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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Please continue in this rhetoric so we are “ saved “ once again by you ( ups , did I forget to mention ? I just fed the troll again 😔 )
  2. Yes .. I am expecting you and your sources that you know about the prostitutes , the sluts and the drug dealers to come out loud and post what’s your opinion and then I can confirm .. you are not only a joke but your desperate posting to gain sympathy by pointing at me is ridiculous ( ups , I just fed the troll 😂🤣😂🤣 )
  3. Hello Fatboy .. at least I watch and have an opinion .. stay with your hallucinations and illusions and your sources .. careful with your posts and I wish you a nice evening ( aka don’t feed the trolls - how much a pain in the ass I am for you and the damage I have made in your ALMIGHTY FATBOY IMAGE 😂🤣😂🤣 )
  4. Ulyana was / is an all time fan favorite , my opinion is that the rest of the girls gave her the space she needed for her shows and whatever adult contribution she would do .. Olivia is always there as her loyal and faithful companion , Fiora simply loves to be part of RLC as we have seen of her reactions and Harley was fantastic as a newcomer … In general , the on going chat here concerning the girls and the apartment proves crystal clear the popularity of the girls and that RLC lost a really big investment that had on them .
  5. I can’t add more than what you say about Ulyana , I think she was just carrying RLC on her shoulders since the rejoin , Olivia , Fiora and Harley for sure added with their 100% commitment to the project and their duties , respecting everyone who pays their whatever subscription .. I am sure we will see them again , the question isn’t were but when …’
  6. I think she was describing briefly and later she will do with details how she spent her +24 hours away from her prison , with who and if it was nice or not 🤨
  7. When it is part of your addiction and you are a “ Pro “ , piece of cake 😄
  8. This “ prison “ here is an escape of more than 2,000,000 people in 9 months here ( March - November ) .. why should we leave it when we have it for free while all of these 2 million pay much money to be inhabitants in this prison ?
  9. The more the slow death occurs , the more the bank account increases ..
  10. I never characterized anyone as stupid and please don’t put words in my mouth that I never said . For the rest , perhaps the people who are the only ones that could reveal the info will post if they wish .
  11. And again , your opinion much much appreciated as it is also mine for whoever is taking the opportunity to read it .. I am impressed that your “ fire “ hits exclusively me and no one else that inhabits the forum with the same passion as you are posting your thoughts .. I am glad you like the repeated ( boring for my taste and standards ) content , allow me to have a different approach please and the chance like everyone else here to express my disappointment .. I wished you a great Sunday in the morning and I wish you a nice evening for the time being .. and don’t worry , the woman who has pleasured herself for more than 3,000 times ( if the statistics go in a precise mathematical way ) will deliver one later for the worshipers ..
  12. RLC will try for the scenario you suggest ..
  13. I don’t know everything but I know much of what’s happening .. when the time passes and the dust is settled , we can reveal more .. I know exactly as much as for whoever is posting at Leora’s thread and gives information with what’s discussed in her phone calls and messages and so on .. and as they do there , the info will be revealed in time ..
  14. 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪 you are so right … welcome anytime you want “ in my prison “ .. enjoy free …
  15. With all due respect , I know many more details of why this place has been closed and what’s going on “ off cameras “ and in the background and it isn’t as you say “ I knew they would soon close the apartment “ .. they just renovated the place , they invested with new tech by adding two new cameras and they brought 3 very popular tenants with one of them being in the top 5 fan favorites ever . I won’t go into details of what has really happened and what is on the current state happening behind the cameras in order for the girls to be back but just think that the girls weren’t listed as temporary and they were supposed to be permanent residents .. and since you are a regular poster at Leora’s thread , the girls were more or less under the same status of residency like Leora is in Prague ..
  16. It’s a pity and disappointing that - again - we lose 4 girls that they brought this refreshing aura that was needed , in one month they did whatever they have done in the previous 10 months the whole of RLC Barcelona GOV tenants , except Tesla and Elian who were the ones that gave the boost needed .. All I can say is the following .. it is a pity that the villa has been accommodating such “ silent “ and “ uninterested “ in providing content tenants since the departure of Megan / Holly and the arrival of the twins , Nana and also the eternal stay of Nelly and Bogdan .. it is incredible that the villa remains without action and 4 girls ( plus Tesla and Elian earlier in the year ) that really shook things up with their creativity , fun , spontaneous and originality , being generous and offering so much to lose the apartment and - apologies to their fans - we instead stay with the likes of Lola , Mila and Anna whose their contribution is making you really wonder how they couldn’t take some days of arranging things and move the B1 girls on B2 or in the villa and keep them in the project ..
  17. And to apologize to the good people of this thread here , the characterization “ joke “ goes for the immediate , as I have been posting again and again , return of Leora in the apartment only to see for the millionth of time nothing else than grabbing her phone , camera angle perfect for the views and her spending endless time back in the apartment only to repeat escaping her prison and with the mind still and always at the outside activities with her mobile ..
  18. Let the joke continue … and @masterchef56 , hope you got rested and took some energy by not watching the “ Pro “ , so you can do your part of the job as your Queen does 🤠🤡🤠😂🤣😜🤪 😏.. and we are all looking forward to your “ masterpiece “ of posting at the respective thread later in the evening ( don’t worry , I won’t report you for spamming 😱🤯😫 )
  19. Apartment off the list but not any official news update of what’s happening ..
  20. When you love someone and you have addiction to him , it is the most difficult thing to do even knowing that you are right .. Gina knows but she can’t . We have all been in toxic relationships , we know that it destroy us but we always hope .. that’s real life .
  21. Let’s see if we get the trick or treat part at Masha’s place early morning Monday hours now that the couple is gone …🤩🥳😉
  22. Moos54 gave you 5-6 back and forth chats with you and explained yesterday , when someone is so stubborn like you , there’s nothing more that we can do than being in an endless loop making tired and angry the rest of the people who read and contribute here . We disagree completely , it is perfectly fine , let’s move on .
  23. I think it is the much sun and sea that I get here that might be affecting me 😂🤣 . We don’t agree of the way we approach RLC for starters and that’s perfectly fine since this is the great thing with this site , everyone watches it for his own reasons. But all the posts made , either positive or negative , are based on the criteria that each and any individual of us has watching RLC . Therefore we simply disagree and it isn’t about any weeds or joints or whatever .
  24. I might have 10 people disagree with me and my beliefs for RLC but you have 100 pissed off members here that you manage all the time to test their patience with your beliefs . I prefer then to be the optimistic , even if i am wrong at times to have the guts and come out with a post and admit it because I get the chance to see it since I pay rather than basing my posts , reactions and forum contribution on subjective theories since you can’t create your own opinion by watching . Other than that , as I have said to you many times , we agree in some things , the things we disagree are epic endless but at least our dialogues always occur in a civilized and respectful way and for me that’s the most important .
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