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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 20 minutes ago, hilts122 said:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣, 🤔!  Look dummy, I am simply speaking my mind.  I truly don't give a damn if you wake up out of your fox news haze or not!

            Yeah, your speaking your mind alright, just like you tried to make it seem that you own a weapon that your kind has been trying their best to not be allowed in the country. You two faced people are exactly why this country is in the predicament it is in which other than over 5 million illegals entrance into the country have occurred has to do with the highly spike in crime all over the country since a no good for nothing puppet was put in place by your kind along with aasistance of the CCP of china by intentionally releasing a contagious bug referred to as covid 19 into the rest of the worlds countries populations, so your assertions are no more than bullshit and leftist lies and that shows who you actually are and what you actually should do, which I do not think most with any common sense would realize. So as I mentioned you are a leftist full of shit and that's why it has cost everyone so much more since a corrupt leftist sorry assed no good for nothing chinese compromised puppet was installed in the highest so called office of the country because if them and your kind. So as I mentioned,🖕

  2. 6 minutes ago, hilts122 said:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣, more name calling...  You are a silly person.  You want your beliefs to be right so bad... but you know it's complete nonsense so all you can do is come back with little 12 year old insults.  Dude, you're pathetic!

           I believe most who read the comments that get posted in this thread, realizes and knows who's comments are more believable and not someones attempt at an ideological propagandism. So you might want to consider otherwise as long as I notice what gets posted in these threads.

  3. 20 minutes ago, hilts122 said:

    Sorry psycho, I was working.  Now, you call me mental???  Read the unhinged lunacy you just wrote and you have the nerve to call me crazy...🤣🤣🤣!  How and why did you bring children into this?🤔  You are truly a danger to yourself and those around you.  Sick puppy... 🤣🤣🤣

          You got that right, you are fucking mental. Evidentally a mentally disturbed leftist ignorant idiot. You sorry assed leftist m.f.'s are the ones who have been trying to sexualize children and make others believe that so called transgenderism and particularly when such ridicuous and fucked up mentally disturbed mentallities should be o.k. and tolerated in regards to children or anyone else as far as that matter goes. So like I mentioned before you leftist excuse making for bullshitter, 🖕.

  4.      Actually, it has been more than obvious that those with such mentallities as yours are in need of mental help, or quite likely incarceration for the remainder of your kinds mentally disturbed lives, or possibly irradication of such dishonest delusional worthless excuses of humanity. As I mentioned previously, 🖕 you and anyone else who attempts to claim such ideologies are not responsible for all of the ridiculous sexualization of children related to such mentally disturbed bullshit as transgenderism which you convienently decided not to respond to you obviously sorry assed no good for nothing leftist indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity. Also, I notice you did not respond to the fact, that everything has increased in cost since a no good for nothing more than obvious brain diminished puppet of the left in the U.S. along with the CCP of china was installed, which has caused all of suuch ridiculous and unnecessary unfortunate conditions for many millions of the U.S. population. Like the times of the American revolution and the U.S. civil war, your kind will eventaully be put in it's place, only the next time, it will more than likely be for good !

  5. 1 hour ago, hilts122 said:

    You replied to my quote then ended the thread so I couldn't reply so I will do it here.  You call liberals ridiculous while your entire party is being lead by a conman.  A proven conman.  The guy bankrupted, not one, but 2 casini's 🤣🤣🤣.  You people are an oxymoron personified.  I'm just going to give you a little list of the psychotic nonsense you people believe in and promote, then tell me which party has lost it's mind.  

    1. You say you're pro life while promoting gun culture.  

    2. You claim to be the party of freedom while banning books, taking away a womans right to control her own body, you are trying to impose christianity on everyone even putting it in schools

    3. You claim to be for fiscal responsibility yet every time a repub president gets in office he sends the debt through the roof.  This is a fact, check the numbers!

    4. You run around claiming blue states are riddled with crime while the FACT is, red states are by far the most violent.

    5. You call democrats socialist while the red states are on wellfare from the blue states.  The red states take more budget money from the federal budget than they put in.

    6. You claim to be trying to take your country back... ummm, back from who???🤔🤔  Have you seen the Forbes list?  You must be talking about the people who own almost everything...  the billionaire class who are predominitely white males.  The same people who your party protects while pitting you against the "brown menace"!

    I can keep going about your hypocritical, ignorant party, but it's getting late.  Funny how you all call dems sheeple while you follow a news channel that has been proven in court and admitted they lie to you constantly.  Republicans are no longer conservative, your just a grievance party that happens to be anvry at things that either don't exist or are distortions of the truth.  It's sad that so many people can be this weak minded.  Do your research.  Damn near everything you espouse is based on a lie.  A lie that is easily proven!!!



          🖕 Since I actually have no control over when threads end on this website being that I am only a registered member although I have been for awhile, you start of your comments with dishonesty by telling a lie. Of course that's not at all surprising from your kind. So fuck you also you leftist obviously brainwashed ignorant mentally dusturbed fucking idiot since those such as yourself are actually responsible for the American currency being as close as it has ever been to being replaced as being the worlds reserve currency by a communist government referred as the CCP of china. So you and all you leftist propagandists and your kind, can go fuck each other and yourselves or could it be that you so called liberals are waiting for chinese to come do that for you all by trying to sexualize children as you fickle minded mother fuckers have been doing along with trying to push fickle minded ideologies such as transgenderism and the likes of such mentally disturbed ridiculous bullshit by even trying to influence children on such ridiculous and mentally disturbed bullshit and think everyone else should go along with such mentally disturbed psychotic bullshit. Such dishonesty and lies are actually just like the ones you just made. It is without a doubt that leftist ideologies are mostly dishonest and mostly lies and deception more so than any others no matter whether your kind hides behind a referral of being so called liberals or not since most of your kinds ideologies are more related to those of socialism or marxism or even communism. Considering what has occurred and has been occurring these days and times, the latter of the two descriptions or labels would likely be the case. Since everything, and I mean literally everything was not nearly expensive a few years ago before a mentally deficient, and obviously mentally declining puppet was installed rather than actually elected by traditional voting rules and regulations, I got your kinds oxymorons alright, just more lies, dishonesy, and deception from the obvious brainwashed or so called academic indoctrinated leftist you obviously are.

  6. 10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    Den USA droht der Zahlungsausfall. Die Folgen wären katastrophal, eine Lösung im Streit um die Erhöhung des Kreditlimits nicht in Sicht. Spätestens jetzt ist klar: Das Ding muss abgeschafft werden.


              🖕 You and that dishonest mentally lacking, leftist lying bitch along with your leftist propagandism and you, you disgruntled and obviously socialist/marxist indoctrinated mentally fucked up in the head fucking kraut.

  7. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

    Die Vize von Biden muss ihr Profil als potenzielle Nachfolgerin schärfen, wenn dem Präsidenten der USA etwas zustoßen sollte. Kann sie das?


            Yeah, that looks like your kind propagandist kraut, someone who has obviously shown themself to be a mentally lacking excuse of humanity, who try's their best to do nothing more than spread leftist lies and propaganda but even fails at doing that with people who possess enough common sense to know better.

  8. 22 minutes ago, hilts122 said:

    The republican party is a cancer on America.  I never thought it possible to have that many classless morons in one party!

          Actually, it is those who possess mentallities such as yourself, who are and have been a cancer on America for quite some time, it has actually only been realized the extent of, only because of actually being realized because of a bug referred to as covid intentionally released by the CCP communists of china to assist in your leftist rediculous idelogical b.s. of continuing influence in America. So many of you so called leftists are obviously mentally deranged and disturbed and are in need of phsychological evaluation and mental rehabilitation or be securely institutionalized.

  9. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    That's what continual use of amphetamines will do to a personality. Becoming a grumpy, belligerent old man.

          Not just that, but he is a sorry no good for nothing excuse of humanity that has actually been constantly worrying if enough information gets leaked to the pubic regarding his families corruption that has been actually occuring for many years now. He is a highly corrupt leftist whose family has made millions from companies tied to the the CCP of china, along with corrupt countries with significantly corrupt goverments such as Ukraine as well as others, who is a sorry excuse piece of shit leftist puppet that was assisted in being installed by the the CCP of china, rather than actually traditionally elected all because of a bug, also referred to as a virus, that was intentionally released from a so called virology lab in a place called whuan, china where so called U.S. financial donations had been given to even though the military of the CCP had been controlling that so called viriogy lab . Anyone who believes that there were those on the left in U.S. who had nothing to do with such b.s. that killed over 20 million worldwide, are as full of shit as they come., or rather ones that just try to cover for such sorry assed leftist ideological bullshit.

  10. 8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Eine Transgender-Influencerin als Gesicht für eine Marketing-Kampagne - mit dieser Idee geriet Budweiser Bier mitten in einen Kulturkampf, der in den USA immer extremere Züge trägt. Es folgten Boykott-Aufrufe...


           Once again, fuck you propagandist kraut, since it has been more than obvious that, that is all you are. 🖕

  11. 27 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Faschistenverehrer SPYING 1 seine Vorlage zum masturbieren in seinem Kinderzimmer.


    Once again you prove that you are nothing more than a mentally disturbed leftist ideological, socialist/marxist, and likely communist leftist indoctrinated kraut who is nothing more than a propagandist. Fuck you and any other mentally disturbed leftists such as yourself. When the next world conflict starts because of you and your kind, we will make it a point to fuck you and your kind this time for good since there will be no rebuilding the next time, but instead total anniliation of that country, to make sure that those with such disturbed mentallities, are eliminated once and for all !🖕

    • Upvote 1
  12. 16 minutes ago, happyone said:

    This fucker should have been locked up for being deported then reentering the country illegally on several occasions--deportation just did not seem to work.

          Would your referral of several occasions be anything close to five h.o. ? Me thinks not. But that is what happens when you have seriously mentally disturbed individuals being so called appointed or elected to public offices of so called leadership they never should have been, since some of them were actually installed rather than actually elected. In other words, puppets like the mentally deficient clown at the top of the heap of all such mentally disturbed assholes.

  13. On 5/1/2023 at 7:39 PM, StarLight28 said:


    Entschuldigung, ich habe gelernt und war erfolgreich in Beruf und als Politiker. Ich war immer freundlich zu Menschen und das war ein großer Teil von meinem Erfolg.

    Und wer bist DU ??? Ein Niemand, ein Versager. Ein geistiger Vollidiot der hier im Forum permanent dumme Texte schreibt - 5 mal identischer Müll in einem Bericht. Immer nur Kraut, Nazi, WK 2, Verfolgung, Mord - aber nie etwas zum aktuellen Thema. Junge Du sitzt im Glashaus, warte auf Scherben. Wenn ich dann auf US-Verbrechen wie Indianer-Schlachtung oder Atombomben --Angriffe durch diese perfide USA-Hinweise, dann kommt das kleine US-happyone und weint, wie böse ich doch zu dieser armen USA bin.

    Wir reden hier im Forum über heute und nicht was vor 20, 50, 100 oder 200 Jahren war. Deine US-Geschichte ist widerlich. Fick dich selbst.

    Was lernen wir daraus ??? Du bist ein dummes A ...... ohne Bildung und versuchst Dich hier wichtig zu machen - aber Du hast in Wahrheit keine Ahnung. Verpiss Dich dummer Junge - Dich böse Ratte braucht hier keiner. Verstanden ???   😁


          As was mentioned previously on multiple occasions,🖕 you and your b.s. propaganda you propagandist kraut.

  14. 19 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Den USA droht nach den Worten von Finanzministerin Janet Yellen schon Anfang Juni die Zahlungsunfähigkeit. Sollte der Kongress die Schuldenobergrenze...

    USA ist doch bereits seit vielen Jahren Pleite. USA leben über ihre Verhältnisse - auf Kredit - Energie subventioniert billig. Großmacht zum Null-Tarif gibt es nicht. Und alle letzten Kriege der USA waren "Minus-Geschäft" - ohne Ausbeutung der Länder.

           As was mentioned previously you mind warped indoctrinated kraut, 🖕 you and all of the leftist propaganda you continue posting since it has been more than onvious, that you are nothing more than a leftist ideology indoctrinated disgruntled kraut who obviously hates the fact that those who believed in actual nazism, were eventually overwhelmingly defeated. Get over it, your country's so called government was defeated in 2 world confilcts. As was mentioned previously, if your country happens to get involved in another such conflict, germany,  as it has been known would more than likely cease to exist along with any such disgruntled indoctrinated propagandists that live there.

  15.     ☝️ This is what happens when a  foreigner who is actually nothing more than a socialist/marxist indoctrinated leftist kraut has been allowed to continue to peddle and promote leftist bull shit ideologies on a website that was started by someone in the western hemsisphere. Particularly since it was a country in the western hemisphere that was more likely than not responsible for trying to eradicate such ridicous ideogies which had been perpetuated by the nazi party of where you are from you propagandist kraut. Know this though, your repeated and continued propagandism of leftist kraut b.s. that is attempting to see the downfall of America, will never be allowed or accepted in the U. S. or any other countries government that may still possess any semblence of commom sense as well as any logical mental well being. 

  16. 18 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    The American currency will start to become worthless in the market 

    " BRICS" a new economy 

            You people of Portugal along with many other countries better hope not, since if the American currency which is the worlds reserve currency and has been since the end of WWII, when America not only rebuilt many of, but also invested in advancing less financially fortunate countries by investing in national infrastructure along with various financial aids to other countries after the defeat of the dictatorial, tyrannical axis countries so called governments. 

  17. 17 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    The U.S. and international partners are scrambling to contain an outbreak of fierce...


    Yet another place for the American to fight 

         Well, what exactly do you think may have happened in the country where you live if Americans had not gotten involved in WWII ? Let me answer that for you, the Portuguese people, would have more than likely eventually been occupied and subjected to the rule of nazis at the time. Does that happen to make any sense to you ? 

  18. 13 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Bla, bla, bla – wie immer. Textbausteine in einem Artikel 5 mal wiederholt. Reine Platz- und Zeitverschwendung. 😁🤣😁        Drücke mal auf expandieren .....


           🖕 i believe this repeated so called emoji or symbol is more than enough to relate to what I think regarding you and all of your kraut propagandist b.s. and I know that there are many, many others who do so as well.

  19. 22 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Your actual world experience vs what is found on the internet didn't work for you this time--You are wrong the exchange rate table below shows the 6 currencies worth more than the US Dollar.  in the table inv. 1.00 USD tells you how much you get for 1 unit of other currency.  For example

    1 GBP (British Pound) will get you 1.256878 USD (US Dollars) and just 1 Kuwaiti Dinar will get you 3.254179 dollars!!!

    Apr 30, 2023 01:29 UTC

    US Dollar▲▼ 1.00 USD▲▼ inv. 1.00 USD
    Kuwaiti Dinar 0.307297 3.254179
    Bahraini Dinar 0.376000 2.659574
    Omani Rial 0.385047 2.597084
    British Pound 0.795622 1.256878
    Swiss Franc 0.894840 1.117518
    Euro 0.898773 1.112628


    Further explanation below


    Ever thought about what is the most expensive currency in the world today? It's not the British Pound as many would think. See the full list of the world's strongest and most valuable currencies to learn more.


            Obviously, you haven't even read the previous post yet. Keep believing what you read on the internet as being 100% fact and maybe one day you might come to a realization of being enlightened as to otherwise since the internet came into existence after several decades of miseducation due to intentional misinformation occuring in U.S. academics. Furthermore, I notice you didn't highlight the word 'currently' in obviously believing most everything you read on the internet.

  20. On 4/28/2023 at 8:37 PM, happyone said:

    Your highlighted information is in question as well. (1st artlcle)  The rest of the post in red is just fearmongering. (rebuttal in 2nd artlcle)


    The dollar will lose ground, but the odds of the yuan becoming the global reserve currency are "profoundly unlikely to essentially impossible."

    "The BRICS would also be poised to achieve a level of self-sufficiency in international trade that has eluded the world's other currency unions."

    In addition to eroding dollar dominance in trade, a BRICS currency could weaken the greenback's status as a reserve currency.

    BRICS governments could induce their own households and companies to buy assets in the new currency with their savings and "effectively coerce and subsidize the market into existence," he added.

    Sullivan also noted that it would not spell the end to the dollar's reign — which still accounts for 84.3% of cross-border transactions — but possibly contribute to a multi-polar regime.

    In fact, some decline in the dollar's strength could be a good thing, he writes. At the moment, the greenback's high price costs the US jobs and lowers exports.


            h.o., if you happen to think that everyone believes what they may see online on the internet, then you may want to consider questioning your own intelligence yourself. I post comments related to what I, as well as others, have actually experienced throughout the histories of our lifetimes as well as our families before, not just some b.s. that someone else posted online that much of is blatantly deviations from actual history. I noticed there was still no response from you in regards to your comments that insinuated Republican ideologies in the U S. were considered right wing similar to that of the nazis were. As I mentioned, the Republican party of the U.S., had been around much longer than the nationalists socialists party also referred to as nazis of germany, that was referred to as being on the right in that country at the time, and had already been being referred to as being on the right ever since before and during when Abraham Lincoln was President, that helped to defeat radicalized leftist ideologies of the confederacy at the time and in doing so, helped bring about an eventual end to slavery in the U S. So you can post your insinuated ideologies that is obviously similar to what you discover on the internet that you obviously believe rather than some of the b.s. it actually is to leftists who actually believe it since it was posted online by others such as themselves. Also as I previously mentioned, if any radical ideologies in the U.S. should be considered similar to that of what those that were considered nazis actually were, it is definitely such radical ideologies that have been being revealed as well as perpetuated by leftist psychotic nutjobs in the U.S.

  21. 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Sort of how Marxists today hide themselves behind party labels like Social Democrats. And actually Biden has violated more laws passed by Congress than Trump ever did. The president has no legal authority to forgive student loan debt, Biden is preventing border patrol agents and members of ICE from enforcing immigration law, the EPA and energy dept. are imposing regulations upon U.S. businesses and U.S. citizens that they have no legal authority to do, and there are numerous other violations of law by the Biden Administration.


  22. 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    You just repeat the same garbage over and over. If I had my way we would let your fucking country and the EU deal with Putin by yourselves. Bring U.S. troops and military equipment home from the EU and put those troops on our southern border to secure our sovereignty. And it is the European socialist/Marxist economics and social policies that have crept into America that are causing most of our current problems.


  23. 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

     No, House passes its bill, the Senate passes its bill, the two bodies get together to come up with compromise bill, and then that is sent to President for signature or veto. The president can get involved in the process earlier if he wants to negotiate with leaders of House and Senate to write a bill that they all agree upon. And every time debt ceiling is raised without making spending cuts for next budget the spending cuts are never made because no one in Washington, D.C. does anything unless they face a crisis. Biden is refusing to negotiate in hopes that his loyal mainstream news media will make the Republicans look bad in this game of "chicken." Everything Biden does is political. If you exceed the debt ceiling every year then a debt ceiling means nothing. The debt ceiling was intended to control spending, but instead of allowing the debt ceiling to control spending Washington continues to overspend and then raise the debt ceiling to cover the excessive spending. Consequently the national debt grows and grows and grows.


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