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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. That kitty sure seemed to be enjoying the stroking it received during that occasion. Enough so there could have been some purring occurring then. πŸ™‚
  2. OMG...it's one of the lolly sessions. 😲 πŸ™‚
  3. I suppose the corrupt and crooked dishonest career politician known as hiden biden wasn't recorded on video actually commiting what was an actual quid pro quo by bragging about threatening to withhold a billion dollars of US taxpayer funded aid to the country of Ukraine if Ukraines highest prosecutor known as their general prosecutor that was investigating Burisma who had underhandedly but discreetly hired his inexperienced son who had gotten kicked out of the US military is all a conspiracy theory as well, and that anyone who have seen the video's, well, they were just seeing things, or perhaps just made up actors to only look and sound exactly like the sorry old worthless excuse of humanity also right ? Anyone who saw the videos of him actually commiting what was an actual quid pro quo while he was obummers vp, should actually realize just how genuine the emails connecting some of the dots related to such matters actually really are. It's only conspiracy theories to those who would rather such matters not be really and truly genuinely investigated and not just claims of having been debunked to cover their crooked and corrupt dishonest asses. Not to mention but, I suppose the crooked and corrupt biden family came into many hundreds of millions of dollars during his 47 years as only a career politician, most of which was acquired during only his eight years as obummers ass kissing vp. that enabled all of them to live extravagantly, much more so than most politicians do, is only conspiracy theories as well? You never Trumpers with Trump derangement syndrome have it bad Stn. The man's not perfect by no means but, no one is, and even with his faults, he's a much better choice for that position than an old wore out corrupt and crooked dishonest career politician that's obviously in the early stages of senility, dementia, and quite possibly alzheimers.
  4. Actually C1, there were some occasions of more significant interests that occurred when more was done to attract and maintain other's attentions when no alcoholic beverages had been consumed by either of the two. But lately and for awhile now, neither has seemed genuinely into having much of any genuine care or concern about how their lifestyles are, and have been being provided, with them both being participants of such an organization. Besides some of the extended absences away from the residence which have been increasing quite a bit lately, continuous head games for viewers certainly doesn't exhibit any expressions of such considerations. There are reasons that rlc's site traffic overviews have shown a steady decline of over 60% since November, 2018, much of which had already been occurring before the world was unfortunately subjected to the terrible and contagious virus. But obviously, it wasn't just because of them, but because of some of rlc's admin's decisions and all of the participants involved since the latter part of 2018. No more of interest than occurs there or any of the other residences anymore, it's no wonder. But ultimately, it is the future of the site and those participants involved that should perhaps be of more concern to themselves than anyone else.
  5. If that were to happen anytime soon, it may not have affects on those in other countries as soon as it would those in the U.S., but it eventually would, and probably would occur alot faster than some might think that it would. Because a majority of those old enough to have followed or studied any actual and more genuine world history should know and realize, that ever since the period known as the industrial revolution of the world took place, and more specifically in the U.S. because it is where much of it was originated and initiated, that as the U.S. may go, so may go many other countries of the world as far as having much of any economic success or prosperity may go. If there are ever enough looney tune fanatics that have been unfortunately elected into public offices in the U.S. that are permitted to overtake the government enough to enact or change laws and/or policies that would have negative impacts on the U.S. economy to points of experiencing deep recessions or even worse depressions of the U.S. economy, whether in the short term or long term near future, that in and of itself, would be very likely that the overall world economy would most definitely be negatively affected and negatively impacted otherwise as well. So let those of other countries think or believe what they want, but if the U.S. economy flounders enough, others who were around long enough, would then see what happens to much of the rest of the world.
  6. That does seem like strange or odd behavior. Especially considering that it seems that I recall noticing the same things being posted not long ago.
  7. Notice that Linda is sleeping on the couch again. Could it perhaps be a case of one of the two disturbing the other at times when they sleep together, or did they possibly have some disagreement or spat about something and have not yet made up, or could it perhaps be nothing more than where each of them ended up falling asleep ?Who really knows but them.
  8. Everyone is different and there are those in life who believes that there should never be any real reasons to ever be negative about anything and therefore always strive to be positive about everything instead. Of course, there probably aren't that many who has beliefs such as that in more modern times, just as there are others who believe otherwise at times as well.
  9. I've run across a few lonely souls in my time that were considerably much more miserable for other reasons that had nothing to do whatsoever with anyone who may have ever become enchanted with some camgirl, without any doubt bw. 😏
  10. No thanks, that was my contribution to the subject. But you were doing great my canine friend. I in particularly enjoyed your comments that included such key words as 'used to be', and 'deaf ears', not to mention but, more particularly the ole saying "misery loves company". I enjoy interesting dialogue. Feel free to carry on. πŸ™‚
  11. Me thinks somebody may have been consulting with the jabberwocky again. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  12. True, and I had thought about mentioning it earlier as well scutus but, I decided to pass in doing so, because I believe that when or if the subject ever get's mentioned in more recent times, that it's mentioned as in context of meaning kissing in more of some passionate or intimately affectionate ways rather than just some seldomly occasional kisses that occurred between two close young women friends.
  13. πŸ€” Would you be using a translation app. by chance ?
  14. Not sure if anyone who visits any of the RLC threads such as this thread would, but have you checked the CC's archives for VV ? I noticed there is a VV archive for 18 apartments listed on CC's., although I'm not certain as to whether it may include any vid. links or not.
  15. Somebody may have been huffing too much smoke from the genies lamp again, huh Alladin. 😏
  16. 🧐 Perhaps she may be a clone that only gets alterations ever so often in hopes nothing may get noticed. πŸ™‚
  17. I know. Was just attempting a possible answer to dj's topic listing question by way of a portion of an old and well known bit of poetry with a slight twist. You are certainly right about the feeling and emotion of Love of which I certainly do agree.
  18. I think maybe the girls minds or thoughts have been visiting some πŸ’˜ 🌠 πŸ’˜ 🌠 or β›… πŸ’— 🌬 πŸ’— 🌀 for awhile now.
  19. To be...or not to be..with paul...that was the question. Whether 'twas nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them. To live...to be awake...and by awake, to say we end the heartache, and the thousand unnatural shocks. Perhaps that could be part of an answer. 😏
  20. Pretty sure there are quite likely already some that do blue. I'm fairly certain that Leora's first and quite possibly last may be by some, as I am aware of her first anyway. As far as her friend Malia, I'm not as certain about her's, although I am aware of what she was referred to sometimes in the past as a possible first name, as far as what other's had thought was overheard during some of the conversations between the two. I am also aware of some individuals who quite likely are aware of and know at least Leora's first and last names, and quite likely at least her friend Malia's first name, and possibly her last as well. But as you indirectly alluded to, as long as they are participants of the project, it's not appropriate to mention any personal info. about them in the forum.
  21. I believe it might be quite interesting to be privileged to notice if there were any reactions between the two friends L&M while spending some of their time together if someone somehow had managed to inject some harmless but potent aphrodisiac into most of a pod of grapes of which they like and seem to enjoy eating. πŸ™‚
  22. Careful with that nip now Malia. It could become pert enough to protrude out past your judgement of where it may actually be. Such affectionate gestures seems and looks pretty nice though. Here is a kiss for you both. 😘
  23. Alrighty then mate. Glad to know you did. I've actually been considering as to what may or may not be considered as perhaps some interesting reading for my next CC's. novel. πŸ˜‰
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