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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Typical woman, they never listen to us men, she will stick it out for a good cause
  2. I think at -32C it's going to be hard for her to get those 21 signatures jimbo mentioned, but as I have mentioned she's got the guts to stick it out to the end
  3. When Leora goes out today she's facing a temperature of -32C at the moment, at that temperature not only is it very cold it is so cold it's painful, now that show's real guts and determination of this girl.
  4. Very, Very well done young lady, all I can do is echo jimbo's comment,
  5. Go for it Leora, It's a shame some of us on this thread can't help you and your friends in your quest, I just hope you are successful.
  6. I just wonder did any one take good look at this temporary tattoo Leora's got or did anyone think it was just a piece of rubbish If any one was watching Leora in the shower this morning you would notice it's a very impressive temporary work of art.
  7. What's that "Animal Magic",sorry you have to be of a certain age and from the UK to get that one
  8. jimbo, I don't think they have, but I'm with you, it looks good, and it just show how someone doing what they like by exercising their free spirit can liven up this Thread
  9. You are a free spirit and entitled to do what you like, we all know you wouldn't tarnish that lovely body of your's permanently, enjoy
  10. Temporary, a real one takes a lot of care with lotions and potions apart from that I don't think Leora is one to suffer that sort of pain. I like new Burgundy coloured outfit, but Paul as usual doesn't take a blind bit of notice of her
  11. As we all know Leora's an exhibitionist and beautiful with a body most women would die for, she likes to please her loyal followers of which there are many hundred's of us, I did suggest once that weekend's would be the best time to bate, as more of us are of work, subject to Paul being at work, but on saying all this please remember Leora is her own person, she's also so unpredictable, which why we follow her, she keeps us all on our toe's, so be prepared for another day of teasing, because she also knows how to get us all at it.
  12. Very good, I couldn't put it better myself, and I think someone should have a word with Scotty
  13. If you follow the Goddess long enough you will get use to her teasing (may be), but please remember this is Leora and she's so unpredictable.
  14. Well that was a quiet weekend by Leora's standards of late, it didn't stop her teasing us though, but one has to realise she is a real person, living a real life, not some paid performer living life from a script,
  15. As no one has posted it, "Welcome to the Forum", as for Leora yes she has the perfect body and looks, but she also has a great brain to go with it, also the most appealing part about Leora also known as the Goddess, is her unpredictability
  16. Congratulations Leora, it looks like you have finally got Paul to take guitar lessons even if it's only from the PC, also it sounds like he's got it almost in tune, but it will take a lot more practice before he can serenade you.
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