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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. I was ready to tear into someone and realize I would only make things worst. I wish you can refrain from using colorful words that any ones Grandson would be embarrassed to know his Grandpas vocabulary is limited. As a site owner, I have to do most of everything and I have admitted, sincerely, I could NOT keep up with the complaints, rule-breaking, copyright, to name a few. So, anyone who decides to be a MOD, and not get paid for it and to know exactly what’s going on every Minute or whatever, I can understand the frustration and load they carry. In my opinion, you need to pause and think about how you’re going to reply to a members disappointment without the frustration. Remember your representing CC.. Peace Joey
  2. Lol. No, Eva is NOT retarded, just a little bit overweight. What Eva was doing, was sharing her excitement alongside her best friend...Which is expected... A house is never lonely, where our loving Dogs wait! Peace Joey
  3. I agree! There's nothing sexier to me than a woman who has both a curvy ass and confidence; this gorgeous girl fills every inch of her jeans and my heart. Still the most beautiful one in all the rooms. I can't believe I said that. I guess what I'm trying to say, I missed everything about her, and I am genuinely sorry how she feels. I only wished she would have listened to her own heart and not others. Friendship is a gift. Sometimes we take it for granted and sometimes we do despair. My fault is being human; mistakes are everywhere, you are a gift that is so precious and so rare. The Animals at Oktyabrsky district say's hello. Don’t take any of my posts Personally. There is the realization of who one indeed is. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their reality, their dream. I know you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, and I know you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. Neither one of those thoughts holds any intrinsic reality. Joey
  4. I would love to witness Sasha slam both of them Doggy Doggy! If it ever happens, I would be afraid knowing, Dasha would become part of the furniture...IMO
  5. I don’t believe she cared to have him between her legs, at that point and time. She only cared about doing it behind his back with excitement of not getting caught and in return, the audience loved it...
  6. Lol. You have a good point, Jim! My body would lift itself off the ground, at the first smell of Pussy permeated about the air in swarms of particles tormenting any starving man.
  7. I was wrong about how you care for Eva. The most depressing apology is the one where you know in your heart will not change anything. We can all learn about the art of accepting excuses from our dogs. If Eva thinks you're the most fabulous person in the world, don't seek a second opinion. Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Joey
  8. JJs, you say that about all the Girls. Excellent way of making them all feel special, good job. I choose to surround myself with Videos and phenomenal people who are confident and secure enough to know there is a lot of room for all of these young ladies to make it to the finish line.
  9. Begin with the end in mind, and die empty. So, when you write out the end, it helps you make a better decision at the beginning...Peace Joey
  10. Good day! Religion is a man's way of worshipping God Eagle. But God has his way of expressing himself; he shows us who he is. But you have a Belief; I have an understanding. You see, understanding can change one's beliefs, it may take a few days, it may take a few years. The day people stop THINKING with their minds, it will be the day, people will all understand. No one has ever told me I was brainwashed. If anyone does, I would gladly say to them yes, I am. My brain has been washed, of the corruption that used to dominate it when I lived life the worlds' way. I no longer mentally undress every woman I see or try to add them to my list of conquests. I no longer watch porn movies. A washed brain helps to respect others that I didn't appreciate before. It helps to distinguish what is essential to life and what isn't. I'm not one of those you speak of, that man made up God and any of that other nonsense that you have been so impressed with. With a washed mind, it is easier to think for oneself and refill that soul with decency and not condemnation nor accusations of others. Peace Joey
  11. Child Genius! No need to be prideful BB. I truly understand what you're feeling, and I am sorry if You’re ego is bruised.(Sincerely) I do appreciate you taking the time to Quote me. I value your opinions as much as I do with others here. Let's leave it at that. Good day and Peace to you. Joey
  12. First, I do NOT believe in religion. It was created, by Satin himself, to confuse the world and to start WARS and divide us all! I have a personal relationship with God and the Trinity, a direct line. (not religion) That is how simple it is, but the Devil has everyone confused today. Why, because, Satan rules this world folks, whether you believe it or not. His attribute is Hate, Jealousy, Confusion, Lust, Unforgiven, and Death, to name a few. I also have an IQ of several hundred, but because I am an enormously humble person, I choose to act normal. I don't measure anyone's success in life because of their IQ BB, and I do get your point, inserting additional words in a complete post in such manner as to alter its intended meaning; I am only sharing Infomation and FACTS! I can just do so much to explain simple things in complicated terms. Intelligent people, on the other hand, have a deep enough understanding of the subject to be able to put it into simple words, understandable to a broad audience. Could this be an example of why highly intelligent people often have difficulty interacting socially with ordinary people in person? I would be a hypocrite to say, that I will end up in Heaven because at the moment, I'm not. I am what people call a Back-Slider, and if I do not get right with God, I will be toss into the Lake of Fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but we ourselves are thrown out. I am aware of your intelligence, but our intelligence can also confuse and blind us all. Peace to you BB. Joey An atheist tells a young girl that there's no God, what she says shuts him up! No point attended, I only see Humor in this. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HYPvN47O_GF9s0GO4ZOngI8Pn8qVFCL2/view?usp=sharing
  13. It would be Sad, for anyone, who supposedly loves Animals!!!!!!!!! Be aware that dachshunds are prone to intervertebral disc disease. I know this because I just lost mine recently to this condition. (Charlie was a Dapple, mixed with spots, Green, and Blue eyes. RIP) This is the information recommended to me by my Veterinarian, but it was too late for my little Charlie. So, I'm just sharing information. To Help maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight will put Eva at a much higher risk of developing IVDD, ( intervertebral disc disease) so it is important to feed her the right foods, (not human food) and help her get plenty of exercises if you can. Something I neglected to do and because of it, my little Charlie suffered. To determine if Eva is at a healthy weight, stand over her and look down. If you can see her ribs, she is too thin and needs to gain some weight. If you cannot look at her bones, but you can feel them when you touch her sides, then Eva has a healthy weight. If you cannot see or feel her ribs, she is overweight. She should also have a tapered waist rather than a belly that hangs down. Try to Keep Eva, from jumping on furniture and other high places. Jumping also puts a significant amount of pressure on Eva's back and may increase her risk of IVDD. To eliminate this risk factor, do not allow Eva, to jump up on high places such as onto the sofa or your bed. If, you want Eva to get up on your lap, lift her up yourself. Do not encourage her to jump up. Consider getting some furniture ramps, for her to be able to get onto furniture when you are not around. Lastly, walk her and play with her every day if possible. I do understand the inconvenience of a cold day. Will this ever happen, I doubt it, coming from me...The Cams and satisfied Pervs, ( meaning we ) means everything to her at the moment. So, the dog suffers... Please, do not tell me it's OK, to let any Animal, any sizes SHIT and PISS in your Home or Apartment. In my realm, I considered it cruelty and laziness. Yes, I care more for Animals, more than I care for any of these Women or Men...I am their voice. The funny thing is, she knows it too! You all have a safe and wonderful weekend...Peace Joey
  14. I agree with most of your post-Ashley. The thing is, we are not dealing with Haters, per say. I instead use the word TROLLS. Their mission is to make peoples lives miserable as they did me. The only difference like many here, as yourself know to ignore them. In my opinion, I'll wait for the final investigation, meaning she's married. And her Husband, from what I gathered is being viewed. Why was he not aware of her problems? "I'm speaking for myself," I can spot a female in distress, without uttering a word. Body language, avoiding participation, excessively anxious, to name a few. Anyone, who is going to expose their goods to the world, needs to understand they are prey for every opinion whether they like it or not. Nevertheless, is a sad day for her friends and family and to me, because it's someone's Daughter, regardless of anyone's views. A young Light has gone out! Did you know the longer a guy views porn, the less satisfied he becomes with his wife’s physical appearance, affection, and sexual performance regardless of what outfit she squeezes into - So guys chase sites more than their spouse? Wives feel pressure to perform and look like a porn star to gain favor. That is one good reason; I don't care for porn. When I do entertain myself, which is rare, because of my partner, I would toon into VHTV. (Wild Awesome Women-IMO) I also notice a few of the participants, are always wetting their Dicks or their Pussies. (this is on all the projects) I don't get it. Every time, I get intimate with women, there so wet, that I have to hang a sign that says's Niagara Fall's, (A Little humor to get off the sadness) and the reason, in my opinion, NO FOREPLAY, and A lot of them don't even know, how to make out or Kiss. So, for me to lick myself to get lubricated is absurd. (now, if it's anal, I would only do it in the shower, soap works wonders when you're delivering a "Slow Comfortable Screw: and I do not mean the drink. Peace Joey
  15. Seashells remind us that every passing life leaves something beautiful behind. RIP
  16. Moving words Amy. I too was told that, along with other sensitive words that I will not share because of the painful memories. My dad, would use my Moms lipstick to paint my face like a clown and made me stand in front of my classmates. Because I received, a C-Plus in Catholic school. The flying Nuns were permitted to discipline us in any way they see fit. (Not today) My father was a powerful man in the state. The only person who protected me was my Mom. After her passing, everything changed for the better, as far as how my dad felt. He asked me for forgiveness; I did not know what to say, witnessing a Strongman weep. I did forgive him, and we became great friends until he met his fate. I can only imagine the stories other's here might have endured in the past, in this short life of ours.
  17. "Wow," that was sad, in my opinion... How people would think their Sins are lower than anyone else's, when the truth is, we are ALL Guilty of Sin! (Hate, etc.) So, before we judge others, one might need to look in the Mirror. Why, hate a person because of who they are, or what they believe in, it's senseless. I was confused at an early age, about how I felt. Because I was always playing with my female cousins and their toys. Thankfully, everything changed, when I met my female Baby Sitters, who, I know would have ended up in a state prison...I'm grateful, for the education.
  18. After, I finish my chores with my new friend. I am going to YouTube and D/L a few of Sigur Ros Files. I was taking in how the crowd reacted to the Song. I felt it too, and not in the way I expected; it felt like there Music was traveling all over my body as if it was passing right through me. Listening to this kind of music puts me in a good mood; It makes me want to stand up and start to groove. lol Again, most appreciated... Peace Joey
  19. Watching the video in my shower. I actually thought it was Jimmy biting on his Guitar.. lol Thanks
  20. I want to make quiet music that is so strong you want to play it loud. If there was no music, I don't know what the f*ck I'd be doing; It's my release, my passion. Just like art, It gives me a reason to be happy... https://drive.google.com/file/d/117flUTLoCB7fq0MEZkufFHuVObqg5m9z/view?usp=sharing
  21. Someone like you, Sweet, Lovable, Enchanted. Peace Joey
  22. Great pictures as always... Thanks and enjoy your day...Peace Joey
  23. Anyone who is observant, who discovers the person they have always dreamed of, knows that sexual energy comes into play before sex even takes place. The greatest pleasure isn’t sex, but the passion with which it is practiced by both of them. When the passion is intense, then sex joins in to complete the dance, but it is never the principal aim. Because talking to someone else while they aren`t there to defend themselves says more about those few, who just rather not have him in the picture altogether. Yes, it seems like Leora needs to direct his every path, but a lot of guys love that. She doesn’t necessarily want someone who has every step of his life pre-planned, but she wants someone with drive and with goals. I rather am "annoyingly " positive, optimistic than destructively negative and hateful. Takes Two Tangle Folks, Leora herself needs guidance when it comes to intimacy or should I think differently. Peace: Happy Thanksgiving to you all and your loves ones... Joey
  24. Wow, Lifers, they're everywhere, like cockroaches basking in a bowl of sugar. I agree with you, leave it in the hands of the public who owns hockey sticks. (Compliment) Are they going to build more prisons or early release? Did you know, they have prisons around the world, with no Walls, Fences or Guards? Sound far-fetched, but it's true. I am NOT particularly a Michale Moore Fan, a big reason, he's out there, in my opnion..Naturally, I'm always out there when it hits 4:21, I'm always late for a minute. Mr. Moore, produce a Documentary called "Where to Invade Next." I watched this video, not for the reasons stated above, but for the mind-blowing stories and ending, "AMAZING" - I'm going to post the video when I wake up in the Video thread section. A must watch TV! Peace Joey
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