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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Such a pleasantly enjoyable occasion. I hope it was as good for you as it appeared it may have been Leora you appealingly attractive woman. 😘
  2. Lol. You have an unusual way of characterizing or describing some things filipe. Kind of like some have outer beaks and some have inner beaks. Lmao. 😂
  3. If not knowing of how the project admin. can be in their decision making at times, I would actually be quite surprised noticing that it is apparently now official that the participant known as Masha, has been relocated to a different residence from the one in Rome where she had been for a very long time. Of course the relocating and shuffling around of participants from residence to residence along with the return of former participants more than twice have been known to be a hallmark of the project's admin. for quite awhile. So, actually not surprised much at all.
  4. Those two women have other friends there other than several of the male friends that are usually referred to in threads related to them. It is very likely that they have more female friends there then male. It is also very likely that some of their friends live or reside very close or nearby, and quite possibly in the same building. As far as their recently not being 100% well and seemingly had developed some colds, although it has been unfortunate just as it is for anyone to not be completely well, they are adult women close to being in their 30's, and should know what is best for themselves. If they do not know what's best for themselves at their age's, then it is very likely that they seek advice or suggestions from professionals that may. As far as the virus goes, it has shown to not have nearly as much of more serious concerns of detrimental health effects on people that are not middle aged to ederly, and those that usually already have other underlying serious medical or health conditions. From what has been observed, they have been trying to follow the recommended health and well being guidelines as far as what anyone has been able to observe of them from nothing more then thru some lenses of some cams. Like anyone else, they cannot be expected to remain at that apartment much more than they have tried to do throughout the pandemic. People have to be able to live their lives without being expected to remain isolated somewhere like hermits as often as what some may think or believe.
  5. Have always considered it to be quite amazing as well as quite intriguingly interesting to observe some of the absolutely gorgeously beautiful women of lingerie fashion shows. Here are just some :
  6. Well Ash, I do happen to like her mud flaps, or labia wings, or vag. flaps, or whatever else they may could be referred to as, and hello by the way as well. It's been awhile. 🙂
  7. Hadn't really noticed but it certainly could be beneficial to them. My son and daughter in law have one and they like it and say it works well. Eliminates a need to sweep or manually vaccum the floor as often.
  8. Did they happen to acquire one of those robotic vac's by chance ?
  9. Appears that Malia has put her magic fingers to use in giving her friend a nice neck, shoulder, and upper back massage again. It's likely that her friend enjoys it when she lets her magic fingers do their thing.
  10. Goodness gracious, some of the subject matter that gets mentioned and elaborated on in some of the threads is likely not only considered surprising to some, but also likely considered astonishing to some as well to say the least. I happen to like both of their anatomies, including their kitty's, and I happen to like it whenever it has seemed that they experienced some unusual sensual pleasure and enjoyment from sharing with one another some sensual stimulation of their kitty's. Of course that's just my opinions and everyone has their own.
  11. Oh, ok. I don't recall ever being made aware of such an expression being expressed in that way. Guess we are never to old to learn or be made aware of new things in life.
  12. Care to elaborate or explain what is meant by an abreviation of Soz SG ?
  13. Good to be optimistic mate, but very doubtful. Likely nothing more than what has occurred there on numerous occasions.
  14. Let's make something clear...I did not start any page of my own...I started a new topic listing thread of this section of the forum. Evidently, what may be considered as being positive or not to you, may not be considered as such to others. Additionally...perhaps you should not concern yourself with what someone else may post in whatever thread since you, yourself, disregard topic listings by some of the commentary you post in threads since quite a bit of what you comment on in these thread topic listings has nothing to do with being positive or complimentary, but rather nothing more than detailed occurrences of what may or may not occur at that residence.
  15. Who would wager that what is currently occurring is not any or all for show to acumulate cam attention ? Likely not very many because it would likely be a wager that would be lost.
  16. It has been nice to notice that the two are feeling better and seemed to have recovered for the most part from the recent colds. Although it is imo, that there have been nothing of actual unusual intrigue and significant interest occurring there in awhile now. An example could be considered to be that of what has occurred there since the year began, including what occurred yesterday evening. Apparently, there are some that consider there to be occasions of intrigue or interest at times that have occurred so often that it has become apparent that on most of such occasions, nothing else will develop that that are considered to be of less intrigue or interesting to others. It has been evident by what has been occurring in the thumbnail screens at times whenever anything considered to be of more unusual intrigue and significance has been occuring with some of the other participants at some of the other residences.
  17. Perhaps it could be the 🚽 porcelain throne itself. But, it also could very well be nothing more than a 📲.
  18. There percentage of subscribers who think or believe that and feel that way has very likely never been as much as the percentage of subscibers that do not. Considering that the cams at that residence have not been achieving as much of top thumbnail screens as often as they once had been for awhile now, and that even when they have, they have not maintained remaining in doing so as long as they had been managing to achieve for awhile now as well, quite likely indicates there are either less subscribers of the project, or of there being less interested continuing subscribers. Of course there will likely always be those that consider anything they do to be so wonderful even though it may be nothing more than something trivial and of little if any unusual significance.
  19. Another week has past. A review of this past week would include an unfortunate time of the month arriving for one of the two participant's around a week ago, as well as it being evident that both participants unfortunately exhibited symptoms of having developed some mild cold illnesses. It was also evident that one of the two participants was affected more substantially by the cold illness than the other participant, as one remained at the residence for the most part and in bed quite often, while the other participant continued leaving and at times spending substantial times away, and returning to the residence just as she has usually done for quite awhile now. Apparently, both participants were feeling better enough yesterday evening that it was decided that another occasion of individual toy play by both of the participants while laying side by side may have been reasonable in attracting some attention to some cams that had not been being done as much lately. Perhaps it could be considered that anyone may only need to consider what has occurred at the residence during the last 2 to 3 months as compared to previous times, if the intrigue and interest of the participants have been waning and becoming less so. If the thumbscreens are to be considered any possible indicator of such, and more so especially over the last month or more, it could be considered so.
  20. Other than it being not absolutely certain that they were affected from or by the same thing, since they did seem to exhibit having several of the same symptoms, it seemed likely. As far as the rest may go, that about sums it up.
  21. Apparently, whatever may have gotten the two to not be 100% well, may have affected the individual known as Leora more so than her friend and roommate known as Malia. While it has seemed that Leora has needed a good bit of extra rest and sleep after symptoms had developed, it has also seemed that Malia has continued to leave from and return to the residence as though it may have not affected her as much as her friend.
  22. Apparently, the lovely woman known as Leora may not be feeling well as it has been noticed that she decided to return to bed and may be trying to sleep and rest in hopes of doing so sooner than later. If that may indeed be the reason, I certainly feel for her and hope that she may and will sooner than later.
  23. Apparently, the attractive woman known as Leora decided that a good relaxxing soaking bath would be pleasant and feel good this morning.
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