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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Revealing the proof is as equal for the site rules to give the Instagram account of both girls or the Vk account of Malia in public . Therefore , I will go as you say and admit that it is an estimation then so as to keep the people who support your counter arguments towards mine . Everyone can make its own conclusions of what’s written here and by whom . You are more years than me here , you are obviously a Leora’s supporter and fan more years than me , therefore I step back and call it “ estimation “ as per your wish .
  2. 3-5,000€ in Prague per month guarantee , have no idea about the money in Russia .. if you think that she abandoned her ( ex ) BF and her beloved dog because she wasn’t making much money there and she had to relocate in Prague for financial reasons or it is a coworker different think , excuse me , but you are also trying to give an excuse ( speculation ) … other than that , we don’t speak the same language and i don’t understand what you need to say … I have no proof about anything ( except the money in Prague ) but believing that she abandoned her life in Russia except for the money , even being the biggest speculation , it would have been the biggest deny of truth for the way I see the way of life and the years of Leora in the project .. at the end , we don’t agree , that’s totally fine and as you can’t persuade me with your sayings , I can’t obviously make you think that what I am saying might be true .
  3. The whole forum works in this way … things are said by many sources , it is up to anyone here that reads to accept the views and opinions posted or deny them and reject them . So simple as that … I don’t understand your frustration when you many times you speak like “ she must have …” or “ she might have “ and so on in your posts .. and editing my post .. isn’t it a fact that Leora left her “ big love Paul “ for the life in Prague ? Hasn’t she left behind her dog Eva ? Where the facts aren’t as seen and presented ?
  4. These are the facts and exactly as you say .. they will still tell you that she left because of the financial status in her country … although she had made much money in order to support a life in Russia easily .. it is what it is ☺️😇
  5. I don’t think that there are many - long time Leora observers and realists - that could say anything different 😎😇
  6. Tereza for example also appeared long time ago but look now with her being a tenant and with a BF and some great sex sessions .. it all depends the mood and the period that a repeater enters .. look at Gina also 👽
  7. 5th or 6th consecutive day that Leora appears and vanishes many times during the day .. for sure a period that tons of things concerning the future of this apartment is being arranged and happening outside ..
  8. The only person that Leora gives the more attention is only herself … 😏
  9. Still , i believe that she has been staying for so long with RLC only because she’s living permanently in Barcelona . She is , after Leora , equally or more obsessed with the cameras and the top camera views .. and sorry to say , even if i am bored with Leora and have stated it repeatedly even at the respective thread , Radislava has shown not even 20% of what Leora has done .. I would expect more things from her , in general she has been a good tenant but a strange one and for sure could “ give “ more to the viewers , taking into account that she knows people outside of the apartment . Pam in comparison to Radi , she was the top master chef’s recipe while Radi can be just a nice breakfast or dessert 😇
  10. Between K&S and this one , I try to understand what’s the service to the RLC audience by keeping live these two apartments .. except if there’s a special deal that RLC wants to help financially all these 4 individuals with the benefits they get being on cameras and can use their real life financial incomes for their personal purposes .. for example , both Kitty and Miru had both plastic surgeries while being tenants , definitely RLC income has helped for that as being an extra source ..
  11. Tesla and Elian who came from Ukraine in the Barcelona villa , they used the same pattern as they were traveling 3 days by bus , in any case , there are some traveling ways that can solve visa worries for the future .. of course just a speculation of what keeps Malia in the apartment , even though it seems that there’s absolutely no stress issues either by Malia or Leora and the way the situation is handled .. I would say that it is all already fixed and some people here know the whole details and what actually goes on , but like this the chat here continues with possibilities , I for one keep on speculating for example 😂🤣
  12. Maybe she goes all the way and enter Russia by car , like this lots of visa issue problems can be saved 😉
  13. You are right my good friend ☺️😇😂 … after all , it seems that all RLC business is in panic since Malia is abandoning the project and might be that all employees , from the top of management till the very last one are working towards making her departure to have the less possible consequences for viewers , roommates and so on 🙃🤓🥳
  14. A general comment as I have said repeatedly recently in the forum , concerning the women when they turn 30 years old . It looks like a strange “mind button “ starts flashing and warning them , “ what am I going to do with my life ? “ , “ when am I going to be a mama ? “ , “ how will my job opportunities allow me to have a decent income so as to have a rather decent way of living ? “ , “ what happens if I fall in love again ? “ , “ what priorities in life should i deal with first ? “ and simple questions like this one that life experiences and events have proved me happening with women of that age , it is kind of a unique female reacting behavior , it can’t be explained , but it is happening .. Can it be that Masha started wondering about all of these ? Can it be that after managing in a fantastic way the lockdown and curfew times during Covid restrictions that now the mind in a strange way reacting to all of that ? We will be getting the answers sooner or later ☺️
  15. RLC cares so much for this apartment and its tenants that don’t even bother , 48+ plus hours later to simply press a software button and take away off screen the holidays notification for K&S … RLC in a really bad period currently ..
  16. Pff … the “ 2 out of 4 “ musketeers started making their emoji appearances in the forum , I guess the popularity of the thread the last two days without their contribution has been hurting their egos 😒😞😔😟😕🙁☹️😩…. It was nice and quiet and a great exchange of posts , lots of members contributed and had even one post to comment and simply say their opinion , right or wrong , doesn’t matter .. I guess “ Protecting the Queen “ will be happening till she decides to give her crown to the next one and they will vanish instantly as their protective services won’t be needed anymore 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪😛😝
  17. I only know that she’s was showing her tits to the guy that is named Dennis here at the forum … but wait , she was drunk 🥴😯🙄 … of course , this doesn’t mean anything , or does it ? It will be fun to see if big love Paul visits or suddenly changes his life priorities and decides suddenly to reside in the Czech Republic also , will Leora introduce the now famous guy called by the nickname “ LB “ to Paul and telling him that she is so grateful that at the difficult times during Covid in Prague was keeping her company and was lifting up her spirit with nice talks and company that she has always wanted ? Or will she be doing things behind his back and perhaps keeps contact with him without introducing to Paul or even deleting him once and for all from her life as soon as Paul reappears ? ( that a master camera controller will be able not to be seen ) ? Will she introduce Paul to the female salon friends or whoever friendships she has made in Prague ? Or is she jealous that the girls there might flirt Paul ? 🤔 And , will we see again the guy under the name of Dennis visiting Leora and Paul in the apartment or Paul won’t allow ( or Leora perhaps with Paul wouldn’t like that he stays over while in Prague ? ) Some of many speculating questions concerning the future of this place , trying to connect the dots of the recent past with the possible upcoming future and Paul’s visit ( permanent or long / short temporary stay ) …
  18. Can it be that Masha is preparing her big exit from RLC ?? …….
  19. What for sure is a definite thing and perhaps one more reason of the most talking thread/ apartment in whole of CC the last two days , it is the simple fact that we are watching things that nobody has seen coming , the unpredictability of actions , the dynamics with Malia still caring to compensate and offer the pleasure to her fans ( possibly a big thank you for embracing her and accepting her , with such a difficult task to be matched in all with RLC’s top star in the history of the site ) , the continuous on and off appearances of Leora in the apartment , I could easily say that unless we had seen her packing , we could never explain what’s going on in this apartment . With many conclusions that i personally have by observing whenever was possible this apartment and reading the forum here , I will only say that jimbo proved accurate with his post already some months ago and actually nobody backed him up on that ( at least I can’t remember any other poster ) that Leora was indeed looking forward to send Malia away and be finally alone so as to welcome once again big love Paul .. It only remains to find out if Malia is exiting RLC with her will or she’s forced for other reasons , this , to be honest , two days now and I haven’t actually understood . The following weeks will explain much of current days happenings
  20. I expressed my admiration to Lola some days ago and I was asked why .. well , find me a woman of her age that her body looks so stunning like hers and that she takes care of it to maintain it in that shape and then I will rest my case 😂🤣 Absolutely gorgeous Lola for whoever loves bodies of such analogy like hers , legs , tits , ass , no cellulite .. great ☺️
  21. It needed only a major event to happen so finally this thread obtains again the glory of the past , with the many opinions from different posters , it is also not a surprise or a coincidence that this has happened because the usual suspects who have destroyed the great exchange of opinions and ideas , have been not visible with their opinions , perhaps they have nothing to say , they are even more speechless than the majority of the forum here 😂😆 A great thread to post the last 48 hours even if it concerns the departure of a mixed reaction and feelings long stay tenant , but .. since there have been so many posts and comments , she was never indifferent to say the least
  22. It’s human nature also that people invite friends at home to enjoy a nice chatting evening , with a cup of tea or coffee , in the balcony with a glass of wine and so on .. Leora and human nature things happening while she’s in Prague it is very questionable by me ..
  23. He will then make a good profit tonight I guess 😎
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