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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 13 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    And asshole "Nicholas" is also running for right-wing radical Republicans. 




            Actually let's make that plain and clear, Nicholas is not running for anything but is only expressing what is right from wrong and what any sensible minded American citizen should be aware of and realize. You and your obviously like minded kind of warped minded fucked up indoctrinated ideologies are trying to disguise such fucked ideologies are far from reality when it comes to this country mother fucker.

  2. 11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Fuck me, you stupid US fast food glutton asshole!!!  🤣


           On the contraire, it is you who are quite obviously a stupid dumkomp kraut who I would not fuck if you were the last remaining individual of humanity other than myself on this planet. Of course that might not be understood by your kind's mentally fucked up males or so called transgenders since you enjoy fucking each other. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    That's not my issue, people with different sexual orientations have, to a certain extent, my understanding for their difficult situation and suffering, and I don't pour any contempt on them. I'm glad to be a normal straight person.

    I didn't start the topic. It's always SPYING 1 who makes himself important here with stupid comments and photos about trans, homo, Nazi - and you still support him. It's all just a personal insult. Anyone who does something like this over and over again and cannot learn it must then also be able to endure a receipt and a reaction.

    Also always this stupid and childish disparagement of "democrats" as socialist-communist liberal, as if these people were all vegetating on the street and "republicans" were the master race. That's stupid generalization. On the other hand, it is simply a fact that this Rep party has over the past few years in tendency and behavior right-wing radical nationalist ur-capitalist passed the people.     

    In the 2 camp struggle, this USA will not be able to develop into a philanthropic state. This "majority election system" hardens fronts to the point of violence and civil war. The raid on the Capitol was a first beginning. People who are mentally ill should not be given a chance to "seize power"! It can quickly be too late!  😁


            As usual, all I have to say to your obviously mentally disturbed kraut b.s. is 🖕.

  4. 6 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    Brics It's the future in the world 

    Americans are becoming powerless in the world and their Coin  is becoming worthless. 

           That is until another world conflict starts and then who should get involved to save the majority of countries from being overan, overtaken, and overuled by countries in line with the globalist cultist climate economic agenda that is in line with marxism and even communistic ideoligies. It damn sure won't be the CCP of china or the radicalist communists of russia who are nothing more than communists who influenced china to begin with or the communists of north korea. So who do you think it might could actually be my little jumper friend philipe ?

  5. 6 hours ago, happyone said:

    As the article says--it will cost California over 800 billion dollars.  The recommendation is non binding and must still be approved by the State Legislature.  My opinion is that the left woke Democrats will approve some dollar award and stick the taxpayers with the bill.

          Of course they will, since most are worthless excuses of humanity corrupt so called political office holders that would actually benifit from such leftist corruption anyways.

  6. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    The impasse between Congress and the White House could result in the US defaulting on its debt. Which countries are the largest holders of US public debt?

    The above article also touches on the dollar value in the world economy.

         And who's fault might that be h.o. ? Who has been supposedly in charge of the country's leadership since 01/20. Care to take a guess ? I will answer that question for you since it has been more than obvious that it has been a communist financially supported puppet along with his family benefiting from such support known as a puppet also known as a biden. If you happened to notice no capital letters were used where they may have could have been, it is because I actually do not think any actual respect should be given to anyone who sells out the middle class of America to any other country and should actually be tried for treason, and that is exactly what has been going on and covered up all because of a virus intentionally realeased by the CCP of china, because they hated the hundreds of milliions of dollars they had were having to forfeit or lose because of Trumps policies. Make no mistake, xi hated losing hundreds of billions of dollars. So keep on posting or covering up for leftist b.s. ideogies and making excuses if you want to, but what has actually been occurring shows just the opposite. Hell, look at the explosion of illegal imigrants across the U.S. southern border over the last couple of years and especially the explosion of illegal imigration that is approaching and being allowed  if you are not well enough informed along with what is coming. Also, apparently, you have not realized that nearly everything Trump said would happen related to the most worthless corrupt so called leader known as biden, has actually come to pass and happened, or could it be that like so many other leftists ideological buffoons, you choose to ignor and deny actual reality, so that you have to an extent as well.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Where did I say Biden had anything to do with Black immigrant story? You become a bit more insane everyday.

           He's an obviously mentally fucked up disgruntled kraut who tries his best to influence as many of people in the U.S. to believe in the ridiculous and unlogical ideologies of the fickle minded ignorant leftist idiots in the U.S. because like his mentor, Adolf Hitler, he cannot stand the fact that the fickle minded and brainwashed population of the country where he lives, was ultimately defeated in two world conflicts and nearly anniliated in the second and that the brainwashed population of the country at the time where he lives contributed to and actually was involved in starting two world conflicts that cost milllions of innocent people their lives. His words are nothing more than leftist ideology bullshitt because of his intentions of actually contributing to ridiculous, unlogical leftist ideologies by being a disgruntled leftist idelogical indoctrinated kraut.

  8. 21 hours ago, happyone said:
    In an official White House statement denying E. Jean Carroll's claim that Donald Trump raped her, the president says "I've never met this person in my life." Here's a photo of them together.

           So where is a photo of them actually together since the photo shown does not actually show Trumps face ? I think such a photo could actually be nothing more than leftist propaganda and are actually surprised somewhat that you would post such a photo and actually believe it to be the man himself from a photo that shows the back of a mans head and not his face other than what supposed claims of leftist dialogue that had apparently been made in association with the photo. Have you located any photo that might actually show the mans face himself that could actually dispute his claims of not knowing who the woman was or is and perhaps explain otherwise, me thinks not since you decided to post the one you did and allude to such an insinuation. I'm becoming more and more surprised with you h.o. since that is actually what those who believe more in leftist ideologies do much more often than not.

  9. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    What do you little monkey want here with your word salad. Your nonsense has no relation to the current topic. Go to forum #18 and fuck SPYING 1 in the ass. Then maybe you're both happy. HERE you are wrong. And now enjoy your hot dog - or stick it in your mouth........ Meal.  😁


          🖕 As I have mentioned on numerous ocassions previously, you obviously disgruntled mentally disturbed worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut .

  10. 15 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Buby, eat your hot dog and bite your tail. Fuck you. 😁


            Hate to disappoint you and your mentally fucked up kind, I only would ever or have ever considered fucking a woman who was actually female, and certainly not a mentally fucked up disgruntled socialist, marxisit indoctrinated leftist propagandist such as yourself who might actually be a so called transvestite. So you and your kind can continue fucking each other, since nobody that actually has moral beliefs would do otherwise since your obviously mentally fucked up kind you obviously mentally disturbed disgruntled kraut. 

  11. 21 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Stupid hot dog eater fuck off with your silly word salad. Crawl up the ass of your fascist from Trump, then you miserable right-wing extremist piglet have enough to do and eat your "disgusting hot dog", you pathetic primitive sausage   🤣 🤣


           It is you who actually should fuck off since you have more than proven what your attempts of ideology persuasion should be you obviously disgruntled mentally fucked up kraut. Also, I mentioned, such a matter as not being very humurous since you are obviously are a disgruntled mentally fucked up kraut so it's not surprising that you post emojies like you actually think or believe someone elses responses to your ridiculous b.s. are actaully humorous since they actually are not, other than others who possess similar or the same mentally disturbed or fucked up mentallaties or so called ideologies you mentally fucked up krauts must. Although, considering the so called leaders of the so called country that spawned your kind of obviously mentally disturbed idiocy, it is not at all surprising you worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut 

  12. 42 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der philippinische Präsident Ferdinand Marcos Jr. steht den USA weniger skeptisch gegenüber als sein Vorgänger Rodrigo Duterte. Die Sicherheits­kooperation wird ausgebaut, was die Regierung in Peking...


    Of course, you have always revealed yourself to be nothing more than a disgruntled left ideology indoctrinated socialist marxiist kraut, obviously much like those with fickle minded mentallities such as yourself since it is after all when the declaration that the nazi party of socialist, believers, and supporters of your kind in your country referred to as germany, was totally defeated and nearly anniliated on this actual day in history during the last world conflict spawned by your kinds fucked up unnormal mentallities.

  13. 19 hours ago, hilts122 said:

    Well now we are getting somewhere!  So you have no problem getting rid of concealed carry and guns in general, right?  Like I've already said, I carry because you clowns run around threatening people and promoting guns.  Also, as I have already shown, Baltimore is safer than any red state or city!  Let's compare the numbers smart guy!  You need to stop listening to the proven liars on fox!

           As I mentioned previously, you and your kind are as obviously as full of shit as they come since you once again you lie, since I have actually been to Baltimore, and there are actually locations of the city of Baltimore that are actually not safe at all since they are actually high crime related areas of the city. My suggestion to you would be to refrain from lying as often by trying to cover for the scourge of leftist political ideologies and policies that have severely diminished this country along with it's cities such as you have obviously been trying to do. But obviously the so called national polls including those that usually are more leftist ideologically than not might be why your such kind have decided to spread more such leftist propaganda.

  14. 20 hours ago, hilts122 said:

    Really? 🤣  Tell me, instead of backing up your stance with facts you just keep writing "transgender children, transgender children.... liar, dishonest, leftist, transgender, lair, children...etc!  Hilarious!!!  Again, if I am so dishonest and a liar, then point out how and why!  Please produce facts!  Oh right, you can't because all you people do is make up crap you want to believe then just keep saying it over and over as if that will make it true...😂😂😂!  You are laughably weak minded!  Why keep spewing the same word salad over and over again?  Produce facts and show where I am lying!  Clown!

           The facts are what has actually been occurring all around the country. Since everyone has noticed and is aware of such bullshit other than yourself or your fickle minded like kind, speaks volumes of all there is know regarding your ideologies and beliefs. Obviously you are quite misinformed, or rather quite dishonest. The latter of the two suggestions is most likely a reference to you, since you obviously must be a  brainwashed leftist moron. As I have mentioned on several occasions previously, I actually was registered and voted on democratic tickets for several elections once upon a time, but during such times became much more aware of where the most corruption and dishonesty was occurring with, and it was for damn sure much, much more from those on the left, than any other. So you and your kinds propagandist bullshit is considered mostly for what it is. Your kinds mentally disturbed mentallities are precisely whats been behind not only supporting, but also pushing such ridiculous and immoral sexualizations of children along with such ridiculous bullshit such as pushing and influencing so called consideration of gender ideologies amongst children in combination with pushing for and supporting drag shows being able to be performed in the presences of children. So you, and all the rest of you lying assed dishonest m.f.'s on the left that actually have been going along with those such as yourself who lies and tries to cover for such worthless sorry excuses of morality, are no more than that other than sorry excuses of humanity.

  15. 12 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you.

    Two sources also confirmed to CBS News that the shooter had a patch on his clothing with the letters "RWDS," which stands for "Right Wing Death Squad" —  believed to be a right-wing neo-Nazi group.

           I'd believe as much that comes from anyone with cbs as I would that comes from snl.

  16. 8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Du hast überhaupt keine Ahnung und schreibst nur groben Unfug. ICH habe mit Hitler nichts zu tun. Du sagst ich bin "links" - Hitler war ultra-rechter Faschist, genau so wie Dein Trump ultrarechter Faschist ist. Du bist Anhänger von Trump, als bist DU Faschisten-Anhänger und damit vermutlich auch Anhänger von Hitler, so wie Dein Freund SPYING 1, der gerne NAZI-Bilder postet, welche er wohl als Vorlage zum masturbieren braucht.   😁

    Schalte doch einfach Dein Gehirn ein bevor Du ein Wort postest.

            You are obviously one mentally fucked up kraut who is nothing more than a fucked up leftist propagandist because your country was nearly anniliated because of such ridiculous and fucked up ideologies that cost millions of innocent people their lives. So you can go fuck yourself and any others like you such as your Scottish comrade you worthless propagandist kraut since it is not too late to do so.

  17. 59 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der frühere US-Präsident Donald Trump lässt sich von seiner Haltung zu Adolf Hitler nicht abbringen. Sein damaliger Stabschef John Kelly spricht von schockierenden Aussagen.


    Ein Faschist lobt einen Faschisten.


            Actually, it is quite the opposite since it is you and any other mentally disurbed psychotic psychopath leftists who are like minded to adolf hitler you fucked up mentally unhinged minded leftist propagandist kraut. Quite so as a matter of fact.

  18. 10 hours ago, hilts122 said:

    How stupid are you?  🤣🤣🤣  So now I am lying about my political views...😂😂😂!  Why would I lie?  To impress you?  Dude, you are nothing!  So you're saying, unless I am a mindless slobbering maga drone, then I can't be conservative.  Yeah!!!  So, according to you, there is no such thing as conservative democrats?  So there is no internal beef between the Joe Manchin side and the AOC side of the party?  Please... what happened to you?  Where you in a bad accident?  Childhood head trama?  What???

           Precisely, you are lying, you obviously mentally disturbed leftist sorry excuse of humanity, since it does not have anything to do with so called maga. For you obviously mentally mind warp deficient leftists, maga, is an abreviation for a slogan referred to as 'Make America Great Again' which does not have anything to do with what you mentally disturbed mind warped leftists have impied it does. As a matter of fact, it is a slogan much more patriotic than anything that has been suggested by those with mentallities such as your kind, since the year 1865. So you mentally disturbed leftists should be well aware of that although most of you probably are not or could give a shit less. After all, that is what your kind does daily without believing there should be any repercussions for such lying and dishonesty since that has become part of normal everyday life for those with ridiculous leftist ideologies such as yourself. It's called propaganda and that's what the fucked up fickle minded mentallaties of the left such as yourself are more into promoting and spreading rather than facts and truth.

    • Haha 1
  19. 23 hours ago, hilts122 said:

    I didn't respond because you were trying to deflect away from the questions I asked you to respond to!  But since you brought it up, no one is sexualizing children.  All I see is republicans running around throughing baseless accusations t anyone who doesn't conform to your narative.  You people keep projecting what you do on everyone else.  How about you look up all of the republican politicians who have been convicted for child sex abuse or are currently under investigation then compare it to democrats... then get back to me!  You keep writing that liberals lie... what lies?  As far as lying, I can easy list some more republican lies!  How about, instead of you straining that little brain of your's trying to come up with more intense names to call me, you put together a coherent rational explination of the weird and crazy stances of your party?  It's funning how the party that runs around screaming freedom and patriotism are the very ones pushing thers religion on everyone while demonizing anyone different even though freedom of religion is protected by the first amendment.  You people are banning books, putting yourself in other peoples bedrooms, restricting women's right's, attacking businesses (ron desantis against Disney)...etc!  I can keep going!  You people rail against socialism while implementing socialist policies like PPP and the farm subsidies..etc.  Also, explain how you come to the conclusion that liberals lie when your main news channel just lost 787 million $ for lying?  They played the recorded calls and txt messages of their hosts admitting that they lie to you every night.  Dude, your side has lost it's mind.  The more you write on here, the more you show your volatile ignorance.  You are sad and pathetic!  Now go ahead and call me brain warped while not explaining your positions or why you keep calling me a lyer without any proof to back your position! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

            It is more than obvious that you are a lying dishonest leftist since it has been more than obvious who has been trying to sexualize children in combination of promoting so called mentally disturbed ideologies of society who refer to themselves as transgender, as well as pushing and promoting such bullshit on children. It has been sorry excuses of humanity on the left who has been doing so, so go ahead and tell some more lies and be dishonest since telling lies and being dishonest rather than being truthful or factual is part of the leftist ideological agenda anyways and obviously has been for quite awhile now. As I mentioned previously, you and your kind are as full of shit as they come. There is an old saying that someone is only as good as their word, well it has been more than obvious that a majority of you so called leftists are not much good since a majority of you leftists words are mostly lies and dishonesty combined with deception.

    • Haha 1
  20. 20 hours ago, hilts122 said:

    I pulled over to take another pic with my Maryland and Utah concealed carry permits.  Oh yeah, I forgot, you live in the land of conspiracy theory and mame believe where anything that doesn't fit your irrational beliefs must be fake....🤣🤣🤣😂!  You really don't realize how pathetic you are?



            Typical mindset and mentallity of someone with ridiculous leftist ideologies since you on a voyueristic website political forum thread, would actually think someone should care about seeing posted pics regarding concealed weapons permits that could actually be faked and regardless, who actually would care anyways. Regardless of whether such pics were faked or not, what does that have to do with the bullshit leftist ideologies that have become a cancer on the American public. Apparently, it is you who ignorantly does not realize how pathetic you are by responding to your own previous post of comments by asking how pathetic you actually are and that is actually quite humurous you fickle minded ignorant leftist m.f.

    • Haha 1
  21. 20 hours ago, hilts122 said:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!  WOW.... That was a serious word salad!  Does what you wrote really make sense to you?  So according to you, no one on the left could possibly own a gun?  Really?  Also, according to you illegals only enter the US during democratic administrations?  You also fumbled around in your soliloquy and accused Biden of getting help from China to get elected..🤣!  Ok, where is the proof?  If Biden is a Chinese puppet then why are we close to war with them over Taiwan?  Why do you clowns always say the left is trying to take all guns?  Again slow one, I have guns but I am intelligent enough to know they shouldn't be so easy to get in this country.  But hey, I am trying to have a rational conversation with an irrational, brainwashed, trumpy psychopath.

         I notice you still have not responded to why your kind has supported and even promoted sexualization of children in the U.S. in regards to such bullshit as transgenderism although I doubted that you actually would since there is no logical or sensible or reasonable excuse for such ridiculous bullshit. You are as full of shit as they come since you are obviously a leftist mentally mind warped ignorant leftist idiot who also promotes leftist bullshit propagandism. That kind of propagandism bullshit doesn't make your kind or you any different than any other of the leftist dishonesty and lies that occurr quite frequently with your kinds disgusting and worthless excuses of humanity. It damn sure doesn't set well with me or many millions of others that have been having to pay much more than ever before for everything while your kinds elites are becoming extravagantly wealthy from communists like the CCP  because ignorant mind warped leftists such as yourself. So to hell with you, you obviously ignorant mind warped leftist.

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