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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. No, not at all. After all, I did mention those having marxist / socialist / communist ideologies, views, and affiliations. But since you mentioned a location, that would include the worthless locations where those with those types of views and ideologies and affiliations were spawned and are from as well.
  2. More marxist/socialist/communist propagandists staged fake news bullshit for snowflakes. 😏
  3. MSNBC- (More propagandists Shit National Broadcast Corporation) of the marxist/socialist/communist party of America. 😏
  4. There are no excuses for running someone who has now been shown to be one of few of the most corrupt and crooked dishonest politicians in the country's history, so much so, that all the 95% to 96% of news media outlets around the country along with the rest of the larger social media outlets of google, facebook, twitter, and some others now being no more than extensions of the marxist/socialist/communist party of America now, has been covering for him by violations of the 1st amendment in suppression of free speech by censoring credible news reporting that was backed up by actual genuine evidence and not reported by someone claiming to be anonymous. How convenient for a crooked politician for that to happen, as well as in combination with them covering for someone's mental state of being of someone that is clearly a cognitively impaired idividual, who is clearly in the early stages of senility and dementia, and very likely alzheimers as well, someone who has no business whatsoever in being anywhere near access to any nuclear codes or keys, let alone someone who has no business whatsoever in dealing with other world leaders who are communists, because he himself along with his brothers and son sold out the working class of the country to some of the very same countries, in the form of outsourcing of thousands of manufacturing plants and hundreds of thousands of jobs while corruptly and inconspicuously enriching himself and his family, all during his eight years of being an obummer ass kisser. As far as those copies go, as it has been established that they were copies of documents, not originals, and it is very likely that others will appear.
  5. I agree with the caption, the so called Lincoln Project, really is quite pathetic. Abraham Lincoln himself would be totally embarrassed and without any doubt totally disappointed as well that his name was ever used in any way like it has been by a bunch of wealthy spoiled disgruntled fanatics who became wealthier off of special interests and lobbyists firms and organizations until someone was elected that had never been a politcian, that was a disruptor to the d.c. swamp political establishment, who are no more than sore losers from getting their asses or their spoiled friend's asses handed to them in 2016. To hell with a bunch of dishonest spoiled whining swamp establishment rhino's or supporters thereof, who were never really decent honest republicans but were only wolve's in sheeps clothing instead.
  6. Ahhh yes....the familiar unmistakable smell of marxist/socialist/communist snowflakes disguised as so called progressive liberal dummycrats fear drifting through the air. Those managing the asylums and mental institutions are excited knowing their businesses are yet on the verge of once again having significant increases in their populations as began occurring the day after November 3, 2016.
  7. No sense in pretending like you don't know who ET is CH, when your hint suggests otherwise. Most know and realize who ET is, but just to offer an answer to your question for those who possibly may really not, most know and realize that ET is πŸ‘½. That's right, even ET likes and thinks that the two friends and roommates who happen to also be two attractive women called Leora & Malia are quite interesting at times. πŸ˜‰
  8. Contrary to your belief of your mental state being somehow impressive, your level of psychosis and delusional derangement syndrome that causes your hallucinations is what is really pitiful and quite pathetic. 🀯 πŸ‘ˆ You.
  9. I can understand some of your reasoning e, but I feel that it is quite possible that a majority of others opinions relating to such matters would rationalize or believe that such matters should be, and quite likely are considered quite different when such matters are considered when in relation to women, than when such matters are considered when in relation to men. The fact that the female gender was created to usually be more feminine, whereas the male gender was created to usually be more masculine, is a fact that is in and of itself quite a difference of why such subject matters are usually more times than not...not considered or regarded in the same ways when being considered in relation to one gender as being in comparison to the other.
  10. I hate it that you feel that way e, and it may be quite likely that both of the participants do as well since the only things they have ever done was decided to offer one another something that was different than when they themselves were seeming to intimately sensually satisfy themselves individually. Both being attractive women who are also longtime close friends, who have chosen to occasionally allow one another to be sensually stimulated by the others hand, just as each would if they were doing it themselves. No more, or no less. Besides them being attractive women, I for one happen to think it's quite nice for them to be as close and trusting of friends as that.
  11. Like there are many others, but in all actuality, very few that ever participate in any of the threads of CC's overall various forum sections that try to adhere to punctuating more properly than not. I usually have tried to, but sometimes get carried away with attempting to get some points across related to certain subject matters, and some posts sentences along with some posts themselves, end up alot longer than intended. Evidently two others found less difficulty in reading the comments and found enough interest in the comments and understood them enough to support them with top likes. I suggest if you thought the comments were not short enough, or punctuated correctly enough to your liking or approval, or if there did not seem to be enough interest in the comments to you, then the best thing for you to have done was simply move on to find some that were short enough or punctuated correctly enough, or interesting enough for you.
  12. The so called chief justice named John Roberts of the nations highest court (The Supreme Court), decided to rule with the other justices that show to possess some common sense at times that the state of Wisconsin should not be allowed to count ballots received after what has been the official election day deadline of November 3, (which is a substantial part of the reason why the November 3 date, was designated and referred to as election day), for any and all states, and has been for each election year for many, many years previous to this one, and ballots should only be allowed to be received and counted prior to, and all the way up until then. Yet he ruled with the others that more times than not, do not show to possess much common sense when they decided on rulings over this past month, that only resulted in 4 to 4 rulings that returned such decisions to lower courts that had ruled in favor of, that other states such as Pennsylvania and North Carolina should be allowed to count ballots received after the November 3, deadline, as long as they were post marked shortly prior to, or by that date. Which is nothing more than political pandering bullshit, by a so called chief justice that was nominated for supposedly being someone who truly believed in following the guidelines, rules, and laws set forth in the constitution. Those states should have, and quite likely already did, have in place rules regarding mail-in ballots that required them to be post-marked by at least a week or more prior to the official election day deadline, to allow for mailing transportation times, just like any of the other states who already had in place such rules regarding mail-in ballots, but recently and abruptly, some of the states decided to change their rules regarding such matters. John Roberts was never really a constitutional judge but rather a wolf in sheeps clothing that was nominated as a conservative contitutional believing judge. He must have had second thoughts and is why he decided to flip-flop on what was basically another very similar choice of ruling regarding Wisconsin's ballots since it had become more than obvious that ACB would definitely been confirmed, and was so, and joined the high court today. Now that she has, it will be interesting to see if any appeals of revisiting the rulings allowing states such as Pennsylvania and North Carolina along with some others to recently abruptly change their rules regarding mail-in ballots specifically for this years election, to be acceptable at times they really shouldn't be.
  13. Hey psychopath....it really is such a pity and quite pathetic that nutjobs such as yourself couldn't find any better of a candidate for a general election other than one who is more than obvious a lying assed, dishonest, corrupt and crooked, career establishment swamp rat politician who under eight years of kissing his buddy obummer's ass, was able to covertly and undermindedly, sell out the working class of the country in the form of hundreds of thousands of jobs, to socialist and communist countries, while enriching himself and his family in the process to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars during only an eight year period, and think all people are naive or ignorant enough to believe that it was done only because of a senators annual salary of $183,000 to $184,000 a year, which was even less in the past, who that is clearly in the early stages of senility and dementia, and quite possibly alzheimers, and that clearly doesn't and hasn't had anything of actual substance to run on other than a virus because his record of over 47 years certainly doesn't speak for itself other than being a dishonest crook of a politician, so much so, that the 95% to 96% of the news media outlets around the country who have over time become no more than extensions of a bunch of dishonest and lying assed, whining supposed progressive liberals who are really no more than socialists/communists in disguise, who along with most of social media on the net that are controlled by only 4 to 5 of the largest monopolies that have been allowed to ever become so, and in combination with the 95% to 96 % of other so called media outlets around the country, have felt a need to suppress and censor free speech and some actual and genuinely honest truths related to his and his family's crooked and corrupt, let alone unethical and quite likely criminal actions and dealings, in ways of enriching themselves off of influence peddling, in efforts to try to actually interfere in and sway an election. Such a ridiculous choice of such a piss-poor dishonest crook of a candidate that all just about anyone has had mention on his behalf of running in a general election has had to do with dishonest reporting and lies about a virus rather than anything else of any other actual substance that people of the country also care about like having jobs and being able to support themselves and their families while trying to get through the trying times of such a virus, rather than trying to fear monger to a point of emphasizing that more extensive and broader lockdowns are likely more necessary instead, all while many more people become or remain unemployed, many more people become homeless, and many more people go hungry. Not to mention but, also the alcohol and drug addictions continue to increase much more rapidly than ever before, along with suicides increasing much more rapidly than ever before. It has been more than obvious what direction the so called democratic party has been going over the years, and I'm damn sure ashamed to have ever been affiliated in any way with the so called democratic establishment of so called representation and damn sure never will be again.
  14. Me likes when Leora and Malia's feelings for one another are expressed ! 😍
  15. Leora loves Malia's affections, and Malia Loves Leora's affections, Nick loves Leora & Malia's affections, and ET loves Leora & Malia's affections ! 😎
  16. Leora & Malia are not only two sexy and attractive women who happen to be close longtime friends, but they are also two special and unique individual women who are gifted to be able to live in a parallel universe. Once they leave the apartment, they are actually going thru a doorway and into another part of their existences that has to do with their coexisting in a parallel universe. Once they return to the apartment, they have returned to the universe it is in. It has been whispered in certain circles that they are both astro physicists who are covertly involved in direct communications with some extraterrestrial life forms. πŸ‘½ Ooops...🀫...this info. is supposed to be G14 classified type info. that was not supposed to be divulged to the public.πŸ•΄πŸ˜
  17. I certainly wouldn't suggest that anyone depends on that enough to be willing to hold their breath starting even an hour before election day begins on such a belief there Stn.
  18. πŸ‘‹ Hello Leora & Malia. Nice to see you two sexy girlfriends doing good and getting along so well. It is hoped that neither of you feel discouraged in perhaps sharing anymore of your close friendship with one another at times. 😍
  19. πŸ‘‹ Hello Malia, nice to see you again you sexy and attractive woman you ! 😍
  20. πŸ‘‹ Hello Leora, nice to see you again you lovely and attractive woman you ! 😍
  21. You need serious psychological help dude. That's what you should be more concerned about rather than political positions and an election.
  22. And for good reason. Just what the hell do you think happened on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Centers and at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and in Shanksville, Pa. that resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people, or December 2, 2015 in San Bernardino, California where 14 innocent people were gunned down and killed along with 22 others seriously injured, and there have been others such as an attack at Fort Hood that resulted in innocent people losing their lives and others injured as well. You my friend, apparently have a warped and twisted view of reality. It's no wonder you try to show support of others that obviously have wacked out socialistic/communistic views and ideologies, not to mention but others that are corrupt and crooked as hell as well.
  23. So are thread topic title listings valid, but obviously you both choose to ignor them when posting whatever you choose to in various threads of the forum, and especially in this section of the forum, just as both of such comments are in this thread. Such jealously of the participants and those that find appeal and interests in them is what is really ridiculous.
  24. You have obviously (or maybe you really haven't) mistaken this thread as being related to those who really give a shit about your opinion of such there. Regardless, most who post in this thread don't.
  25. Well then you must be ridiculous to even bother looking at anything to be able to make such claims about it.
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