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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. jimbo, sorry I can't make my mind up so I will have to go for both
  2. Howard, I agree a very good question you asked, how would he know about horny young girls, it also brings into consideration is he old enough to be posting.
  3. I'm just wondering if it's something to do with the time of year, the season for Trolls not good will
  4. Yet another expert on the Thread, obviously with a lot to learn about women, when a woman finds something that works for them they tend to stick to it, whether we men like it or not
  5. I do read the postings about once a day, some are informative, some are funny and some are a load of crap, but these are their personal views, which I, unlike you, respect, also for your information there are some I do know are in personal contact with Leora
  6. May I suggest, and it's only a personal view, you should find out what other Leora followers do for a living before you criticise others, as it appears you are yet another expert on sad, psycho stalkers as they say it takes one to know one, so can you point them out to me, or are you the only one
  7. Iwis, you are not wrong, at the end of the day, he's just a Turk with an overinflated imagination, so I suggest we all leave it at that
  8. What ever Leora's making you can bet it will look good because she always take's a great deal of pride in her needle craft
  9. Where Leora live's in Siberia at +1C it is warmer than the outskirts of London -6C at this time. To all the Scottish follower's Happy St Andrew's Day
  10. Juli' Good for you one has to stand up for one's parents when, where and how ever they can, and to think this clown doesn't even know them Solembum, I think the clue's in the name Solem bum (think about it) is someone of very limited intelligence who hasn't a good word to say about any one on the whole project, so i find it is beyond any sensible reason as to why this person waste's his/her time other than for his/her own perverse pleasure in ridiculing all that go before them
  11. Unless I have missed a posting somewhere, does any one know how Leora and her friend's petition went, and did they manage to get some Russian bureaucrat to take up their cause against cruelty to animals? "pepe" in your case it's not cruelty, we all know you would love Leora to give you a spanking
  12. OK, I'll keep the rope handy just in case, but it will be the end of the world
  13. "CRY" you say, I've already bought the rope and tied the knot, if she leave's it will be the end of the world as we know it
  14. Your point is very well put across, to many of us you are special, but sadly there are some sad uneducated individual's out there who will struggle to comprehend what you have said, to these I say "you really need to get out more"
  15. Also have you noticed the sexy ankle bracelet on her left ankle, thank goodness she know's which ankle to put it on otherwise, the trolls would be out again
  16. pepe, you should be ashamed of your self, you've only just noticed, Leora's been dressed like that for hours, I know I've been looking
  17. pepe, in the UK it's called Chivalry, to defend the ladies honour, I think you fury creatures probably have another word for it
  18. I agree the only reason he whines here is because he's fast running out of places to whine, he will soon have nowhere to post his pathetic statements except down the toilet
  19. Thank you, yet another live one I have missed, although the capture is fantastic, seeing Leora live I find is more intimate
  20. Not you the Troll, we all know you would like, a certain person to clean your little abode for you.
  21. Je l'ai vue sortir son chien en hiver et elle a mis un petit manteau sur elle
  22. Obviously you are a real expert on performers then, how about becoming an expert on real people living real lives, but there again you could go to the Barcelona apartments to get your jollies, and leave the real people alone.
  23. i may come across as a bit sharp, but Leora is a real person living a real unscripted life, and as jimbo pointed out she is very well educated, and intelligent person, and the correct term for her in this Forum is either Leora or has she's better known Goddess
  24. jimbo she's got the signatures back from the University someone was round earlier with some papers and she put them in a folder, now may I suggest you STOP calling her "Little One" and start calling Leora "BIG HEARTED Little One" instead.
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