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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I've always liked that avy. of yours Slip. Perhaps I may request that you make me a neat and unique personalized avy. similar to that one day my friend. If I ever do, I'll have to request that you make a neat and unique looking one for me as well that has L&M on it. πŸ™‚
  2. Well hello there and Happy New Year there Slipper the Guyquad mate. Glad you decided otherwise my friend. πŸ™‚
  3. Just wondering how a 'Keeping Us Entertained' thread is decided as an appropriate thread for b.s. criticisms. Guess it may be a New Year but apparently it's some of the same old b.s. in this section of the forum. 😏
  4. πŸ™„..πŸ€”..πŸ—Ώ...Me no dum dum...me know when me see yum yum. πŸ˜‹
  5. Lol. She do got a nice bofy but she a show off and always try's to be the center of attention.
  6. When I first saw Holly I had to do a double and triple take on observations of her. I thought at first I was hallucinating that an ole flame of mine that I was involved with for awhile over 30 years ago had somehow managed to cheat ole father time, and had moved to another country and learned another language, and had even joined rlc. She is certainly an attractive woman who resembles an ole gf of mine quite a bit and I do admire her quite a bit as well ! 😍
  7. I thought the same, surely IJTB was exagerating some. That might deserve the Benny Hill WTF gif. 😏
  8. Perhaps. Thamel mentioned she redone some of her make-up and seemed to be in a better mood again so that's good if she was.
  9. Ok, thanks. I thought it kind of looked similar to a jogging or gym workout suit or pj's but was not sure.
  10. But for her to change into what looked like some pj's and then put on a coat and turn the lighting off and leave was somewhat unexpected if she had been feeling distraught for some reason a little earlier.
  11. It also appeared that she turned off the regular lighting so perhaps she may not intend on returning for a good little while. I hope she went somewhere to be around someone to have some company and is alright.
  12. It appeared as if Malia changed into some pj's and shortly afterwards put on a coat and exited the residence. I certainly hope she is alright.
  13. If you read this, Happy New Year Malia ! Not sure why you are at home unless it may be just that you prefer to be, but it would not be any bad idea if you were out and celebrating with some friend, bf, or friends. I hope you are home only because you prefer to be, and I would gladly be company to you there if I could.
  14. Sure would be nice to bring in the New Year of 2021 laying in between the lovely Leora and Malia ! Oh my, I'm awake ! I thought I was still asleep and dreaming ! πŸ™‚
  15. Either way, I'll still be admiring the two lovely and attractive women who are quite intriguing at times and are close friends and roommates known as Leora and Malia and hoping and wishing the best for them in the New Year of 2021 ! πŸ‘§ πŸ‘© πŸŽ‰ 😍
  16. It should be remembered that she has seemed to be changing since around the 2nd to 3rd month after her arrival there. She is now not nearly as shy or bashful as she used to be before then and has seemed to become more open to showing more of her individual character and personality. Apparently, she may also have met some other folks there as well, and may have a boyfriend or may have some other different friends other than her close friend and roommate Leora and her friends, because she was leaving the apartment for two to three days or more around the weekends until recently. But, they are and have been close friends for quite some time, and I'm certain she realizes that even though it has been beneficial to both of them since her arrival there, she also realizes that if it was not for her friend, that it would not have been possible.
  17. Perhaps it may could be taken into consideration that the benefits of living somewhere bill free and even getting paid a regular cost of living subsistence allowance may be not only helpful, but also beneficial to some folks at certain times during their lives. Although perhaps it may could be taken into consideration also, that for some of the folks that have become participants of the project for awhile and eventually left the project in the past, but then later returned, that there may be different reasons for doing so for some. Such as, perhaps the possibility of employment opportunities in certain parts of different countries not being as good as in others, or perhaps some of the participants may not have enough of any specific education or training or former experience in any certain or particular employment fields or positions that may would be more beneficial to them in the parts of the countries from which they are originally from and usually live, or perhaps for some of the participants it could be that such opportunities to be able to live somewhere as such to possibly try to save or put aside a little something or whatever they may be able to while they are participants to perhaps be able to get situated better off afterwards when they leave the project could be considered some of the reasons for some of them that have become participants or return participants of the project.
  18. My bud jugg from Riverdale, the le kit whisperer. 😎
  19. Awww, seems The lovely Malia now has what resembles either a baby Panda or Polar Bear. Somewhat difficult to know for certain with the regular lighting off in her room and only visible by the infra-red lighting. Whichever it may be, it is still quite cute and is nice to notice. Hooray for Malia !
  20. Well alright, but it is possible she may have left the tv on for 🐨 (Koala). After all, she does have Koala colored pj's. πŸ˜‰
  21. Oh where oh where have Leora and Malia gone, oh where oh where have they gone ? They've left the apartment with the tv on, so maybe they won't be gone too long. πŸ™Š πŸ™‰ πŸ™ˆ πŸ™‚
  22. That ole tom kitty Smitty might better be careful, mama kitty's don't like it when their little kitty's are messed around with, especially by some tom kitty. 😏
  23. Mama kitty's there now and things seem better in kitty land. At least maybe for Smitty since he was smiling some. 😏
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