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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. Beautiful face! Blast From The Past. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  2. This world we live in, has been and will always be the DEVIL'S playground. The day we were born, was a miracle in itself, and the day we know the difference between right and wrong is the day we are ALL judged. The problem is we are all spiritually blind to the truth because we have used our minds to justify, fabricate, others beliefs. Why? because I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan. Simplicity at it's best. What is the truth? what do I believe in, or what should I believe in? Does anyone believe in the Devil? Lucifer, AKA - SATAN. He is the one who creates all the chaos in this world of constant confusion. The Wars, Religion, Science, etc. Without knowing the attributes of your enemy, how will you defend against him? You can not just ignore him as though he were not real, for he is definitely real, every bit as real as GOD Himself. Satan is a fallen angel. Prior to his fall, Satan was known as Lucifer. The name Lucifer means “star of the morning” and “shining one”. Lucifer was God’s chief cherub angel. A cherub angel is God’s highest ranking angel. There are only three cherub angels named in it's entire Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer. Cherub angels hold the responsibility to protect the holiness of God. They possess indescribable beauty and power beyond anything the human mind can conceive. "LET ME REPEAT MYSELF," "beyond anything the human mind can conceive. Lucifer is described as being full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, full of talent, and near to God. Unfortunately, this highest ranking angel of God fell. He sinned against God and was, therefore, cast out of the presence of the Lord for eternity. Satan is a person. As stated above, Satan is a fallen angel. Angel’s possess personality, intelligence, will, and emotion. Satan has all of the properties of personality, he has the ability to plan, communicate, and make choices for us. He is held accountable for all of his actions by God. All his names. Lucifer, this is Satan’s name prior to his fall, it means “star of the morning” and “shining one”. Wish I already stated. Satan. This name simply means adversary. An adversary is an opponent, rival, or enemy. (No need to Google) The devil. This name means slanderer. A slanderer is someone who makes a false, malicious statement, especially one which is injurious to one’s reputation. "Wow" is that an attribute or what? The prince of the power of the air. This refers to Satan as he dominates his worldly human subjects, MEANING WE. The god of this age. This is simply a reference to Satan, revealing his rule over the present darkness of this world. (It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.) The king of death. This means that Satan has the power of death. THE POWER OF DEATH!!!!! The prince of this world. This means that Satan is the ruler of this world. (NOT WE) The ruler of darkness. This name reveals Satan’s rule, authority, and COSMIC power over the present darkness of this world. Leviathan. This name is a description of a powerful Dragon-like creature. (Like the one in your dreams)) This is another name used for Satan, the accuser, the deceiver. This name reveals Satan as one who lies to trick or mislead us to believe what he wants us to believe. (Remember, "beyond anything the human mind can conceive.) Apollyon. This name means a destroyer. A destroyer is someone who causes damage beyond use or repair. ( The Broken Heart, Like Mine!) 13. Beelzebub. This name for Satan means “the lord of flies,” or “the lord of dung,” or “the dung-god.” (They made her a Star of a Movie, to create FEAR) Belial. This name is the personification of all that is evil. (A personification is a form of figurative language in which something that is not human is given human characteristics. The wicked one. This name reveals that Satan is evil or mischievous by nature. ( I HATE YOU!) The Tempter. This name reveals that Satan does provoke to cause people to do wrong. ( "oops") The accuser of the brothers. This means Satan charges or places blame or fault as followers of God. An angel of light. This name reveals Satan as a deceiver. (Not Again) A liar. This name reveals that Satan intentionally gives false information. (Religion, Evolution, Etc.) A murderer. This name reveals that Satan deliberately kills. (Babies, Animals, and Humans) The enemy. This name reveals that Satan is hostile, feels hatred, opposes the interests of, and intends to hurt God Himself. (Like Us) And lastly, a roaring Lion. This name describes Satan’s destructive threat. ( What it's the world like today?) Satan is a fallen angel and angels are spirits. A spirit is an immaterial being. "Like all other angels, Satan is very limited spatially; he can only be at one place at a time. He is not omnipresent like God. Like angels, it is possible for Satan to materialize in human form. (Possession). Satan will never die, he is immortal. This is another characteristic of angels that Satan possesses. Therefore there is nothing that you as a believer or Non- believer can do to destroy him. God created him as an immortal being. Ponder this, if Satan displayed himself by openly showing his true character than it would be obvious for all to stay away. Instead, he makes himself look as though he portrays good attributes in order to lure you in, therefore, he imitates both God and the Church, Science, and other things. I believe that this is why you see so many heretical religious groups because Satan has imitated God and led the religious group into the worship and following of a made up God. Thus they are in the hands of Satan and not God. I don't expect everyone to heed my words, but it's the truth. No man or anything non-human is going to make a Monkey out of me. I planted the Seed, it's up to you to water it, and pray, that God will make it grow. Peace!
  3. Some people believe in creation simply because that’s what they’ve been taught at church. Many people believe in evolution simply because that’s what they’ve been taught at school.The more I studied science, the less credible evolution seemed. For example, I thought about the mathematical precision in nature and the uniqueness of humans, including our need to know who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. Evolution aims to explain all these things in terms associated with animals, but it has never been able to explain why humans are unique. To me, it takes more ‘faith’ to believe in evolution than to believe in a Creator. When people say that they don’t believe in God, sometimes what they really mean is that they don’t understand God. Rather than offer evidence to support their view, they raise questions such as, “If God exists, why does he allow suffering?” In effect, they turn an intellectual issue into an emotional one. Humans have a “spiritual need.” This includes a need to believe in God. So if someone says there is no God, that person, not you has the responsibility to explain how he or she could reach such a conclusion. Belief in God is entirely reasonable. It conforms to the proven fact that life cannot come into existence by itself. No evidence exists to support the idea that life could spontaneously come from nonliving matter. Like I said, stop thinking with your minds, for the mind is poison. When someone’s self-image or social acceptance is at stake, badgering them with facts isn’t likely to change their minds, that's why I believe in the Big Bang Theory. GOD said it, and BANG it happened...
  4. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Sin begins in the mind. You don’t even have to do anything or act out in any way to sin. It comes so easily and naturally to us that we don’t even realize that it is happening most of the time. We tend to let our minds wonder about, thinking about whatever it wishes. It tends to be a safe place for our favorite sin, we hide it away in the inner most parts of our mind where no one can find it and no one knows about it. It’s the perfect hiding spot for the porn magazines and movies or memories of past sexual partners. Reliving and re-experiencing the past, pondering and meditating till your heart’s content, all the while everyone else remains oblivious to your sexual fantasies playing out in your mind while you work, eat, watch tv, talk to your friends or even while having sex with your own partner. The mind is a powerful thing, it is a wonderful tool but it can be a dangerous snare. God’s standard is so high for his law that no one can keep them, this statement alone is so heavy in my own heart that I am ashamed at just how often I offend God with my thoughts. It is no wonder it is written, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." War, Religion, Science is Evil's way to confuse all who believes with their minds. The Heart is all God sees... Peace!
  5. You were not born to impress the world Amy, but to impress the universe. Thank you for the Videos.Good job!
  6. So it’s a bouncy song, loosely to the tune of "The Star-Spangled Banner” for (possibly) untrained voices. I spent some time thinking about the music/melody. If the song is to be sung by people other than myself, it needs a strong and simple tune (no offense!) It needs to be singable by a wide range of voices. And it needs a bouncy feel; After all, some feel it’s a Clown's song. Finally, it hit me. That's what they are CLOWNS! If one cannot take the time to know how so many died humanly holding up a flagpole, one after another for the freedom and privileges we have enjoyably endure, since that day.Then there is no answer for sadness... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_YaBEoOuteAanEtTDdqWTk3SE0/view?usp=sharing
  7. Good Point! I know how the system works in the USA. Because half of my family were politicians, liberals at that. Growing up, they started with the Republicans are for the rich. Turn out they were all wrong. Republican are not for the rich. In general, Republicans tend to take a more conservative stand on issues. They believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people's lives. Most Republicans favor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. They believe in less government intervention in business and the economy. But yet, the Democrats, rather feed the laziness for their votes. Votes are all they care about, not you. (both parties) If it was not for the military, I would still be a liberal. Try being a disabled Veteran and see what Democrats can do for you, which is nothing but cuts... It took most Veterans up to four months to see a primary care Doctor.Two years to fix my teeth, which were shattered in combat, along with my leg under a Democrats watch. Finally, we Veterans have someone who generally cares for Veterans. My appointments are really fast now because the VA is outsourcing patients. I have a lot of friends who are liberals and I love them to death and I would never let politics get in the way of our friendship, even while fighting size to size. My family and friends, know about my mental health, sleepless nights, and the crying out - what Veterans and civilians encountered in war. I pray one day, there would be peace, forgiveness, and Love between us all, and understand what Veterans and the unfortunate have to face each in every day, when we view the world.
  8. Sorry for your lost Happyone! The Star Spangle Banner! The Greatest Story Ever Told! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_YaBEoOuteAZDRJdy1GWEpTRnc/view?usp=sharing
  9. Hi Amy, great picture!!  "That was lame fucking! I was going to say fucking lame, but the other way around fit better." LMAO

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