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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. jimbo4, Leora has always provided quality, but now she's taken this to a completely level by letting her sensual feeling's run riot.
  2. I see she's dressed in Blue the colour I personally think most suites, but there again she looks good in any colour, and Paul's as usual with his first love his PC
  3. I too will soon join the ranks of the retiree's or oldster's as you call us when work will stop in my case forever as I have thing's to look forward to. My problem at the moment is apart from Paul being at home at weekend's is she's usually still sleeping when I leave for work and again sleeping when I get home, it's the time difference again, I would like to echo your "THANK YOU" to all those who dare take on the challenge to upload without getting caught
  4. BB, I'll be joining you in giving RLC a rest and I'll be cancelling my subscription for a while, what with work commitments and Paul now being at home at weekend's I have very little to no chance to see one of our Goddess's sessions, while I appreciate those that risk the wrath of RLC in capturing such amazing occurrence's, I find it's more intimate watching one of her sessions live.
  5. She also looked stunning in the shower this morning, the way she keeps that body of hers honed to perfection never ceases to amaze me
  6. I totally agree, but I don't think Paul can see anything beyond that overinflated opinion he has of himself
  7. I remember that one, but in my opinion this one surpasses all that has gone before, I like you would have liked all the session to take place in full view of cam 7, but as they say beggars can't be choosers
  8. When I posted this comment at the time I didn't realise just how rare the capture was, so for all those who have PM'd me or are about to, please let me just point out I gave my word to the person who sent it to me that I would neither share nor post it, and that stands, even if the good lady herself was to ask (not that she's likely to) she would get the same answer
  9. I've just had the good fortune to see a video of Leora's bedroom session that took place on Wednesday, while I never tire of watching her bate, on Wednesday she took her bating to far higher level, in my humble opinion far exceeding anything she has done before.
  10. To all Leora's Scottish follower's have good Burns night to night, and I hope the heads not too sore in the morning.
  11. Looking at all the postings regarding Leora's health I personally think she's going down with Paul's cold, and Paul doesn't help by ruining her sleep pattern, when she's sleeping on the LR sofa he wakes her up for food, he wakes her up when he's going to bed and the latest the other night he woke her up because he was going to the bathroom, also she doesn't help herself bless her by waking up all hours to look at her phone. Leora a good uninterrupted night's sleep is good for you it helps the immune system fight these bugs.
  12. Yes she did go out with Paul, and while on the subject of Paul with him being at home, I think we are in for yet another quite weekend from our Goddess, this will be the 7th in a row not that I counting of course
  13. Merry Christmas Leora, and before you think I've lost my marble's it's the Russian Orthodox Christmas Day today
  14. Just in case anyone is wondering why Paul's at home it's because the 1st to 6th January are Russian National Holiday's and the 7th January is the Orthodox Christmas Day
  15. There always just has to be one show off, I'm now wondering what "pepe" and Foamy T are going to come up with?
  16. I could not agree more regarding your testament to our Goddess, and I believe her confidence will continue to grow stronger as time goes by
  17. It's not a problem there are many old hands only to willing to help, all you have to do is ask, someone is sure to know the answer, and don't worry I have only been around for about 6 or 7 months and I still get it wrong from time to time
  18. robur, may I suggest just a quick look through some of the archived General Chat threads should do the trick, and it won't be life changing as long as you ignore the one's that are abusive to the tenants, and please don't take this the wrong way it make a change for someone to ask
  19. scutus, the the same old problem with newbie's they post on something they know little or nothing about, without as you say looking at the archived postings first, thus gaining some in site into Forum's history of events
  20. So you've seen her mattress, I have to ask this question on behalf of Foamy, and all the fury creatures on this Forum. With your aroma how did you get past Eva?
  21. pepe, it's safe to come out of your den, at the time of posting this she's home alone
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