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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. Sleeping in different rooms simple explanation, she's scared of the dark, so to give Paul the chance of a good nights sleep she sleeps on the sofa with the lights and TV on, when she does sleep in the bedroom there's always a light left on. As they are not married I'll let you work out who moves quicker Leora or the dog
  2. pepe, don't you start as well all I need is jimbo to join in and I've got a win double
  3. scutus, It will require a lot of luck to catch Leora on my part, because I'm not going to be at home I will be cruising the canal's of England on my Narrow Boat
  4. Howard as you know I don't usually agree with you, but on this occasion I have to, because you are not wrong, I have a similar problem when I leave for work in the morning she's just getting up, and when I get home from work she's sleeping, so I'm going to retire from work 28th April, and devote a couple of day's a week to Leora watching
  5. I wanted to stay out of this but I'm now curious, what do you tell your wife you are doing while you are watching Leora?
  6. jimbo, you also forgot to mention the reason she sleeps on the sofa it's so Paul can get a good nights sleep because he works for a living, I read that in the archives.
  7. OOPS touched a nerve did I, I'll leave it there before I get taken down yet again
  8. If you could only drop the criticism bit for a while and read some of the archived threads you may just find out why they sleep separately instead of jumping to ridiculous conclusion, or do you already know it all
  9. Questa è la vita reale, con persone reali che vivono reale di vivere, non un circo con le procedure di sigillo di
  10. Pepe, even if you are wrong I'm not going to comment, the last time I did mention about her having a drink, I got such a lecture via a PM, it hurt for weeks
  11. OK so it's a bit late in the day but Happy Paddies day to all Leora followers and enjoy the craic, (crack)
  12. I have to ask how you have come to the conclusion that she has to be sexting before she bate's, because just relying on logic or imagination just doesn't work
  13. sixfive, It's not just your opinion there are a good many of us loyal Leora followers who will echo your words
  14. Thanks pepe, I must start paying more attention to what's going on especially if Trolls are out making false and unnecessary narrow minded statements, because they have nothing better to do than put down and upset Leora, and enrage her loyal followers.
  15. It will be a quite weekend from our Goddess as Paul's home for yet another one
  16. I have struggled for some time now over where Paul's priorities lay, between (not listed in any intended order) his PC, Eva, picking his nose, feeding his face, watching TV and Leora. I had only just about worked it out when he goes and gets a toy helicopter, so I'm now back to square one again.
  17. BB, Trust me to jump the gun as usual, it looks like Paul's finally made it out of the door and our Goddess as done what she should have done earlier and gone to bed
  18. BB, I do hope you didn't build your hopes up as it looks like Paul's working from home today, and if he starts doing this Monday to Friday as he did in the past we can almost say good bye to our Goddess displaying her wondrous charms
  19. It's already the 1st March in the UK at the time of posting, so Happy St David's Day to all Leora's Welsh follower's
  20. Pepe, I just wonder if ever you and jimbo ever grow up would the world be a better place, personally I doubt it
  21. I have followed this Leora and money debate with some interest, and not one of you has mentioned anything about the apartment, yes they do get paid indirectly for living their live's out in front of us, RLC pick's up their rent and all the service bill's. Leora is a real person living a real life albeit spread out in front of us, if you have followed her as long as some of us have you will have come to realise bonus's don't come into it, because if they did she would be bating every day, and Paul (like him or not) wouldn't be going out to work.
  22. I see she's gone out, so it looks like yet another weekend the Goddess is not wasting on us
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