking his window ( BRRRRRR🥶🥶🥶 imagine if he WAS MAKING THE MISTAKE to do the same , that would be DylanGate ) and asking him what’s going on and he explains .. Just want to say that enough with the hate to the guys , all of these people they are doing ALL pretty well , living together and MOST OF ALL , they do really seem to have very good relationship .. For whoever is interested , just listen to the conversation in English currently in his room with the girls and speak then about truth , reality and what’s going on and how all of them live …AND HOW PEOPLE WANT TO PRESENT THINHS HERE BEING ALL STAGED , scripted and whatever .. Because if all of these it is how people want to have it in their mind , these people don’t only deserve Oscars but the interplanetary awards of acting … i just think that we need to accept that these people are young , passionate , active of what life is offering to them and they take whatever opportunity comes to enjoy … We would do EXACTLY the same and i challenge anyone to say “ NO , I WOULDN’T “ .. the question that automatically comes in mind is “ CAN YOU ? “ .. because obviously ALL OF THEM ( as we see .. ) THEY CAN .. And now The Master after the dialogue sent them to bed .. BUT IT IS ALWAYS HIS FAULT … the girls simply like him because he is real and he doesn’t pretend or play games .. plain and simple .. and that’s why - if he wants - he can fuck all of them ( EXCEPT the virgins Dana and Zara and the not doing the same mistake Tani … ) …. And let’s see who the two girls who will be visiting the villa on Sunday are ( ex tenants , have lived there , Ulyana and Harley ? 😉😉😉😌 ) …
  8. Very nice that they discovered one of the best series ever “ Prison Break “ .
  9. I think after Linda’s , the best boobs are BY FAR Wednesday’s 😋
  10. I had a girlfriend that she was brain cell affected 😂🤣 as she was smiling for nearly 15 years .. I am a good boy and managed to make her stop 😂🤣😂🤣 .. the stories I have heard from her and the things I got to know has been one of the best experiences I have ever lived in my life ( the girl was 27 -smoking since being 12 then - , I was 35 )
  11. It doesn’t mean that because Carlos and Claire were a certain kind of tenants , Shantal might be the same ( of course she can be even more adventurous 😂 ) .. I never judge how girls go out , we live in a world that nothing is exaggeration anymore , I think she’s just a normal girl and came in Barcelona to enjoy and have some of the best times ever she could .. I think she will with or without the “ influence and guidance “ of C&C .
  12. Weed is fine every now and then , everyday use isn’t good for whatever I know but I have also never made a single joint so I might not be the best to have an opinion about that.. I think she slept , sobered , rested , Dylan went to sleep and surprisingly found her on his bed , the rest is history .. I honestly believe that Ashley really enjoys the guy as a person and Aziza finds him interesting and funny to be around him as he gives her nice feelings in a rather complexity personality that I think she is ( if you notice , she wears always the same pair of shoes when she joins a party , kind of wanting to “ show “ comfort or something ) with many ups and downs ( the girl had absolutely no interest for two months and now she’s really pleasant and nice to watch , at least for me )
  13. It’s a pity referring to the two male tenants as “ monkeys “ , to me , it isn’t only insulting , it is a racist comment like the ones happening at sports events ( basketball and football mostly ) with the negative famous “ ugh,ugh , ugh “ shouts .. the question is simple .. Why do you hate these two guys ? Have they done something to hurt you PERSONALLY ? Do they insult something on you hurting your feelings , personality or life attitude ? And maybe more important , what differentiates you of you that you are also a man THAT YOU AREN’T A MONKEY ? What are you doing different - if you like to share of course - ? I think the characterization “ MONKEYS “ would be a reason for anytime you post something like this for your post to be deleted or at least “ being reviewed “ by the administrators but I am not the site’s “ jury “ … from my side , it is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE the way you post for these two guys .
  14. As you see , since the new additions , lots and lots of things have changed ..they are kind of having asked the people to spend more time outside their rooms , interact as much as possible , socialize and throw gatherings and events .. just think of isolated Kimberly and the two girls before her who were just coming once - twice per week in the room to just stay on their phones … N&B for me are the people behind whatever is happening as they are the “ mean “ between RLC administrators and management in Barcelona and the rest of the colleagues .. imagine then how much explosive it must have been when they decided to delete the footage between Aziza & Bogdan ..
  15. Jealousy is really polite … Thor , what this pure guy was characterized because ( like Bruno but even better ) he fucked the “ everybody loves Holly “ like a champ and like she has never been fucked before and he is now a great boyfriend and a wonderful relationship . Samson who was really working his body to look great and the facial expressions was the thing that disturbed the audience … Now we have Dylan that he fucks and doesn’t care like he needs to be Prince Charm and come on a white horse , flowers and decent behavior… and then , Timur , poor Timur , he simply doesn’t want to share his incredible girlfriend and he is a loser .. Wayne has a mustache in the year 2023 and his girlfriend abandoned him for 1 night , another loser .. And before , Lucian who denied all to be brought on cameras by his girlfriend but he enjoyed being licked by Kim , ohh , what an asshole … ALL THESE MEN they have been / they are enjoying , people are difficult nowadays to accept that others are simply better or they are just guys who can do things easier for a variety of reasons .. and when males can do better that any of us Don Juans and Casanovas and Brad Pit / Leonardo Di Caprio / George Clooney / Bradley Cooper clowns that we are because we can offer more , fuck better , dance better , drink better , behave better and be the Knights shining in our armor , well , Welcome to the Jealousy World 😂🤣
  16. As we said , she’s a friend of Carlos and Claire who are in Barcelona …
  17. As you see , Nelly and Bogdan participate only at BBQ moments , Nelly and Bogdan hardly ever join anything in B4 , in B7 they will occasionally participate , mostly they prefer staying in their “ house / room “… I will say it once again , I truly believe that because of the presence of the two , ALL of the tenants they think a bit more of their behavior not because they have told them that they should be “ cautious “ , it is just that your “ bosses “ happens to be roommates also and the mind “ indicates “ to behave accordingly ..
  18. When they had sex , she was sober and had rested … there was no alcohol involved , it was pure fun and she liked it .. I think last night she wanted and she had no problem but as I kept on saying , maybe she has her period .. and she told him “ tomorrow “ … once masturbating , having sex or whatever adult content , it will happen again… let’s see when .
  19. He will be back , the presence of the female friend has made things more complicated and difficult to decode what actually goes on..
  20. You have had with Mrs.Naga thousands of beautiful moments like this , if once or twice she’s now ( and you ) fall asleep , I think it’s more than accepted 😏😉
  21. I don’t say that you might be wrong though but it simply didn’t look to me like there were messages 😇 and that’s just my personal interpretation of what happened .
  22. The worst thing that can happen I think is what we witnessed with Elettra and Raniya and the guys which caused so many troubles and signaled the downfall of Raniya’s presence as she was a really bad tenant frok that day and onwards .
  23. He was just translating to her because they can’t communicate good in English .. he was writing i believe with live translation .. I don’t think anyone was texting .
  24. He only cares to fuck but it doesn’t mean that sleeping next to her without sex , suddenly he wants to marry her .. she knows she has fucked the B7 girls and she’s fine with that , she likes him because he is a fun character and they can share good times .. I don’t know how difficult is for people here to understand that the most important for all those people who share and met there is to have and enjoy good company .. look how many things are happening as soon as there’s good vibes and chemistry amongst the majority of b4/B7 tenants .. Aziza and Ashley like Dylan for whatever he is , I don’t know how more clear this can be seen .
  25. She’s smiling and enjoying the attention , all the rest is just a nice teasing / warming up game to make it even nicer and enjoyable .. if nothing happens is not because she doesn’t want but most probably female monthly reasons ..
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