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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Can we finally see the full potential for Vivian ? Welcome to the new guy 😉🙈
  2. No , but it might be at the respective section of the forum posted by other members ☺️
  3. Perfectly right 😉🤗👏🥳🤩 look for example , 5 minutes ago real life from the beach 😋😋
  4. No apologies 😁it is the truth .. but we survived as we always did 😉 at least , if RLC was hiring greek , it could be less numbers for the unemployment agency 😂🤣
  5. I think they did quite a lot , Olya had some great bates , Diane also .. they were actually GOV with the meaning of word we have been introduced since the Barcelona apartments were revealed . We had shows , teasing , I think it wasn’t only the last weeks .. the last couple of weeks I think was the completion of the participation of both these two women going to the ultimate exposure level .. Only Holly and then Elian and Tesla could be matched of what has been offered as far as sexual content is concerned
  6. If it was this easy , I guess it wouldn’t be a problem for RLC HQ to do as you suggest .. plus it would explode the CC’s threads as nearly everyone could help with translations 😂😆 Never forget that this is a project first thought by Russian people and that is based on the popular in the ‘00s reality show “ Behind the Glass “ 😉
  7. Vivian is underestimated .. I can’t prove but she wouldn’t hesitate for full camera exposure things .. I guess we will never find out unfortunately 😔
  8. It is as you said , from even greater “magic “ last year with Diane , Kim , Olya and the slow show insertion of stunning Alexandra and Lucian to this incredible boredom 😡🤬😡🤬 And where ? In the most amazing place of them all , the villa , that almost everyday should be at least a party or happenings day ..
  9. RLC supervisors on holidays .. preparing the happenings for the big end of august acts 😁 curious which tenant will be the one that all eyes and posts will be centered .. prediction ?? None of the current cast , expect most posts for the new arrivals 😉 and maybe , just maybe , hmm .. One of the twins …
  10. She has shown her amazing skills repeatedly on camera 😉 Stay tuned and you won’t be disappointed .. 😋😎
  11. Thank you for knowing the thinking of someone you have never met in your real life and never exchanged face to face talks for any other real life subject except the opinions posted in this forum that deals a lot with sexual acts 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 But I forgot , you are Scutus the Great , the one of the 4 musketeers ( might I call you Aramis ? ) that whenever other forum members appear and have actually anything to oppose concerning the daily habits of the tenant known as Leora ( the undisputed Queen of all times in the history or RLC ) and she can’t obviously have a voice for herself so as to defend her image , people like you somehow , someway will pop up in order to be the protectors 😂🤣😂🤣 Maybe you are one of Leora’s IG followers or that she follows . And again , what an amazing person you are knowing the way i think . Aramis and Scutus the Great , always humble Sir . 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  12. I have also seen them since a month or so sometimes not using a condom , I haven’t observed them recently so as I can say that this is now what’s happening .. perhaps this indicates that they aren’t a couple for such a long time ( more than a year let’s say ) and that their relationship might have evolved within RLC .. condoms use for me have always been mostly a matter of trusting your partner rather than medical or whatever other issues .. in any case , winter is coming , money is flowing no matter what from RLC for this couple , boobs enlargement has been a proof of financial comfort , let’s see what comes next ☺️
  13. I can’t prove anything , but the way I can conclude some observations made in this apartment , 1st ) I highly doubt that Malia would have quit her RLC presence if the male friend that she had in Prague was still part of her life , 2nd ) there are reasons that we can’t explain ( and by the way it is funny that none has given explanations although they know more facts than actually things are written here , considering the posts here that were made from hardcore Leora fans , that Malia was due for a short stay and there was never an explanation why she stayed so much more and how she managed to extend in general her stay - I don’t personally believe that it was due to Covid , any native could travel back to his/her country of origin after a certain period ) on how Malia seems to have extended her stay and just like that deciding to go back , when there have been absolutely no hint posts from people here that this was in her mind or not being referred even at any of the talks she had inside the apartment with leora ( of course here and in the thread , in comparison to other apartments , many things are confirmed with posts from various posters only when it is more obvious that it can’t be different , many people here serve as per Leora’s wishes , that no info is revealed so as a kind of protection ) and 3rd ) in my humble opinion and pure 1000% speculation theory , i believe that Leora has persuaded Malia to stay more in the apartment when she met her male friend in the Czech Republic ( the one who is known by the alias LB ) so as she could enjoy her first getting to know this guy moments outside of the apartment ( as it was never her intention to present him on cameras ) , she needed time , Malia could give it to her by occupying the apartment and not being a continuous empty place ( i highly doubt that Malia was ever explained this from Leora ) , the unpredictable then happened and Malia met also a guy which complicated the whole happenings in the apartment . Ultimately , the insertion of shows which became a 3-4 times per week habit , was the only way that the apartment could keep the Interest to the subscribers as for both girls the real feelings and mind occupation has been clearly on how to live their life outside of the apartment while managing when inside the apartment not to fail their fan club .. I believe Leora “ used “ Malia so as to achieve her establishment as a permanent resident in Prague , managed - and still does - to enjoy her real life with this male friend by avoiding strict criticism of “ What the hell is she doing “ which at the end makes it totally interesting on how things will be from now and how Leora will be keeping the interest in this apartment . Leora as has been mentioned , isn’t the same Leora from Russia , for sure her interests are outside of this apartment , she was managing for more than a year to hide her real life from the viewers by having Malia distracting the audience but now ?? But Leora is a master manipulator and an expert of cameras world , i am looking forward for her revelation of her next mastermind plan .. I will miss Malia only for one thing , this is that I never personally managed to see her full potential as a character and personality as she was always under Leora’s shadow and didn’t take any initiative and say “ hey guys , it’s me , Malia , and I will make you see things that will blow your mind “ but I feel happy that she manages to escape this camera world and I do hope she succeeds in her future real life endeavors ( although i wouldn’t be surprised if Leora’s influence is so much upon her resulting seeing her again rather sooner than later ) …
  14. Odysseus has much time till he finds the way to this apartment , so , no problem actually 😂🤣
  15. We will always disagree ( which is perfectly fine and we both present the situation with reasonable arguments I think 😇 ) concerning this apartment and the way that the real life of these two people is broadcasted . I have many times tried to “ connect “ with them as a viewer let’s say , but unfortunately they haven’t “ won “ me as a viewer / subscriber to dedicate let’s say a full hour or a serious amount of replay watching them . The biggest reason is exactly the one you mention , that they both have a timetable that fills the day resulting for both of them not spending common time together , apart from a couple of days of the week when either of them has day off and they spend time at home ( that I believe they should also take time off the apartment and do something together outside in a restaurant or a park , simple relationship things for a couple that loves one another very much as you say ) . I find their sex life horrible , Mirukawa can be a sex machine and a woman that can explode and erupt if her erotical senses get triggered in the right way . The fact that many times they use condom , it’s one more reason that I can’t understand the relationship they have ( i can’t actually remember in my life knowing people that after such a long time together they would keep on having sex with condom , so it might be reasons that are more serious than a possible pregnancy for example ) . I agree with your points that in general standards it is real life , but this exactly real life of this couple it is the perfect example for my taste and way I see life and even the way that I imagine me being with my GF that I would simply never like to have . It is practically a “ we see one another “ whenever possible , no passion , not being able to enjoy common habits with my girl , not able to spend times together with common friends and not when possible for only one of them ( or under a lot of pressure due to work for the other ) , well , perhaps it is a great real life apartment showing how real life amongst a couple should never be … As always , the way I see it and as said in the beginning , very happy we disagree on that . Perhaps you have the Central European way of seeing things ( more realistic and cynical ) than my southern way ( more spontaneous , unpredictable and passionate ) 😇😂
  16. Explanation greeted with big 👏👏😇😇 , thank you 😎
  17. Either you fell asleep 😁 or they never did more 😝 only joking to the timekeeper ☺️😌😇
  18. Who would have thought that Kitty , one of the tenants that made such an impression in the past , will now be considered boring and indifferent for RLC , such a pity 😔
  19. It is considered as such and not a wish of yours then .
  20. Noldus provides monthly statistics , there are tools that if used accordingly, you can make an estimation of a +-% of subscribers , still only RLC knows the numbers and of course how they ( might ) adjust their prices .. CC has 90,000 subscribers , they aren’t all of course active and they aren’t of course all participating people in the forum chats .. but it can be also a strong indicator of the viewership of the voyeur sites .
  21. It’s a a speculation and conjecture here as per your wish .
  22. For the amount of benefits all these people have ( for which we , the subscribers , are mostly responsible ) , the majority would expect that there would be things happening that the tenants would share while being exposed on cameras . There have been also in the past even more boring apartments than the two specifically mentioned , but at that time , the choices were so many that 1-3 boring apartments ( at times ) didn’t hurt the overall RLC experience .. Having at the moment 11 apartments and 2 of them are occupied by people , who , the only thing that they do is just wondering around , I can’t say that it benefits RLC as a business and potential subscribers .
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