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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I noticed that. As measured in Celcius. As measured in Fahrenheit is 42.8°/44.6°, but feels like 37°. So evidently, there is some associated wind chill as well. Measured either way, that is considered to be cold to most. Especially to anyone who may not be 100% well.
  2. Even though the beginning of what is considered as the Spring season in most places around the world began nearly two weeks ago, evidently, it is quite cold there this morning. Malia put on a heavy coat before venturing out of the residence. Of course, with her apparently not feeling 100% well, that could be an additional reason to feel some necessity to do so.
  3. It may be that because they both had started experiencing some symptoms that are usually known to be associated with a common cold, and have been also known to be associated with other health related illnesses such as various viruses, in combination of being aware of how many other's either had been around or in close proximity of recently, that the participant known as Leora decided that it was definitely better to know for certain if in fact that was what she did.
  4. It doesn't seem as though it's been that long since that last occurred.
  5. Apparently, Malia may be intent on leaving sometime soon again today. It has been noticed that she chose to change from one of her sexy slips, into a t-shirt and panty.
  6. The comment was not intended to be cheap, only to present a possible explanation of what possibly may have been any reason to believe that something may have occurred, that in reallity, did not. If it actually occurred, you could go back to check on a time frame and share what is was, then I might be more inclined to admit that you were right and I was wrong. For some reason, after not noticing such from more than one observation, I don't believe that can be done.
  7. I'm not aware of whether you may wear some sort of corrective lense's or not Slip, but after observing the occasion 3 times, I came to a conclusion that never occurred. I didn't think I had noticed it occurring when the occasion initially occurred, but after noticing it being mentioned, I did observe twice more, and it was never noticed. Nothing wrong with wishful thinking, I do it myself at times.
  8. Ok Slip, let me see if I may be able to make things a little more clearer for you. When they start watching something on a tablet and elther reaches over fairly soon afterwards and proceeds to lighty touch or caress around and across their more intimate areas, and that proceeds to continue for awhile until such time that they decide to either change places doing it, or take a break from doing so until eventually returning to the other having a turn of so much time of doing so, without much other touching or caressing before, that is quite likely done for appearances much more so than for themselves. When this occurs as often as it has and seldomly leads to anything further, it is plain and outright doing so mostly for attention of the cams. Everyone doesn't think or believe that everything they do is done entirely for reasons or purposes for themselves, as most of which some apparently believe. Furthermore, unless you were recently referring to some penetration being as merely being between some kitty lips, you were wrong when you claimed there was some penetration in the last session with toys. I happened to be around to observe the occassion and have reviewed it several times since. There was several appearances of it, but none of what most consider actual penetration actually occurred.
  9. A thought that has crossed my mind on several or more occasions, is how nice it would seem to be if either of the two friends ever casually put their arm around the other, and sometime afterwards, casually reached over with a free arm and hand and began touching and caressing the other on the neck and then moved to a shouder or upper arm, and after so long proceeded to move the touching and caressing onto the abdomen, and eventually up onto a breast and not long after the other, then back onto the abdomen, while slowly caressing and rubbing downward to the more intimate area. A seduction that would certainly not only seem to be quite nice, but would without any doubt, be very hot ! Of course it can only be considered to be some fantasy, because it is something that will never occur.
  10. First of all, in regards to some commentary recently mentioned in another thread related to a possibility of someone not caring for what may get mentioned in some of the threads in this section of the forum at times, I happen to agree with most of what was mentioned in the commentary. It recently did seem that one of the participants did not care for what may have been noticed and read in some thread of this section of the forum. If the expressions on her face while reading things on her phone for awhile before going to sleep Saturday night happened to be indicative of such, it very well could have been because of that. Besides the expressions of discontent or of not caring for something that was read before going to sleep Saturday night, yesterday evening after the participant returned to the residence, other than continuously being concerned about checking or being on a phone, a behavior and body language seemed to be exhibited that was not what has been known to usually be that participant's more pleasant outlook.
  11. A topic listing for expressions of views or opinions on what occurs at the residence.
  12. It is quite likely that the apartment is still watchable because of various reasons. It is likely that for some, it may be mostly because they simply like and admire the two attractive women. For others, it likely may be a combination of both liking and admiring them, and currently not having alot else to do in their lives. As for some others, it is quite likely that an allure of two attractive women's sensual sides and sexual appeal are considered to be quite intriguing and interesting at times. Most in life are attracted to what they may consider to be intriguing and interesting to themselves, and usually remain so as long as any particular intrigue or interest remains so. Some interests can last for long periods during someone's life, while other interests are short termed. Matters of interest that often become repetative and mundane and that remain so for lengthy periods, tend to reduce or dissolve any particular interest. While matters of interest that include having some variety at times, usually tend to continue to attract others attentions.
  13. I realize some of my comments at times do tend to be lengthy in attempting to express my thoughts at times. But I'm glad you considered those related to your response to be down-to-earth rather than more like out-of-this-world type comments. Usually just trying to contribute what some may consider to be somewhat interesting expressions of thoughts and opinions of someone else to the forum's threads. 🙂
  14. Only 3 likely reasons for that. Returning it to some place if it had been borrowed or rented, or perhaps loaning it to someone else, or perhaps taking it somewhere to be used there by herself and some friends which may be the more likely out of the 3 reasons.
  15. Depending on the weight the hanger bar or rack is subjected to, several of the better solutions would be to either use what are known as toggle bolt fasteners to the drywall itself, but the better and more permanent method would be to fasten or anchor the bar or rack to several of the internal wall studs with something such as some 1/4" lag bolts or screws. Because of seperation distancing of studs, that is not always a more feasible option without needing to do some partial drywall work as well. 1/4" toggle bolts support a good bit of weight as well, but if too much weight is applied, the wings or toggles will pull out of the drywall creating larger holes than the necessary 1/2" holes it takes to put them in. If it is wood panelled walls, and the wooden wall panels are of substantial thickness, all that should be needed would be some 1/4" lag bolts or screws. Additionally, I will say kudo's to Leora for the recent effort to liven things up a bit at the residence. After all, this is a Fan Page Leora topic listing.
  16. Dear sweet Malia, if you may be aware of this site and these threads and happen to read this, I happen to like and admire you quite a bit. The change in your choice of hairstyle does suit you well and enhances your attractiveness. A recent occasion occurred where it seemed there may have somewhat been some nervousness on your part. If so, there really is no reason for any nervousness. You are an attractive woman. If at any time anything further between yourself and your friend occurs, there is no reason why you should not be willing to assert yourself and be involved in any experience as much as you may think of or perhaps may want to. There have been several occasions where it seemed you were relaxxed enough that you did just that and let your fingers express some of your thoughts of wanting to offer your friend some sensual stimulation that you both seemed to enjoy, of which apparently culminated in you both achieving certain levels of sensual gratification and satisfaction.
  17. As much as she has usually always seemed particular regarding her appearance, I can understand her being particular regarding someone elses.
  18. A recent occasion that was noticed to have occurred, seemed to be a much better occasion and experience than what had seemed to have been occurring for awhile whenever both participants have been involved in spending some of their time together. It did seem that one of the two may have exhibited some sense of nervousness, as her hand started out moving unusually fast as if she were shaking a container of something that needed mixxing, and proceeded to do so throughout that part of the occasion. Situations of such, usually start out much more slower. Additionally, neither seemed to get-off so to speak as intensely as might have been hoped for by either themselves, or anyone else. It was noticed that the same sensual aids that have been used on a number of occasions since they were initially acquired, were chosen to be put to use again during the occasion. The aids are of a type that have the abilities to vibrate which allows many women opportunities of being sensually stimulated in several various ways during endeavors to attempt to achieve more intensely stimulated sensual bliss to culminate in reaching certain levels of sensual satisfaction. For reasons known only to them, the sensual aids have mostly always been used for external sensual stimulation with exception of a few occasions, and then only the tips and somewhat more on several of the occasions, were teased at being used to offer themselves more of some internal stimulation as well. When it was first noticed that two sensual aids of those types had been acquired, those seemed to be of types that have been known to be acquired more so by women in their early twenties and even some in their late teens, than by women any older that have been known to acquire such items. As stated initially, the occasion itself, seemed to be a much better experience than what had seemed to have been occurring there for awhile lately whenever they were spending any time together. Of course, these are merely my opinions based on my perceptions and everyone has their own.
  19. Never understood how two women could get much pleasure from rubbing their breasts on one another during body massages and not allow it to further develop into anything of more increased and enjoyable pleasure, but it's likely that it is enjoyed by them to an extent.
  20. Strange that you should mention that mate. The thought or consideration has crossed my mind as well previously, as well as a little earlier. Although I have still tried to post a majority of my commentary in thread topic listings that my commentary was more related to than not. It lessens chances of any commentary being considered as inappropriate in any particular topic listing imo. So I do understand how such a consideration could be considered by some others.
  21. Of course they do, even if for some of the participants it is by no more than paying attention to the live stream thumbnails to check on what popularity staus any certain cam or cams may be at any given times. I agree with your opinion on the matter.
  22. That right, I'm not a moderator. Nor are others that get concerned about what commentary get's posted in what thread topic listing by someone else. I post my comments as I say, and in most cases in appropriate thread topic listings. So I don't care about anyone mentioning anything about the subject that does not always do so as well. It's not about anyone trying to be no precise man or anything of the like. Everyone should post their commentary in thread topic listings more appropriate and related to their commentary is all that I have mentioned on previous occasions. But you see what happens when someone posts commentary such as I did in a thread topic listing that was not much related to my commentary, but was related more as being in response to someone else's post, someone decides to mention something about it. It works both ways for everyone.
  23. It's unfortunate that you feel that way Slip, but if by 'slagging them off', you were referring to insulting them, the comments were not intended as insults and should not be regarded as so. The comments were partly in response to whether or not they might have decided to share a bath again as soon as they recently have, and if not, what a more likely scenario might unfold considering what has usually occurred there on most occasions. If someone being straight up and honest about any particular subject matter related to someone else is considered as slagging them off, it is unfortunate as I mentioned.
  24. Apparently, that's been being thrown out Slip. Commenting on any or every trivial subject matter or occurrence that occurs there that has no relation whatsever to being positive or complimentary continues to make it so. I've been posting comments partly related to part of what I mentioned in another appropriate thread. But it's been obvious that others disregard the thread topic listings with some of the comments they continue posting in the topic listings including this one and more so it for awhile now, than any of the others.
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