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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Maybe I should have limited “ the shy “ explanation referring as a “ predictable “ to the masturbation sessions which indeed she was very generous as of course she still is . But I remember many many times the comments posted here that Gina won’t go further , she won’t do other than bating till as I said , the moment she started having sex on cameras , she never stop . But all in all , you are fair with your comment and it is my bad ☺️
  2. You see ? You base your posts without knowledge of what has transpired .. someone says she hides and no nudism and you take that into accounts..I guess the fake news era expands easily at a site that there are luckily other members who can prove differently than the fake news category ..
  3. She also took a shower without being shy at all and to be honest with you , she seemed quite “the playful one “ even with Karol in the bedroom when they came back ( not forgetting of course her good relationship to her ) .. you also need to remember that no other than Gina used to be that shy girl once who wouldn’t do more than anything easily predicted before transforming to this great sexual lover that she currently is .
  4. Think of what you wrote , analyze better why things that you mention happen or not , see better and more analytically who “ frequents “ this thread and give yourself all the answers and explanations of why it happens whatever happens here with my posts .. Before wishing you a nice Sunday , wonder and ask yourself why no one who complains at other apartments and posts negatively for other tenants and apartments never pays a visit to post here to comment and in addition where in the CC world have been disappeared so many CC members who have been commenting here for many many years .. then your answers and what you tried like “ a broken record “ to state for my contribution here can be answered .. stop being obsessed of what I am writing here and being one of the last ones who call the things with the realism that they are rather than “ cuddling “ a total to the viewers disrespectful tenant that you are ignoring to see .
  5. Fast pace tidying up her room by Daniela and refreshing .. perhaps a late night visitor ?? 😋😋😋🤩🤩🤩
  6. Excellent bate from Daniela ,lots of pleasure tense to it , I could think that she is kind of “ sex hungry “ at the moment , the “ head crash “ on the bed while reaching her orgasm , the instant camera look while kissing her toy and the lick of her fingers soon after , very remarkable .. well done with a great beginning .. Nana was also great but I think the attention was mostly on Daniela and how she would be performing .. meanwhile at B5 , this guy Maksim can become the male X factor if Leia and him seem to prove that they are a very open couple .. but let’s see..
  7. Terrible synchronization 😂🤣 or a head to head competition already even at the same apartment ?? Ahh , nah , don’t think so , I believe they just haven’t checked their phones before starting ( which is great 😇 )
  8. This thread here has the biggest numbers of CC members that watch only this apartment , this for me is the category that I am referring to .
  9. I think Radislava has expressed or showed interest to make a relationship with a woman .. you could even say she fall in love with Stella .. money or not ( most probably money for sure ) , as long as it comes naturally on screen and not forced , even if being a combination ( money and natural attraction ) , I can’t see why it shouldn’t be ( except of course you also think that Nelly and Martina was fake … )
  10. It might have been mentioned but not so much time to go back at the forum , with Daniela’s presence in Radislavas room ( an excellent development and a fantastic hopefully start of a great friendship that can even lead to exciting interactions between the two and not only that .. ) , we simply forget teasing and naked Radi 😂🤣👻👻 I can’t even remember when Radislava wouldn’t be naked inside her room , I think that even with Stella she was braless or similar ..Anyway , I do hope that both girls build a great friendship , they will for sure benefited by it and for sure we , the subscribers , will be also winners .. and as for Radislava’s initial disappointing thoughts of moving to the villa and her almost a week thinking if she should quit or not , well , dear Radi , I hope you learn that patience is always the key in life for good things to happen 🤠😉😉😇😎
  11. Then you would have seen Radi preparing packing since a week or more 🤡
  12. I watch also the other apartments so I don’t belong to this category that they watch only this place , I am satisfied at times at other apartments and sometimes is also boring and unwatchable .
  13. For whatever matters , earlier’s H&A session should be considered as a big surprise since very few to almost none of residents that officially go off contract perform anything except being nude ( taking showers , changing clothes , etc . ) .. for whatever matters , I think H&A respected the subscribers and were really good tenants till the very last moment and well done to both of them for their contribution 👏
  14. Yes .. that’s what I meant , maybe wrong use of English language 😬 , there’s no point to pack the food if they were traveling .. so , the question is if the life for them in Barcelona continues under cameras or not at the other place ..
  15. Maybe this thread and the hardcore supporters can finally realize that Leora doesn’t give a shit ( not for RLC because she actually validates her contract obligations for her employer , that is to live in an apartment with cameras ) but to the members who pay as I can’t honestly think - and I have asked this dozens of times - what she gives to the subscribers except a big “ fuck you all my poor peasants “ by systematically living her life and all of the things that a subscriber might be interested in watching outside .. and I don’t mean that she shouldn’t obviously , but at least a 5-10-15% could be taking place and shared inside the apartment .. honestly , what’s the point that Leora is still under contract by RLC since she isn’t happy with her life in the apartment ? Ahh .. WAIT ..I figured it out again .. yes yes , people will tune in to see her taking care of her beauty and kitten , her 3,678th masturbation session with either Mr.Pink , Mr.Black , or with whatever ( fingers .. ) , they will tune in to watch Leora with beautiful ass and Leora ironing and cleaning .. long live the Queen and her absolutely incredible , interesting , full of controversies and real life events in front of our screens for each and everyone of us who pays so she can indeed live like a Queen in beautiful Prague .. as we say here , with other people’s money , you can create an empire . And that is what clever Leora has done .. but all empires , as history teaches , fall , collapse or lose their dominance .. let’s see how the end of Leora’s empire will occur in front of our screens and when .
  16. But for you , she’s the “ Queen “ ..🙄
  17. It looks like a complete “ cleaning “ of the apartment , definitely then I would say that they move in a new place , they could either leave the kitchen things for the new tenants ( if this apartment of course stays online - but then what would mean the renovation and the new cameras if they were to shut it down after a month ? - ) but they seem to pack everything . I think by 1st November we know what happens .
  18. I think sometimes we are not enjoying and we are arguing / worrying for people that wouldn’t give a shit for us and we invest too much of our energy and thinking , kind of escaping our daily worries by adapting the troubles of others that unless they were daily in our screens , we wouldn’t give a damn , exactly as most probably the majority does to our neighbors who indeed sometimes might need our help but we don’t watch their lives so as to know when to really worry and be there to help . The sea and blue sky always “ clears “ the mind and gives peace , it was a tensed week not even at this thread but in while CC , so , a photo like this can reestablish perhaps even for a short period our daily lives routines that can also be great and interesting 😇 and to be honest much more interesting and way far better than the lives of all of these people that we daily watch .
  19. Having no idea also of what’s going on , I will also add one comment and say that it might be that we indeed get a new apartment and this theory is based on the increase of monthly subscription that went up 10€ .. new apartment then and perhaps new tenants in B1 .. let’s see .. all these clothes and suitcases for only one month of residency it can’t be plus the list of “ permanent “ at the main site as singles / roommates it might has to do with the new era of RLC , making Barcelona the new “ hub of operations “ , kind of what we had in Russia and we start slowly getting apartments in Barcelona .. let’s see .
  20. Well , since I read a lot about rain and bad weather across Europe , here’s our part of the “ story “ with a photo taken just 2-3 minutes ago 😁 We still enjoy and sorry for the teasing for good reasons this time 😜🤪😝😂🤣
  21. What is it that you don’t understand and you want to persuade your ego ? There was a birthday party, the famous song was played and sung by the girls wishing for her birthday ( of course now that I write this I forgot that you don’t pay ) … why do you want to satisfy the script and fantasy you have in your mind ? Yea , we get it what RLC should be for you and the way you want things to happen . Obviously since the content isn’t satisfying , stop saying again and again and again what a site that you don’t pay to watch , aka as not being able to demand , would like to provide for you . In order to have guests the way you think and fantasize , you first need to live permanently somewhere in order to have developed a social circle . The girls are not even a month or so in Barcelona , apart from some previous “encounters” let’s say of their past tenancies , they haven’t as it seems and in such a short notice established the circle so as to satisfy your request . And even if it was so , apparently they asked for permission in order to organize this at the villa which inevitably creates the speculation that maybe the B4 girls didn’t want any further than what happened or the B1 wanted simply to celebrate with their colleagues and hopefully establish some friendships as many of them met for the very first time last night . I know I am a pain in the ass by making long posts but I don’t have this , in limits of mania , endless and pointless repeat of posts that you make all the time in which I don’t even know what you aim to .. is it that you want that they change so as to become a member again ? Is it because you want to see sex all of the time ? Is it because you simply want to appear and make posts of something you don’t watch because you have nothing more important to do in your life ? At the end , what’s going on with you dedicating and analyzing with so much passion and determination thoughts and opinions of a product and a site that disgusts you ?
  22. Go on guys .. protest .. and protest again and come here to show and express your ignorance of what you wish to watch .. Yesterday it was Olivia’s birthday party celebrated in a themed way in the villa . Everyone looked great , they did things for themselves , at the same time sharing with the people who pay watching the most they can from their private lives , being decent and not making it / transforming this to a what could be pseudo lesbian show , synchro / stereo masturbation and I don’t know what else .. It is funny that you are all paying to watch RLC for porn obviously , at least according to the post and comments kind of “ boring “ ,” nothing happened “ , “ no action “ , “ crap , “ bullshit “ and the list of characterization goes on and on of the total ignorance you have of why you have chosen to pay a site like RLC and not get the easy free porn of all of the styles you wish without paying so easily .. or isn’t it so ? Isn’t this that you want ? To only watch sex , orgies and threesomes and lesbians and anal and bdsm and all ? Please buy yourselves a subscription to whatever site that it is even cheaper than RLC to watch things like the ones mentioned and don’t worry , when you do so , the girls will come with a BIG BIG “ we are sorry guys “ that we have a life that we want to live and try to share with you and we don’t only fuck , masturbate , run around naked as you want as to do .. Yes , the girls have been so boring and not interesting because they didn’t end up giving to the lost souls and lonely individuals here the chance to put their hand on their dicks and masturbate for their before going to bed daily routine .. and as for my good friend LE GRAND FATBOY 😂🤣😂🤣 , it seems that your loneliness becomes a desperation more and more that you start hallucinating things and by not knowing me at all, creating posts that they look kind of worrying .. but what do I know as Dr.Phil 😂😂😂🤣
  23. This has been the trickiest week of them all.. From the tears , the sympathy , the bad times and melancholy , the worry of so many people here and the genuine concern I believe from many that simply don’t post but watch their favorite tenant , to a complete change of mood as the week was progressing , masturbations , buying or renting clothes to enjoy her private life as she has decided to places and with people she feels happy and she can be herself , in general , a week from sadness to happiness ,( I don’t really know at the end if it was as bad as she might “ communicated “ with her on camera performances ) , ending with the usual result we see , hmm, how many months or years in this apartmetn now ? Another escape of the prison and off to new adventures 😂🤣😂🤣 But of course , I need to feel bad or I can expect broken record gifs again because I express my displeasure when recently we have been watching how it is to celebrate in front of cameras without exaggerations , just with good and smiley happy feelings and vibes .. The worst thing is that this woman now is only being watched as a sex tool , she’s here to be observed , commented and discussed for nothing more than a sexual object rather than the human being she is ( obviously out of apartment she transforms to the woman that she wishes and she wants to be therefore nobody understands why in the world she continues doing the opposite of what she prefers to have her life ahh, wait , 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 … )
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