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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. You know all those jobs you keep putting off well it's a good time to get on with them her aunty arrived early this month, also Paul's likely to be home from Thursday as Thursday and Friday are Public Holiday's in Russia
  2. There's a quiet few day's ahead her Aunty has arrived for her monthly visit
  3. For those who haven't noticed her Aunty arrived yesterday, so a few quiet day's ahead
  4. For all those who have obviously not been paying attention her Aunty made her monthly visit yesterday
  5. jimbo, I think Thumper is yet another one who hasn't bothered to look at all the archives before making such a rash statement about someone's intelligence who she/he doesn't really know, and as for her other language it's possibly English she may not be fluent in it, but she certainly knows all the swear words, listen next time she's in the kitchen and something goes wrong.
  6. This is why in some circles she's also known as "Goddess" and jimbo's not wrong
  7. I agree she does look better for the extra meat on her bones, and it just happens to be in all the right places.
  8. It'll be a quiet week this week her Aunty came a calling, she made it clear for everyone to see in the bathroom this morning.
  9. Ukraine, not bad you are only a few thousand Kilometre's out from where they live, may I suggest you get your map our again and try a different pin, alternatively try reading the archives very informative when you are new to this Forum that's assuming you are.
  10. I'm with you on that one, and it's her magic that keeps us coming back to her time and time again.
  11. It's been said before and will be probably be said again, but do you really think with Paul being such a lazy individual would go out to work if she was getting bonus'a for her session's
  12. jimbo, you may have to explain this at some point as there will be some who don't quite get it
  13. I didn't think you three could keep the peace for very long, does this mean the gloves are off all round?
  14. Leora as a nun, now that would certainly liven this thread up a bit.
  15. It's not your imagination, when I joined this Forum there was light hearted banter flying around all over, even Leora could be seen having a laugh with us, that was until the Trolls made an appearance. Now on a more serious note what's happened between you, Pepe and Foamy if you three have called truce the end of the world is nigh
  16. If Leora was whispering Schopenhauer in anyone's ear they would get hot,
  17. I thought you two had grown out of this by now, but how wrong can one be
  18. The book she was reading is PEMAPK there is a whole series of them, and from what I can make out they are romantic novels so with her shedding tears when she finished the book it had either a happy or sad ending
  19. JD007, Just in case nobody else does thank you, I personally and possibly a few others don't post on this thread that often is down to the amount of conjecture that's posted on here
  20. It looks like our Leora is having a night away from Paul tonight going on what she packed in her her hand bag before leaving also before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusions she does happen to have girlfriends she stays with
  21. While I've never been a big fan of Paul's, and I don't think he's the sharpest knife in the draw, he's not entirely stupid in this day and age Find My Phone app has kept the Divorce Courts very busy, and as she's never without her phone, I'll leave you to work it out
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