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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 13 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    I would never give one thin dime towards this SOB. Fake or not.  

           I wouldn't think you would anyway since you live somewhere where that country has to be concerned about an obviously fucked up minded far leftist so called pm that initiated a crackdown on truckers who were protesting against so called covid lockdowns and regulations that were put in place by trudeaux that affected themselves and their famalies well being. 

  2. 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    And that is exactly what happens when the pathological right-wing extremist fascist and admirer of Hitler regains power for a second term from Trump. US NAZI state. Will USA really be that stupid???   :grin wide:


           Once again you prove that you are more than full of shit, since most of your comments in this thread have proven and revealed that you are so. I will mention it again that it has been revealed by your own posts and comments, that you are norhing more than an actually not very well educated, but rather actually an indoctrinated disgruntled kraut just like your actual mentor known as hitler was because your mentally fucked up ideological kind got defeated in two world conflicts. Yes it's true that your mentor adolf hitler felt quite the same after the first world conflict, before he realized otherwise when it was too late after all of the evil he had inspired and perpetuated on mankind. The same can be considered for your brainwashed indoctrinated kind you sorry assed mentally fucked up kraut m.f.


  3. Just now, StarLight28 said:

    Er war Teil der Massen, die das US-Kapitol stürmten: Stewart Rhodes. Nun ist ein historisches Urteil gegen den Mann mit der schwarzen Augenklappe gefallen.


    25 Jahre Haft für Trump - mehr als Gerecht.


        You are as full of shit assses on the left that you attempt to make otherwise known, of course since you are nothing more than a disgruntled, leftist supporting piece of shit who is in hopes that America falls all because he is a a disgruntled kraut who lies about what his country did during two world wars. You can kiss my ass because we know better you kraut propagandist m.f.

  4. 29 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Ron DeSantis bewirbt sich offiziell um die Kandidatur der Republikaner für die US-Wahl 2024. Er tritt gegen seinen einstigen Mentor Donald Trump an.


             Your kind are one of the worthless excuse of humanity on earth and actually should be eradicated from the earths population because you are nothing more than a kraut propagandist who tells lies to try to cover up for lies. Your kind is obviously become a cancer on humanity that needs that should be eradictcated. So once again, 🖕 you dishonest, and your lying assed propagandist kraut post your lying assed bullshit.

  5. 11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der US-amerikanische Präsident Joe Biden wird voraussichtlich Charles Brown, den Stabschef der Luftwaffe, als zukünftigen Generalstabschef nominieren.


    Das ist doch schön. USA wird schwarz und farbig. Quittung für US-Sklaven-Politik. Schwarz ist sexy.

    Besser Kamala Harris als diese halb-weißen Faschisten von DeSantis oder Trump.  :biggrin:


            Considering that the puppets poll numbers are and have been being so low, his chances of be reinstalled rather than actually elected by traditional rules and regulations of American election systems and policies, are actually quite slim you obviously mentally fucked up propagandist kraut. So someones tenure that you allude to in your leftitst propaganda bullshit is probably limited as much as well you kraut propagandist m.f.  😆

  6. 14 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der prominente US-Republikaner Ron DeSantis will Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten werden - sein Wahlkampfstart hat ihm allerdings reichlich Spott eingebracht.


    Eine weitere Lach-Nummer der US-Reps. Viel Glück USA vor der Agonie.


        As usual, you are just nothing more than a disgruntled piece of shit kraut propangandist who deserves nothing more than a 🖕 emoji other than an extreme American boot in the ass.

  7. 20 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der neue US-Präsident Joe Biden räumt mit zahlreichen Entscheidungen seines Vorgängers auf. Eine von Bidens ersten Entscheidungen: Die USA reihen sich wieder ein bei den globalen...


           Fuck joe china biden and fuck you, you propagandist fucking kraut. Make no mistake, that corrupt ,crooked, china puppet will not be re elected you piece of shit propagandist.

  8. 12 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der Konflikt zwischen den USA und China erreicht eine neue Ebene: Peking bannt Chips des US-Unternehmens Micron


    Chinesen sind nicht dumm - und merken wenn sie von Amerikanern betrogen werden.


          Again, you are nothing more than a propagandist who now again reveals being indoctrinated by communist idelogies by this latest post. You are as full of shit as they come and will regret the time you chose to be a mentally fucked up socialist/marxist/communist kraut propagandist when your time comes.

  9. 6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    In the USA, a family was looking through their grandfather's estate and came across a hand grenade from World War II - with fatal consequences.


             Oh really, well what the fuck does your mentally fucked up indoctrinated mind think what happened before, during, and after WWII in the country where you were spawned from. That kind of shit has been occurring since then as well other countries because of your mentally fucked up kind you worthless dishonest lying propagandist kraut.

  10. 20 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump hat laut Gouverneur Ron DeSantis keine Chance, bei der US-Wahl 2024 gegen Joe Biden zu gewinnen.


           You are a disgruntled, worthless, piece of shit kraut propagandist and obviously always will be. Perhaps such a characterization might not be aligned with your dishonest and lying posts that you continue to post in this forum. None the less, you have continually posted comments and posts that have been continually proven over and over false and therefore dishonesty and lies for the left. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Violent bloody deed in Florida. A 34-year-old kills his grandmother and then asks a maid to clean up the remains. And it gets even worse.


    He will also kill Nicholas so that peace can finally return here.   :biggrin:


           As I have mentioned many times previously, you are nothing more than a mentally fucked up propagandist kraut who relies on your socialist/marxist/communist indoctrination to try to promote your sorry excuse of humanity's best at contributing to the downfall of the country most responsible for the country where your obviously no good for nothing sorry excuse of humanity was spawned, all because you are also nothing more than a disgruntled, no good for nothing, other than being a socialist/marxist/communist kraut who better hope his time comes before the next time the U.S. has to become involved with such socialist/marxist/communist propagandist bullshit because the next time, it will more than likely be the last time since the next time such bullshit will likely be eradicated from the earth from that country where your kind has obviously been spawned.

  12. 10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Miserable rat - decide between Zyklon B, gallows or head. The forum and our world do not need so much stupidity.   :biggrin:     You are a piece of trash. A US killer will catch you with his submachine gun. No cock crows around you.


          On the contraire, I just may catch you at the wrong place at the wrong time you dishonest, lying assed, socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated propagandist piece of shit kraut just like so many of your actual kind did to millions of innocent people 70+ years ago.

  13. 7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    "Sie Heil Trump" !! ??  :biggrin:   ..... and goodbye - forever.


          Sieg heil my ass, I'd show you what I thought in regards to seig heil if I met your sorry propagandist kraut ass in person rather than you being able to hide behind the curtain of the internet like the cowardly kraut propagandist you obviously are. Much like the krauts that retreated and ran when they were being overun by American soldiers and their allied soldiers. I guess you consider that humorous as well, although I actually believe quite the opposite you disgruntled kraut propagandist. So you and any of your like minded kind can go and fuck one another since there are probably not many others who would want to be even touched by such sorry excuses of humanity such as yourselves.

  14. 16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Für Technik-Interessierte von US-Forschungen




             I read your response to TGB-150, 3rd from the last on page 29 of the previous continuation of this thread topic listing, and once again you prove by posting nothing but lies and dishonesty in relation to the comments you responded to of TGB -150, that you are nothing more than a disgruntled, socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity kraut who is trying your best to contribute to the downfall of the nation most responsible for fucking up and destroying your mentally fucked up kinds country during two world conflicts you worthless kraut propagandist mother fucker. Your kind, as occurred during the times of hitler, will assuredly make certain that your kind gets completely annililated the next time and you can make no mistake about it, it is going to happen with mentally fucked up kraut propagandists such as yourself still trying their best to exert some control of others in the worlds populations. 🖕

  15. 43 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Incorrect !           That was the family of SPYING 1 and his right-wing brown clan,  which fights for the downfall of the USA with gun violence and murder.    Sieg Heil Trump!!    :biggrin:


          Yet another lie from an obviously mentally fucked up socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated brainwashed worthless excuse of humanity kraut. Since the downfall of germany in two world conficts was primarily because of the involvement of the USA, you actually mean, Seig heil any of your like minded mentally fucked up disgruntled krauts such as yourself's kind you obviously mentally disturbed worthless kraut propagandist m.f. 🖕

  16. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    Blah blah  😁 😁 🤣 🤣 🤣 😁  .......... from a sick hot dog eater.

    Not a word on anything - just insults. What does this creature want here in the forum ?????



          Obviously, you and your kind will be the first to be destroyed and anniliated when we have to return to finishing the job that General Patton said we should had done more so back then including the russians and if so, the worlds populations would not had have to put up with such dishonesty and nonsense that comes from those such as yourself you mentally fucked up disgruntled like minded kind you propagandist kraut.

  17. 53 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    No one is interested in your unintellectual thin shit - haven't you noticed??? Bye.


          On the contraire, obviously it has seemed that most are not interested in the propaganda that anyone of your mentallity attempts to promote. So your chances of seeking out and finding those of your kind who are obsessed with male genitalia and feces as much as you obviously are, are actually not so good when it comes to U.S. political threads of this forum you obviously mentally fucked up propagandist kraut.

  18. 6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Stupid talk from a deranged idiot with word salad. Poop in your pants US hot dog eaters. You stink. No factual statement - just off-track insults. Choking on primitive Ami grub, worthless individual.  😁


            As mentioned previously, your mentally fucked up kind obviously has obsessions with male genitalia, transgenders, and feces no matter where it may come from. You are obviously one mentally fucked up kraut propagandist. Perhaps that is what makes your thinking that your kinds mentallities are somehow humurous when in all actuality, they are not at all so 🖕 as I have mentioned on multiple ocassions previously.

  19. 16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Washington's economic policies seem like an old man's factory nostalgia. Yesterday's recipes are not enough.


           Yesterday's recipies are no where close to being enough when you have a no good for nothing, absolutely crooked and corrupt, career so called poltician installed as the top leader of the free world of so called countries of democracy around the world because of a virus known as covid19, that was intentionally released from a virology lab in wuhan, china because xi and the rest of the ccp hated having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in tarrifs that was imposed on them by the former president, and it is more than peculiar or coincidental that the worthless excuse of humanity known as biden has done every he has to relax such tarrifs and even has gone as far as to veto a bill introduced by bipartisan members of the U.S. congress that would make sure that U.S. manufacturing companies of so called renewable green energy, would have a chance to catch up and challenge the manufacturing of renewable and so called green materials of the ccp controlled population of china, particularly since nearly a dozen members of his family has benefited from recieving over 10 million dollars that has been traced back to the ccp. So once again, you prove that you are nothing more than a mentally fucked up disgruntled propangandist kraut.

  20. 12 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    As a HUMAN I am fundamentally against "death penalty by the state". In the case of complete idiots like you and SPYING 1 I would sing a friendly hallelujah at the enforcement - "Hotdog-Eater" !!  😁

    If you didn't choke on that crap first.  🤣 🤣 🤣


          AS A HUMAN ? Your mentally fucked up kinds should not even be referred to as being modern humans, since after all your kinds mentallity is and has obviously been obsessed with men's genitalia and feces as well as transgenders. Your kinds mentallity is more in line with that of the uncivilzed cro magnon era of so called human evolution you mentally fucked up kraut propagandist and is why the sooner your kind is gone from the earth, the better.  

  21. 17 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Die Todesstrafe ist ethisch und strafrechtlich umstritten. Mit der Hinrichtung der Doppelmörder Stephen Barbee und Murray Hooper sind in diesem Jahr bereits 15 Straftäter in den USA exekutiert worden...


    USA  - -  200 Jahre hinter Menschlichkeit  zurück.    Good bye Jonny.   😁



           Yeah, about like we kicked your mentally deranged and disturbed kinds asses in two world conflicts. Like those of your kind obviously did back then, make no mistake about it, it can happen again and if it comes down to it, it will you dummkopf propangandist kraut. 

  22. 13 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    President Biden gave Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a warm welcome at the G7...

    My son takes more money there From the taxes of American taxpayers 

    Americans don't need money 


           That is exactly what that no good for nothing dishonest, lying assed, completely corrupt, sorry excuse of humanity puppet has thought over and over time and time again, make no mistake about it. But now there are more and more of the country's overall population being made more aware of what has been being tried to be kept hidden and covered up, so that completely corrupt and crooked sorry excuse of humanity's chances of being reinstalled as a continuing puppet again are growing less and less as time goes by.

  23. 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Germany should send 3 million refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria to the polluter state, the USA, in order to Islamize the country. The rich immigration country USA still needs many immigrants to get more intelligence into the people with fresh blood.  😁    A great opportunity for the country!


            Once again you prove that you are nothing more than a socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated mentally fucked up disgruntled propaganda promoting kraut who obviously the better part of slid down the man or woman's or perhaps transgender's leg who spawned your conception of being a sorry no good for nothing worthless excuse of humanity kraut ass. Regardless, the sooner you and your mentally fucked up kind are gone from this earth, the better.

    • Like 1
  24. 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


    Let's get that straight. You are a pathetic American FOOL that only sees your country and NOTHING else. USA is smaller than YOU think - pretentious and cheeky, but not honest. For you idiots, only radical right-wing US reps and their radical capitalism count past the "working class". Understood ??? Certainly not. I'll say "Heil Trump", that can be a sad consequence for the USA if you're not very careful.  😁


             Yet again, you prove that you are nothing more than a mentally fucked up disgruntled kraut who tries his best to bring down the U.S., who along with Russia ended up nearly anniliating your country. Truth be known, as General Patton said, your country should only be given exile afte enough remitensous had been given. You are evidently so stupid or indoctrinated that it would not have been reavealesd otherwise.

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