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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Me too ! lol A balloon would take too long ! lol
  2. Don't recall seeing any conditioning oil look better on someone other than it does on her gorgeous body.
  3. Well that definitely certainly would be quite a long distance to take a train trip. She likely flew then.
  4. I must certainly agree with your book then "e".
  5. The Gen. Chat Threads of The One and Only Leora, you gotta luv it. I believe I do. lol
  6. Although that is an interesting point New my friend, and likely highly probable if she indeed flew and did not take some other form of transportation with perhaps somewhat less stringent security as is flying such as perhaps a train, still it seems it may be even somewhat less difficult to acquire something such as her little friends there where she is now, than perhaps back where she came from or is from. Certainly a good point to take into consideration though.
  7. That was certainly quite interesting and a great way to loosen up, relieve some tensions, and relax there. Something that may have it made it perhaps even more interesting and satisfying, would have been if it were to have occurred in the BR there since the other cam views there are not even as good in views like most were in the previous residence, and perhaps if there were more in the occurrence such as aids or toys to give and receive even more stimulation and perhaps therefore more satisfaction and gratification. Still, it was definitely a quite interesting and wonderful occasion.
  8. Although it is likely wishful thinking, it certainly would be quite a special privilege and would give me great satisfaction to be able to be wherever the intriguing and certainly attractive woman may be at any given time, and to be able to please and satisfy her in almost any way she may want or desire.
  9. If none of the little friends were brought along to the new residence, perhaps some consideration should be given to attempting to acquire a new one or perhaps several or more, to be nearby and available to assist in achieving certain desires and feelings of satisfaction. If they were able to be acquired at the location of the previous residence, certainly some could be located and acquired there at the location of the current residence.
  10. It was noticed that an incident that occurred in the BR not long ago there, seemed to be certainly interesting without any doubt, although the incident seemed to be quite short lived and therefore not involving much in concentration or intensity. Perhaps may be a sign of skiddishness as is seeming unwilling to share more of the attractiveness that is all her and of being inhibited from being in a new place after so long in another. Although it may be a different place, it is still safe as was the previous place, and there is nobody around to interrupt whatever may come to mind.
  11. She has no control over any cams functions. It's the dysfunctional ones running RLC that does.
  12. Was a great session with the amazing woman and much thanks and appreciation for sharing Mittsy1. Perhaps one day part of same session can be observed from cam 3 in that residence. It would likely really be something special to observe.
  13. If none of the little friends of the alluringly attractive woman accompanied her on her trip to the new residence, perhaps she can acquire one or more so as to aid in some assistance of desire and sensual satisfaction and gratification, and perhaps to assist some of not feeling completely by herself.
  14. It certainly has been quite nice to see the lovely woman once again after losing her several months ago and missing her substantially ever since. It has however seemed that there may have been something missing when noticing what little there was to notice of her after her first arriving at the new residence what seemed perhaps quite late in the time of the day there before her preparing for and then going to snooze land on the LR couch. After some deliberation on the matter, it seemed what was missing was a special area sometimes referred to as a patch to some, or as a landing strip to others. It took a long while at the previous residence before the intriguing lovely woman ever decided to allow one to appear, but once she did, it only seemed to add to an already amazing and alluring attractiveness of which she possesses. After giving some deliberation and thought on the matter until realization of what may have seemed missing was realized, it initiated an additional curiosity as to whether or not any of the intriguing and alluringly attractive woman's little friends may have been brought along with her on her trip to the other new and different residence now. Perhaps not, as it had seemed that all that may have been brought to the new residence was some of the lovely woman's clothes. Perhaps a sign that it may only merely be a short term and temporary visit to the new residence. If so, that in itself would be unfortunate.
  15. It seems that although the residence of which the dear and certainly missed woman has been provided seems to be a nice, clean, and decent place, that it may likely be that the project admin. could have, and should have provided her with somewhat of a nicer place, and at very least as nice or better than her previous residence, and with better locations of cams than in the current residence so that her alluring beauty and attractiveness could be even more well noticed. It seems at the current residence that out of nine cams, only three will actually decently show the intriguing woman's alluring attractiveness with the one with a view from the end of the bed seeming to be the best, and then the other in the bedroom being second best, and the one with a view from the TV area towards the couch in the LR being the third best. The other LR cam seems to maybe be alright also, but only if someone is on the couch section running parallel with the coffee table, and just to the right of the cushion seams. Seems there were certainly more better locations of cams and therefore better cam views in her previous residence provided by the project admin. As in the other residence though, at night it seems that any of the cams are only good visually when the room lighting is on. Although it is certainly wonderful and great to see her again, seems that since the intriguing and attractive woman was quite a substantial factor in the project growing and prospering as they did before the unfortunate events that occurred back at the beginning of June of this year, that the project would have most certainly taken care of her better than it appears they have. Certainly the project admin. should have offered her the residence that U&M were offered and accepted where K&S once resided not long before, or a residence similar to or better then that residence where U&M now are, and a residence that had better cam locations and angles also.
  16. Although there had been rumors, speculation, and thoughts of some that such a wonderful person and woman had exited they're lives perhaps permanently, evidently hope has prevailed. Although in a different residence and of which some cam views may not be quite as good or seem to allow views of the uniquely special and wonderful woman as once did in the previous residence, it is quite nice and certainly good to have privilege of views of such a beautifully attractive and amazing woman again ! I certainly hope she has been alright and doing good !
  17. Yeah. Paul may have hooked something up wrong somewhere. lol 🙂
  18. Your thoughtfulness and consideration has not went unappreciated jimbo4 my friend. It is evidently just another point of proof that the trolling tactics of some weasel/troll of such a sorry and worthless company such as RLC had turned out to be long ago is still obviously occurring at the threads of this forum and website. As if they have nothing better to do now that they're site and company is now sorrier than ever when they do nothing about postings that still include user id's or watermarks on other sites as has been stated here numerous times recently and in the past. As I have said, "To Hell With RLC" ! Cheers to you and thanks for the effort my friend !
  19. Very well put and I for one certainly do agree my friend.
  20. I've asked this before but there was no responses so it may be likely that it was one session that many or most did not observe or missed or perhaps anyone who was fortunate enough to have not missed the session of the beautiful woman of which so many miss nowadays that visits this forum. The session was on 06/01/2019, and that is meant to be June 1, 2019. It has not been posted on this site or other sites where caps. have been posted. It was one when the amazing and beautiful woman was on the LR couch wearing one of her white satin slips, and started playing and eventually went and retrieved her white toy and returned to the couch and got into some play with her kitty and amazingly beautiful derriere. May have been one of the few times that few were fortunate enough to observe and even fewer (such as myself), that were fortunate enough to be around and observe the session, but did not manage to cap. it unfortunately. It was actually one of the quite hotter sessions of the beautiful woman imo. If anyone who visits here did happen to see and cap. that session, it would be greatly appreciate if a link of it were ever shared here. Sure do still miss the beautiful woman called Leora as I am certain there are others who do as well.
  21. After not checking the log in page of the RLC site for awhile now until just a few minutes ago, it now has listed that the tenant known as Masha is the only one left in that apartment. Evidently the tenant"s known as Dasha and Sasha are now gone from RLC as well as all the others that were removed from the site when the shutdown of the Russian apartments occurred. The only ones now remaining from the listings of the Russian apartments before the shutdown, are Ulyana & Marat, and only because they obviously were able to acquire at least a temporary visa and passport to be able to relocate to the apartment previously occupied by Kitty & Smith. Although the apartment where Dasha, Masha, and Sasha resided was in or near Rome, Italy, RLC now has none of the original longest term tenants left other than Masha now listed as a single in that apartment. RLC is certainly the illustration now of a project now on the decline and steadily getting worse.
  22. I have an idea. Perhaps someone should go to Siberia and find the beautiful and amazing woman who is missed so much and make a personal porno. lol 🙂
  23. I agree as well Pepe. For even if the reports concerning The Kremlin wanting to attempt to form the country's own internet to isolate it from much of the rest of the worlds countries was accurate and going to eventually occur, it would have most likely not been able to occur for awhile yet, and the RLC apartments there have already been shutdown for awhile now while apartments in VHTV , voyeur-villa (Camarads), and other cam sites, as well as vk and Instagram which is linked to facebook, along with other social media sites connected to the www., and yet all are still connected and active and have continued to be all along since RLC shutdown the apartments in Russia. It was most definitely something to do with RLC. Also, one member and contributor of the dialogue in this thread of the forum had posted awhile back before the shutdown of apartments in Russia about how much RLC was worth according to one website statistic when it had been being posted that RLC was losing popularity and perhaps on a decline in subscriptions of longer term and more loyal subscribers. If I remember correctly, it was posted by that member that the alexa website stat that had RLC's net worth at around an estimated $332 to $334 million and something at that time. Now, the current estimation of net worth of RLC according to a webstat is $205 million. To lose that kind of net worth in the short amount of time since the shutdown of the Russian apartments, most likely means that RLC's revenue of income has declined substantially and could be still on the decline. I certainly hope so after the ways they treated not only those tenants of the Russian apartments, but also how they treated they're subscribers in showing no respect or gratitude or appreciation whatsoever when they were responsible for RLC's success and profits and well being. So basically RLC has treated many with complete negligence and disregard.
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