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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Yes, there's no doubt that everyone views others in life differently, and you are certainly right about beauty being in the eye of the beholder and only skin deep, because there have always been many attractive people who time did not seem to favor so well. As far as any of the other current participants may go, that's probably some good reasons why I seldomly ever even bother to live stream any of them unless something looks like it might be really interesting in some thumb or thumbs related to any of the others. I do think that Holly is an attractive woman also. She also has a lips tat on her right ass cheek that reminds me of a once very attractive adult film star who was known as Jill Kelly if I'm not mistaken, who happened to have very nearly the same lips tat in nearly the same location.
  2. Don't reckon it may have had anything to do with an ole critter sixth sense now do ya ? πŸ˜‰
  3. Well HF, I realize and know that you, like pretty much everyone else, is familiar with the old saying of each to their own, but imo from my point of view, Leora is still the most attractive woman out of all the women of rlc. As far as matters of frequency of times of more significantly interesting occasions occurring, I have been leaning towards believing that it is something that has become less from any of the projects participants, although I usually mostly pay attention to L&M's apartment, more so than any of the others, that is other than if anything of any significant interest has seemed to occur or have occurred by way of thumbs at any of the other apartments.
  4. I always suspected you to be a sly one HF, making out like you're not watching from somewhere at times. πŸ˜‰
  5. Don't you worry HF, I got me some sock garters too if'n I need em. πŸ˜‰
  6. Lol. I heard that by doing so for some folks, it aleviates some of the need for shaving as often too. πŸ™‚
  7. Well..alrighty then. I got some of my knee highs on so's I can reach them easier to hold on to. πŸ˜‰
  8. I suspected that they may have went for some late night snack or food items or beverages and that they may.
  9. Considering as much time as both have seemed to have spent away lately, not really.
  10. I hate hearing that ch. If you happen go while trying to get through one of my extended posts of comments, maybe you'll go while somewhat interested enough to not notice it until you've passed over, in which case you'll probably have an option to return and finish it if you so desired to. πŸ™‚
  11. From only paying any attention to the project by way of thumbs mostly lately, apparently, the participant known as Malia has now exited the residence again, and then returned awhile later once again, and the participant known as Leora is still away from the residence. It seems that they both have made some effort to make up for some of the time spent at the residence when they were both affected by appearances of having symptoms of having developed some cold bug. Although it seemed to have affected Leora more so than Malia as Leora seemed to spend more time at the residence during a week or more of the time that some of the symptoms seemed present, while Malia seemed to continue her times of being away nearly as much as she had been being prior to then, during that time. Since then and prior to this past weekend, it seemed that Malia was away from the residence for a period of time of over two days which seemed to be a longer time away than she had ever been since her arrival there. It also seemed that she had returned awhile after her roommate Leora had exited the residence, and that she had again exited the residence before Leora returned the next day around late afternoon or evening. It then appeared that Leora stayed the night at the residence, but exited the residence again herself the next day and apparently she returned for very briefly awhile later before exiting the residence again and apparently has not returned since then. Meanwhile, her friend and roommate Malia had returned to spend some time at the residence on Sunday afternoon, and some on Sunday night, and some yesterday and last night as well, all the while exiting and returning during those times. Regardless of her reasons, unless they were due to some emergency or any employment related matters, perhaps it would have been better for the participant known as Leora to have simply contacted the project admin. and to have submitted a notification of not going to be present at the residence for awhile, perhaps for 3 or 4 or 5 days to a week so the admin. could have simply listed her as being on a vacation status, regardless of whether she returned to the residence or not, since apparently, since Friday she was only at the residence for one night and part of a day which apparently was over two days ago. Imo, as far as any extended times away or absences from the residence may go, that would have definitely been a more considerate way of doing things as far as in relation to any consideration of any admirers, fans, or supporters may go. The same should apply to Malia if she leaves the residence knowing she will be away for two or more days. Although, considering some of the ridiculous mess that gets mentioned in some of the threads of this forum at times, it's not surprising that there may seem to be less consideration on various matters by those individuals who are participants. Anyway, it has appeared that there now exists some resemblance of some schedule or strategy of apartment tag by the residence participants once again.
  12. That was definitely a good snapshot of the two roommates being tickled about something for sure.
  13. Right....and the apartment is only a stage prop. Lol πŸ™‚
  14. After an ole cod sack's been busted so many times, stuttering is the least of concerns. 😏
  15. Haha, I notice you seem to be someone of humor at times bw. Perhaps I may remind you of possessing such a characteristic sometimes when it may appear that you may be otherwise in some thread of the forum for some reason. 😏
  16. Some of the comments were worded as mentioning any project participants or any of the projects participants and others were worded mentioning participants or the participants usually referred to in this section of the forum. In the first 3 or 4 paragraphs of referring to what I had noticed to have occurred at the residence over this past weekend, and the apparent amounts of time either of the two participants was at the residence, most of those visitors to this sections threads is aware that I have usually most times payed more attention to what has occurred at the L&M residence than any other, so by referring to participant or participants then, I believed that it would have been understood who was being referred to, and when I mentioned any project participant or any of the projects participants, that too would have been understood as referring to any of them overall.
  17. Well HF, in some of the comments, I was referring to any of the projects participants, and in other comments, they were related more to the two participants usually referred to in this section of the forum and was even mentioned as such in that last paragraph. As far as the other mentions of participants in the first 3 or 4 paragraphs, anyone should have recognized that the two participants L&M was being referred to.
  18. Actually HF, I edited and added the last paragraph which related back to part of the reasoning of original subject matter of the post which was in relation to amounts of times any of the project participants spend in or away from their residences, including those participants usually referred to in this sections threads of the forum.
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