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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Has usually always seemed quite nice when Queen Cleopatra joins Queen Aphrodite in the royal chamber for some observations on a little screen along with some socializing and occasionally a decision is made that they are both in a mood for some other more beneficial activities as well.
  2. Regardless of what occurs there, or what does not occur there, or what occurs away from there, or what does not occur away from there, no one really knows what is in the hearts and minds of those two women for certain other than themselves. Perhaps it may be wise for some to take that into consideration, and for some to try to remember it when they are perhaps considering some possibilities of other things.
  3. I do as well mate. That Pandora jewelry is some nice looking jewelry and I've always liked it since it first was created and was put out on the market. By the way...Merry Christmas mate ! Hope you and your family have a good New Year to come my friend from the land down under !
  4. Would have liked having some way to have sent the two lovely friends some gifts from an avid admirer to have been able to have something that may have surprised them and that they would have liked and enjoyed having.
  5. I certainly have admired the two lovely women Leora and Malia for quite awhile now ! Good to notice that apparently neither of the friends are spending much time alone or by themselves this holiday season. Hope they both have a Merry Christmas and really good and Happy New Year to come !
  6. T'was the night before Christmas, and all through Leora and Malia's house...not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
  7. As far as what it was or what it was not, I did not happen to observe the occasion. Aside from what was mentioned about the timing of the occasion, it did not seem like there had been any clear enough views of the item for anyone to know for certain. But I know how folks of the younger generations can be about things to smoke such as pot or other cannibis products. There are many different types and forms of cannibis products that are legal for purchasing nowadays in many different places. As far as hash may go, I haven't ever heard of anyone of younger generations ever getting into it. But, considering that there are so many different types of cannibis products that are legal for purchasing nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised if there were certain forms of it available in some places as well. I knew quite a few folks of generations from quite awhile back around the 60's, 70's, and 80's that sometimes acquired and smoked it because it was more potent than most strains of pot. But, there's always a possibility that it may have been some cannibis product that was acquired at some legal shop somewhere as a gift for the guy. Cannibis products are alot more legal in alot more of places nowadays than they ever have been before after all. Besides, if they felt some urge to smoke something sometimes that would probably be somewhat more beneficial for them to smoke rather than that flavored or aromatized tobacco leaf they usually smoke in that water pipe, some Christmas Tree Green Sinsemilla would probably not be a bad idea occasionally. 😎
  8. Some folks just like to stir the kettle of inuendo and speculation just to see what responses or attention it may garner.
  9. Luvs me some Leora and Malia ! 😍 Hope they both have some enjoyable holidays this year ! 🎄 🎉 🙂
  10. For anyone who reads or listens to such bullshit propagandist and mostly disingenuous and false sites and organizations such as DAILYKOS.com, RAWSTORY.com, or ALTERNET.com would you expect anything of any kind of actual sensible or genuinely honest substance hap ? I don't.
  11. Good to notice you've returned to the community Slip and welcome back. The recent comments related to something as important to her as her phone were certainly surprising to notice. Although I briefly checked replay and could not locate such an occasion, perhaps there may have been a particular timeline that I may have missed. Regardless, it certainly would have been surprising for such an occasion to have occurred.
  12. Apparently Leora has decided not long ago to refrain from doing whatever she had been to maintain the gorgeous looking overall tanned complexion that she had been for quite awhile. Lately, it has appeared that her overall tanned complexion has disappeared. Although I'm not sure why, perhaps it could be related to being just nothing more than something she became bored with or tired of doing for awhile and decided to take a break from. Even though she has always appeared to be an appealingly attractive woman, whether it was while having an overall appearance of a tanned complexion, or while having an overall appearance of a pale complexion instead, the overall tanned complexion certainly did enhance her overall attractiveness.
  13. Here is a pic/gif that the one who refers to himself as golfer06 mistakenly posted of himself gleefully strutting along the day before election day with no sense of awareness until his meeting with a bus occurred. After it was realized what had happened with him and the bus had came to a rapid stop, those at the scene soon realized that his sheet diaper was quite appropriate because it was just as he is....full of shit.
  14. There he is. There is the one who goes by golfer06 here. Now that it has been revealed what happened to him, it's no wonder that his mental state is obviously impaired and deranged enough to support someone who is like minded, who obviously is mentally impaired and deranged as well. Perhaps Arnold Palmer's spirit may be getting somewhat even after all for someone so embarrassing using his former image.
  15. Your attempts to spin or change the subject away from the less desirable times of your country's history is actually kind of humorous there bloke.
  16. Your attempted spin whether inclusive of direct or indirect insults is what is sad, but also quite pathetic.
  17. You can try to spin it any way you want, but the bottom line is that others with mentallities such as your's, who obviously did the same as it seems to be by sticking your nose where it doesn't belong....attempted to subject those in America at the time to tyranny, and got their asses kicked and kicked out of America in the process.
  18. Vietnam wasn't the American revolution or the two world wars. The only reason Vietnam wasn't successful, was because of the kind of idiots running the country at the time that are nowhere near as bad or ridiculous as the cognitively impaired corruptly crooked shithead the snowflakes are trying to get put in place now that will essentially be no more than a nuerotic puppet for the radical left.
  19. Firstly....I'm not your mate. Secondly....one of the reason's why we kicked your kind's asses during the American revolution and kicked your asses out of America, was obviously because of blokes like you who obviously sticks his nose where it doesn't belong. Thirdly....many find it quite ironic that those of your kind who tried to subject America to authoritative tyranny rule, had to beg and plead for those of us from over here, to not only supply your asses, but to also come over there to save your asses during two world wars. Lastly....I'm not your buddy.
  20. Awww....what wrong wittle snowflake ? Getting so nervous your having to use some of your extra pairs of underwear sooner than expected ? Stop your whining and run along and take you a tranquilizer and try to settle down wittle snowflake. ❄
  21. That was the marxist/socialist/communist party of America's plan all along. They don't have anything else to run on that people care about. Especially and particularly when it comes to anything of policy. They're running a dishonest career politician who don't know what he did when he woke up let alone what he did the day before, or even where he is half or more of the time. Someone who can't even speak more then a couple of continous coherent sentences at a time because he's obviously become cognitively impaired. That's why all they've had to run on has been their dishonesty in relation to a virus. That's why that's all that's been put out as only more false propaganda much more so than not, related to it by all the dishonest media outlets, including those controlling so called big tech social media that are all more than obvious corruptly in the tank for such a piss poor choice of a candidate. That's why they have been censoring and suppressing any other actual policy subject matters that people really care about such as being able to be employed to be able to feed themselves and their families to survive, and being able to have their children in schools for other serious reasons other then being educated, and being able to attend their churches and worship by their faiths. All that are god given and constitutional rights. Not to mention but, it is why they have been censoring and suppressing the reporting backed up by overwhelming evidence of the bidens being more then obviously corrupt and crooked as hell and how they corruptly enriched their family with 100's of millions of dollars by being involved in influence peddling and money laundering, mostly done in only eight years of biden being obummers vp, all at the expense of 1000's of manufacturing plants and 100's of 1000's of jobs of the working class of the country being outsorced to countries like china. The biased and crooked media and so called big tech do not want anyone who may have not already been made aware of such matters, to be made aware of such matters because truth be known, their profits have soared during the so called pandemic and they would really like to keep things headed in the same direction it has been going for them.
  22. The snowflakes of the modern marxist/socialist/communist party of America have nobody of any actual substance of character or integrity or honesty so they have to resort to advertising those that are nothing more than two faced dishonest worthless sorry excuses of humanity in attempts to pass along their dishonest and false propaganda. That's why the best they could come up with to run in a general election was an old cognitively impaired and worsening 47 year political establishment swamp rat corrupt and crooked career politician who sold out the working class of the country by directly being involved in federal legislation with his buddy obummer causing 1000's of manufacturing facilities and plants to move to foreign countries such as China, which in turn caused direct losses of 100's of 1000's of any affiliated or associated jobs that are referred to as being outsourced to other countries such China as well. All while corruptly enriching himself and his corrupt family through influence peddling and very likely money laundering in the process. Those people that push and support someone so ridiculous, are psychoticly deranged and dilusional as hell and really need to spend some time in some asylums or mental institutions.
  23. No, not at all. He just used a little of his common sense. Something you snowflakes obviously lack since you all obviously lack very much of any measure of intelligence anyway.
  24. That's right, but obviously there's no since in trying to convince psychotic snowflakes or any other like minded morons.
  25. Still using Arnold Palmer's image I see, well he would undoubtedly be embarrassed enough to sue the hell out of a wittle snowflake such as yourself if he was stlli alive and around and was made aware that someone such as yourself was doing so. By the way wittle snowflake, the Great Jack Nicklaus recently within the last couple of days just endorsed President Trump. 😏
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