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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Nobody forces you or anyone else to watch anything, so my suggestion is to watch something that might not be to you, and to stop watching something that you think is to you.
  2. So sexy and nice when an attractive and sexy woman rubs down another attractive and sexy woman with some body cream and rubs her breasts and nipples across the others body while doing so ! 🤩
  3. Awww, it's a gif/pic of little filipe when he was just a we wittle kitty all dressed up as a wizard kitty for halloween. Ain't he just cute. 🙂
  4. Of course any loss of life from any virus is one too many. Out of an estimated overall population of over 330,000,000 + people, 230,000 is less than .01 %. As unfortunate as it is, more will likely die before an efficient and reliable vaccine is completed and distributed amongst the overall population that add more protection to those more vulnerable to developing serious or worse health conditions or issues or even from dying from contracting the virus. In the mean time, people cannot be expected to stay at home or anywhere else and not work to be able to support themselves and their families. People need to be vigilant and adhere to common sense rules and guidelines of wearing appropriate face coverings when out in public or near more than a couple of other people, and to maintain appropriate distancing when away from home or out in public, and for those that refuse to, there should be stiff fines imposed on first offenses, afterwards, they should face incarceration for awhile. Besides that, people need to engage in individual hygiene practices more than ever before. But people cannot be expected to always remain in place somewhere while the lives of their families besides themselves fall apart because of other reasons not directly caused by the virus, but indirectly so, along with communities, cities and townships, states, and even the country as a whole falls apart and collapses around them.
  5. All survived. Even some that were elderly and some that were overweight and some that had underlying health issues. Throughout human history, mankind has always faced hurdles that subjected many of unfortunate individuals of humanity to many unfortunate and terrible circumstances and situations, including plagues and diseases in the past. Even at times in the past where many suffered and succumed to deadly plagues and viruses long before science and medical technology was as advanced as it is in modern times. Yet, mankind has always found ways to persevere and move on and get past everything that had unfortunate and profound effects on many of the worlds populations. It's no doubt that covid19 is a highly contagious virus, but it is also a virus that is only lethal to a very small percentage of the overall population and it is a truly unfortunate and terrible plague besides being sad relating to those that it has been, and will yet be lethal to. But, mankind cannot bury their heads like Ostriches when afraid, by continuing to implement and enforce lockdowns that destroy and take many peoples lives in other ways that the virus itself does not. Everyone must do their own part by wearing appropriate facial coverings and maintaining appropriate social distancing when necessary, along with maintaining proper individual hygiene in individual efforts to combat the virus until an efficient and reliable vaccine is completed and distributed throughout the worlds populations.
  6. Right. Same as his repeated denials of claiming to know nothing about his crooked son's corrupt business dealings in a number of other countries that amount to many millions of dollars while he was vp, only to be contradicted by irrefuteable evidence of his own crooked son's and his crooked son's own business partner's own emails. One partner of which is currently serving a term in prison for some of the corruption, and the other who has been convicted on multiple counts and is awaiting sentencing. That's the kind of no role the corrupt and crooked ole snake in the grass career establishment cognitively impaired lyin' hiden' biden had. Surely the dems could have found a better and more honest and less corrupt candidate than him.
  7. Afraid not. America will never be another UK. That's why they left from there, they don't give in like you blokes. 😏
  8. To those in the U.S. get out and vote. If you value your 1st and 2nd amendment rights and laws being applied as per the Constitution of the U.S., vote Republican and vote Trump ! If you value your right to choose your own healthcare and any related healthcare insurance, vote Republican and vote Trump ! If you value capitalism as a way of life rather than socialism or communism that will dictate as to how you will live, vote Republican and vote Trump ! Get out and vote so some corrupt and crooked snake in the grass career politician who is clearly in the early stages of senility and dementia, and quite possibly alzheimers cannot be used as a trojan horse to take over the office of the presidency of the U.S. only for it to be succeeded to another far left socialistic radical phsychotic individual ! Vote to take back control of the lower chamber of congress which is the House of Representatives and to keep control of the U.S. Senate as well as the Presidency to show all those with derangement syndrome that America will never truly be a socialistic or communistic country ! Vote America Vote !
  9. I doubt that, but it would not be unbelievable that she may perhaps have some of her personal belongings there.
  10. Hmmm...liking the view of Megan's kitty on Holly's hip. It's actually quite nice a view indeed ! 😍
  11. Thought I may have heard something that sounded very similar to that of a phone voice off of a Charlie Brown's 'Peanuts' episode...maybe not...oh well, must have been nothing. 😏
  12. Welcome home Leora, you lovely attractive woman you ! 😍
  13. If it was rlc's. admin's. decision afterall, and they are having it done this close to Christmas and a new year, they wouldn't care what any subs. had to say. That's pretty much the way they have always been.
  14. If it happened to be a decision of rlc's admin. and not a decision of C & Y, it would seem that the least they would have done was at least give them until sometime after the first of the year considering how close it is to Christmas and the first of a new year.
  15. Unless they are somewhere trying to make arrangements for another place to live.
  16. Considering simlar reports from at least two websites that report statistics on other websites, and the reports that have shown that there has been an overall decline of over 60% in website traffic of rlc since November, 2018, it could be possible that the site admin. is having some considerations of trying to implement more changes in hopes of reversing the downward trend. But if that did happen to be the case, imo, they should have considered starting with the Eliska & Pepik participants who have seemed about as interesting as observing some paint drying.
  17. That's for damn sure. The only thing is that there are so many in the younger generations who have been taught nothing but bullshit during their time in school from grade one, all the way up through grade twelve, and even many in college. Because too many with illogical, but rather radical and dishonest false beliefs and ideologies have been allowed to slowly infiltrate and take over most of academia in the U.S. over the last 60 to 75 years. So now, you have what's been going on with someone who is clearly a corrupt and crooked career politician, not to mention, but also clearly in the early stages of senility and dementia, and quite possibly alzheimers as well, that is claimed would be nothing wrong with trusting that person with things as critical as the nuclear codes, let alone keeping communist influence out of America as much as possible, but these people have been taught that no matter what, people with different views or beliefs should not be even acknowledged let alone believed about anything.
  18. You certainly got that shit right RR, and Lisa Murkowsky should be included on that list as well.
  19. Even so, look at what's been happening with the activist judges making rulings that ballots can be counted anywhere from a week to two weeks or longer after 11/3, not to mention the ones that have now ruled that signature verification is unnecessary. There are too many forces that are trying everything they can to make sure that someone who is a corrupt, crooked career establishment swamp rat politician that sold out to the communists of China, that is more than obviously in the early stages of senility and dementia, and quite possibly alzheimers, get's claimed as the next office holder of the presidency, just because they have ridiculously phsychotic cases of Trump derangement syndrome, no matter who get's put in charge of something like the nuclear codes, and so that the communists of China can finish their quest to finish buying out and taking over America along with other countries of the world while corrupt and crooked career swamp rat politicians that hold political offices in the U.S. government enrich themselves and their families all while it occurs.
  20. With one of his ridiculous orders that should have never have happened, he was directly responsible for contributing to over 11,000 deaths in nursing home residents from having virus infected nursing home residents sent back to nursing homes rather than them being allowed to stay and be quarantined at hospitals or elsewhere. If that's what you consider flattening a curve, it certainly was the wrong way to go about doing so.
  21. Goodness gracious that's a pretty good sized spoon there Malia. Guess you wanted to make sure you were getting plenty enough in each bite of that yogurt or pudding whichever it was that you were eating. Looked yummy though. Uh huh uh huh. 😋
  22. I have noticed that the project admin. has been in a habit of bringing back former participants multiple times for quite some time now. Which for any that are former participants that in the past showed some signs of being at least somewhat interesting at times may not be considered such unwise ideas or decisions by the project admin., but for any that has been brought back who seldomly showed any signs of interests, not such wise ideas or decisions on the project admin's. part. It has been proposed that perhaps they have been doing it because of the virus and associated travel restrictions, but if those participants who are brought back can travel, it is likely that so could others even if they were new. Besides, they had been doing the same long before the virus was ever around.
  23. 🤔 That must have been somewhat of a sticky situation. 🙂
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