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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Luv's me an attractive woman known as Malia. ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Luv's me an attractive woman known as Leora. ๐Ÿ˜
  3. It seemed pretty nice that the two chose to reach across and pet the resident kitty's while sitting up and watching something on a tablet recently. It has been considered how much nicer it would have been if the petting had evolved into something more substantial and beneficial for the two and the resident kitty's.
  4. Never insinuated there was mate. If there was a thread created specifically for what was mentioned, the same as you mentioned should be considered by any who may not. Regardless, it is a subject matter related to some commentary of which I recently mentioned concerning the fact that although there are no longer any General Chat threads in this section of the forum, there has always been the create or start a new topic listing option available. I've noticed for quite awhile now, the topic listing this is being discussed in has been being disregarded for what it was supposed to have been created for, and has been continued for, and much of what gets posted in it, is not related to the topic listing, but rather is some subject matter that would perhaps be better suited in a general topic listing related to this section of the forum, or a topic listing created specifically for content unrelated to a 'Positive or Complimentary Comments' topic listing.
  5. This may be a bit off topic, but perhaps someone may create a new and different topic listing sometime in the near future. Perhaps it may be a topic listing consisting of not only being related to L&M, but also being somewhat related to pulo filipe as well. Perhaps a topic listing created and titled as, 'L&M's nearly every movement and activity whenever at the apartment, as reported by narrator pulo filipe'. For those who may not already think, 'Heck, with a narrator reporting on their nearly every move and activity, who needs any ole costly subscription to the project', some of them may eventually afterwards sooner than later. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. It has always been quite nice to have at times been fortunate and privy enough to have noticed some of the occasions of individual sensuality or personally sensually intimate gestures and activities of either of the two attractive women. It has also always been considered to be the same for any occasion when efforts may have occurred to share some of those more sensually intimate gestures and activities with one another while spending some of their time together. Of course, virtually all of the occasions have always been quite intriguing to have been fortunate or privy to have noticed as well, and it's quite likely that the occasions when spending some of their times together and some of their efforts of assisting one another in experiencing some enjoyable pleasure while attempting in achieving some sensually intimate enjoyment and satisfaction that have been experienced, have been some of the more intriguingly interesting occasions as well.
  7. For those that adhere or conform to forum decorum or rules they do mv, and as well they should. There were times in the past where mods would hide or remove posts of commentary that were completely off topic of a thread listing they were posted in. Of course, I'm fairly certain that most folks, (including yours truly), have at one time or another posted commentary in threads that were mostly if not completely unrelated to a topic listing. But, there is certainly a big difference of anyone doing it every so often or seldomly, than anyone who does it continuously as if completely disregarding a topic listing. There is also a substantial difference in posting comments that may be of more of a criticizing or negative nature in a thread listing that was established and is titled as being a topic of a more positive or complimentary nature.
  8. Perhaps it might not be unwise to realize that RLC has tens of thousands of subscribers who have never even heard of this site or are even aware that it even exists, and it is very, very likely that very few days ever go by that they, (RLC) don't acquire new subscribers. Although according to statistics compiled by several of the websites that gather information on other websites such as amounts of traffic websites receive over periods of time, and that both of those several websites have been reporting nearly the same as far as that the web traffic of RLC has been on a slow and steady decline for quite awhile now, that still does not mean that they are no longer receiving new subscribers, because in reality they are. So it could be considered somewhat naive to think or believe that anyone who is a subscriber of the site might think in any certain way or ways about any of the participants, because it is quite likely that those subscribers who are new or newer subscribers most likely do not have much of any opinions formed related to any of the sites participants yet. I for one, both like and admire the two women known as Leora and Malia, and have for quite some time now. Of course it has always been nice when occasions occurred that was more significantly interesting than other's, but, people are people, and for a majority of people, more significantly interesting occasions do not occur as often as every day, or every other day, or much more often in their lives.
  9. I guess it's too difficult or perhaps rather just too inconvenient for some to merely start a different thread listing for inuendo, speculations, or criticism's. I haven't been posting much for awhile now, but I have still visited the various threads of this section of the overall forum as well as a few others, and I have read many pages of this thread listing titled, "Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments)", and much of what I've read in page after page of thread after thread of this listing has been inuendo, speculations, or criticisms. I realize the General Chat threads in this section of the overall forum were discontinued, but, it's not that difficult to start a more appropriate thread for some of the inappropriate commentary that's been being posted in a (Positive or Complimentary Comments) thread. As a matter of fact, it's actually quite easy to merely start another more appropriate thread for anything that's not related to what these threads were established for, and have been continued for, and it takes very little time to do so.
  10. In consideration that the two are close friends and have been for quite some time, perhaps it may not be any bad idea or consideration if they chose to let one another know if there was anything any different that either of them may perhaps like or enjoy any differently or even more so, other than what either of them may have already experienced as mutual enjoyment from some of the various forms of physical stimulations received from some of the mutual caressing, rubbing, and massaging of one another at times.
  11. That Snoopy certainly is one fortunate character. Being privy to be able lay around with one or the other and sometimes even both attractive women at the same time. That Lucky Dog ! ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. It seems this thread has exceeded 30 pages, perhaps it is time to be closed out. The next similar titled thread has already been started.
  13. Here is another similar thread for the friends and roommates Leora and Malia.
  14. I feel flattered that you believe that the lovely attractive woman is my Leora my friend. That may deserve a remake of an ole tune called 'My Sharona', except perhaps it can be changed to 'My Leora'. ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Although the suggestion is a bit more than small as indicated by the arrow pointer on the suggestion scale Slip, perhaps it may be taken into consideration this time. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Small. Medium. Large. |......................|......................| ^
  16. Not sure of their whereabouts after they departed the Valentines Day party. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Perhaps they may have merely felt like going for a run. After all, some say that life is like a box of chocolates. ๐Ÿ˜
  17. I understand Slip. There are quite a few others who understand also how the project's admin's. responses to some of the subscribers as well as to the project overall has had alot to be desired at times. It is also quite possible that something as far as what I was alluding to as far as notifications of impending extended times away from some of the residences by some of the participants, have not been being done by some of the participants. Regardless, it would seem that the admin. would certainly notice when someone was away after a day or two and may should list that participant as being so with the airplane symbol. The only thing about that, is they may not know when that participant may return if they never let them know initially to begin with.
  18. It is very unlikely that any of the projects participants could be away from their respective residence's longer than a day, and that it would go unnoticed by all of the project's admin. It is highly likely that if the project's admin. receives notification of an impending extended time away or absence from a residence by a participant, that they would be respectful enough to subscribers to let them know by placing the airplane symbol by that participants name like they have usually done in the past. But, when any participant does not let them know in time for them to do so when the participant leaves, they have not always done so.
  19. Mate, I don't believe anyone is actually worried that she or they will not return sometime. After all, it is a place of which they have been provided to reside along with cost of living compensations from agreeing to be participants of the project. I can also understand why some may wonder why it may be that some of the projects participants can leave their respective residences at times for periods longer than one or two days or more, and not be listed as being on a vacation status for those times by the airplane symbol being placed by their names in the project's participants names listings, yet some participants are done so if they will be away for more than a day. Could it be that some of the participants would rather that not happen as often as those times occur, and therefore decide not to contact the projects admin. to let them know ? It's very likely. Imo, to do so would be something that would somewhat show some semblance of respect, and not just to the project's admin., but also to subscribers.
  20. Why mc...you naughty chef ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿณ you. ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ˜Š
  21. ๐Ÿคซ Shhh. Very close to revealing that Nick had a Valentine's Day Party with his attractive friends Leora and Malia. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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