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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. She eventually did again for a short period under a different member username anyway, so the RLC explanation is only conjecture and not factual as they cannot legally force any tenant to not post any dialogue on any social media sites as long as there are no pics or vids that they would disapprove of. It would not only be legally jeopardising to them from a business standpoint, but would also be detrimental to they're business reputation.
  2. Nothing to do with anything related to you my friend. The copy of the clip and pic was made from replay. Everyone here has always appreciated your efforts and contributions.
  3. Is quite alright and all is good as a copy of the clip and pic have been forwarded to the project administration along with a number of complaints from a number of subscribers.
  4. Since the residence usually referred to here is now uninteresting and seems to now be a lost cause for the most part, there is a quite interesting occasion on 10 at UM for anyone interested.
  5. Agreed. I know I've done my share of ranting and likely will more due to disappointment and frustration of the residence, but I've stayed away from those cams since yesterday. I can observe thumbs when visiting the site.
  6. With the obvious disappointment of the residence usually referred to here occurring for quite awhile now, it has been recently noticed that some of the other couples residences that have had changes in tenants since mid. 2017, actually does seem to now have some of the tenants that do seem somewhat interesting and the guys do seem mature enough to realize that even with an apartment paid for and an additional subsistence compensation, that having employment for a primary income is a wise idea, and not to mention but several of them being attractive women.
  7. Perhaps the subscribers and visitors of that residence's cams should play hard to get by seldomly ever visiting the cams from this point forward for awhile to cut back on registered cam visits and amount of time which factors into ratings and determines sub. comp. bonus amount.
  8. A popular product of first relationships and insecurities.
  9. Know where you're coming from as I have as well my friend and there are quite a number of disappointed visitors of that particular residence.
  10. Behaving stuck up and spiteful now. But instead of getting ready to leave for just a awhile, perhaps the plan should be to locate another form of income and a residence to live while out and away.
  11. I do believe the ruse and charades that have been occurring since the reappearance of the undesired, unwanted, and nuisance extra shadow of the residence is up my friend. Not to mention the small fact that there are many that are quite disappointed in the certainly negative change in the dynamics of the residence. It is not much different than most of the rest of the project now.
  12. Hopefully they have they're finances in order enough to have put away some funds from the lackluster tenants part time employment or the subsistence compensation because they may need it by the end of 2019 if not sooner.
  13. People are surely not inclined or satisfied to pay money for subscriptions to a company for what is supposed to be a real life voyeur style site just to observe some truly lazy and ridiculous behaving other people who are or become undeserving of the opportunity afforded to them
  14. After much deliberation, In light of recent occasions including referring back to the previous 6 to 7 months, an email has been sent to the project admin. It was not the first email that had been sent to the admin., but the most recent of multiple emails and although each was somewhat different in nature, it included some subject matter similar to one of the previous emails. The first email ever sent had to do with subscription issues. The second had to do with improperly functioning cams at a residence. The third had to do with declining levels of interest in a number of the residences and suggested and recommended for a decision by the admin. to make changes in a number of the residences or quite likely incur a continued decline in the level of interest in, and in turn a decline in revenue. A copy of a petition was also included with that third email suggesting and recommending as to which residences may need to be changed to perhaps make a difference. Although it seemed to take quite awhile to occur after that email was sent during the first half of 2017, eventually five of the couples residences tenants who were included on the recommendation petition were finally replaced. Although the recent email sent did not include a recommendation petition as did the previous, it was mentioned that one could be provided if necessary in assisting in making a determination as to what or who should perhaps be included should it be deemed necessary.
  15. Furthermore, perhaps suggesting it to the project admin. would not be a bad idea.
  16. As unfortunate as it is, they should and probably will be added to a list of some of the next tenants to leave and be replaced as interest in the residence has severely declined with the change in dynamics and addition of the constant extra shadow.
  17. Since it has been as long as it has now since the change of dynamics at the residence and the lazy excuse of a man once again became for the most part unemployed, he has exhibited an arrogant laziness that is beyond reproach. He certainly has a lot of nerve being around there and dictating to her what to do as far as what she should wear, how she should sit or lay somewhere, and when or where she can go somewhere or not. That guy is really something else and a sorry excuse of a so called man. He has no embarrassment when in fact it is because of her that he even has a roof over his head and a place to live. It is certain that it has been because of her that there has been an interest in that residence enough so that there have been offers to renew the tenant lease contracts over time and most certainly not because of him. Yet he is around there acting as if he is the big boss of the residence. She really should show some gumption and set him straight by telling him flat out to find and engage in more substantial employment then he does, and to stop directing her as to what she is or is not allowed to do, or that he should get out and leave. Either that should happen, or the project administration should perhaps add them both to the list of next tenants to be replaced. To sum it up, she is supporting his lazy ass, so why put up with that kind of crap.
  18. That shadow being almost always present at the residence now is just complete and utter ridiculousness.
  19. I believe you are right my friend. I also believe that the raise in sub. comp. that was given, will eventually if not sooner than later, be reduced back to a lesser amount as the ratings have obviously declined with the change in the dynamics of the residence with the extra shadow being very nearly constantly there. Also, if a decline continues, the residence may soon be no more interesting then much of the rest of the project unfortunately. If that sub. comp. does get reduced back down, with there being no more employment than there is, that will be too bad.
  20. Perhaps the role of being an almost all the time shadow is considered as being sufficient employment for one seemingly with not so good of common sense.
  21. It is obvious that he has been here reading what has been posted again recently. There were recently posts concerning any levels or amounts of affection such as in hugging and kissing and how she has seemed to try but that he has mostly always seemed uninterested in those things. But then low and behold, right after that, he's made it a point to showering her with hugging and kissing since then. The guy has always had to learn from this forum or other sites on how he should behave or what he should be doing being involved in a relationship with a woman. It is ridiculous and pathetic also to state the least.
  22. There it goes yet again. It is quite ridiculous that a woman of that age and as nice and down to earth as her, would be so submissive behaving to a guy like that in allowing him to tell her what she should or should not or can or can not do. Especially considering that he is her junior in age by a year or two, and the facts that he does not provide her with a residence nor an adequate income that they could live off of. Perhaps she should come to a realization of these issues and tell him to find more substantial employment, or leave. It is not as if the project administrators would not allow her to stay because they certainly would. Then who would he have to boss around and act as if he is a man of his own residence and means such as he does when it is only obvious that he is not.
  23. Contrary to what some may be led to believe, including the other tenant of the residence, by the tenant who when not sleeping 10, 12, or sometimes even 14 hours a day, eating, or laying around watching TV, almost all the rest of the time is spent on a computer under the guise or pretense that most of that time is associated with employment, when it is likely certain that it is not. What also is almost a certainty is that it is likely that 75 to 90 % of the time spent on a computer is not for employment related concerns. It is certain that it does not take the amount of time spent surfing to check emails or advertisement sites or any other web affiliated companies for any possible work from home employment opportunities for the type of employment that the tenant has been observed doing which is small electronics repair. It has been noticed that the tenant is only contacted once or twice every two to three weeks, and sometimes less to perform work on small devices. Seems that someone of that age would be mature enough to only feel comfortable of depending on the subsistence comp. as merely a supplemental source of income, instead of a primary or main source of income backed up by a source of income generated from scant part time employment which seems to be considered a supplemental source of income instead. It is most certain that most visitors of the cams of that residence occur due to interest in the other tenant mostly and is likely why there have been offers to renew contracts since the tenants first joined the project. Perhaps these are some issues that the tenant mostly referred to in this post should take into consideration. Additionally, perhaps the other tenant should take some of these issues into consideration as well, when giving thought to allowing herself to be directed as far as what she should or should not or can or can not do in her life.
  24. Would have perhaps been nicer if there was a choice of when and where to have achieved some satisfaction but at least the dastardly shadow did not manage to interrupt it would appear. That has to be a plus.
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