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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Earlier today there was exhibited another example of why there is usually only around 3 to 4 to 5 days out of most month's times anymore when there is usually only a limited availability of time for perhaps some possibility of occurrences of activities of higher interest. With the residence once again being vacated quite early in the day and for most of the day, on the day before the mid-week day off that most usually occurs with the companion of the little one, it is not surprising as to what some of the reasons have been as to what has seemingly contributed to a decline in the amount of perhaps further occurrences of activities of higher interest.
  2. Was certainly good to notice that some choices were made by the admirable woman to choose to wear several of the satin slips of which she possesses in her attire in recent days as she looks quite good in satin and lace. But then again, she looks quite good in almost anything that is chosen to be worn, or not worn. Such a remarkably attractive woman.
  3. Possible concern about someone being awakened may have been unnecessary as perhaps someone may have experienced a dining at the Y anyway. Nonetheless, to dine at that Y would undoubtedly be considered quite a privilege and a truly enjoyable experience that would surely have to be remarkably delicious. Would certainly be such a great desert ! One of which no part would be turned down or neglected to be accepted !
  4. My gosh I love her demples ! But then again, I love her taste in things, I love her voice, I love the way she walks and moves, I love her hair, and I certainly love her appealing good looks and sensuality as well ! Don't think there is anything I don't love and admire about the quite attractive woman !
  5. It usually gets read and has at times if has been considered too explicit or extreme has caused adverse or opposite reactions than may have been hoped for.
  6. It would certainly have to be quite an interesting and arousingly special experience and occasion to be fortunate enough to be privileged to play with the astonishingly attractive and uniquely special woman and her toys. She is certainly a woman who is an amazing vision of unique attractive beauty who possesses a pleasantly wonderful demeanor and sensuality.
  7. Certainly a quite interesting and appealing activity of occurrence. Though yet once again only fingers were chosen to do the walking and yet once again it appeared to take so much extra effort to get there, when it is likely that with something additional, it likely may not have. But still, a most appealing and interesting occurrence.
  8. Would have to be an amazing and special privilege to kiss and taste the deliciousness of all of those lips, as well as anything in between.
  9. Her scent would certainly likely be intoxicatingly pleasant and her flavor would likely surely have to taste amazingly delicious.
  10. It is certainly hoped that may be the mood and state of mind that the lovely one may be in this day there.
  11. Well I see now I that perhaps I should may have stayed around awhile longer because evidently I was wrong. Though in admitting to being incorrect about that time and that it was undoubtedly quite interesting, perhaps more than using lovely and well manicured fingers could be considered more often sometimes, as something more than simply fingers would likely even be quite a bit more interesting as well as likely only add to and increase an amount of sensual stimulation and perhaps therefore allow it to be easier to reach some desired goal of heightened sense of sensual gratification and satisfaction.
  12. Well, I hate to say I was right, but it appears that I was and the residence is once again going to be vacated. I had put in to have my sub. cancelled at the end of this period as well but have been in hopes that perhaps that there may have been some further more inspirational occasions of occurrences of activities of interest that may have swayed my decision to perhaps change it.
  13. Perhaps, but there is also the times of availability that I have been considering. One week is when the usual monthly visit from the aunt occurs, then there are all the weekend days off and middle of the week days off of the companion of which add about another week and a half to two weeks into the equation. Then the times when the little one leaves and the residence is left vacated. All in all, it ends up being about what it has been for some time now which is around 3, 4, or 5 days out of a month.
  14. I have felt the same for sometime even though with added apt's. and tenants. Although I do admire and like her quite a bit, somehow though, it seems that when all is taken into consideration, there is usually only around 3 or 4 or perhaps sometimes maybe even 5 days out of any month whenever the more sensual activities of interest ever occur there anymore. It's not that often to perhaps carry on a subscription imo.
  15. Seems that someone is now scurrying around to get some things done after some apparent texting. It is likely that the residence will yet once again be vacated.
  16. At times sometimes it seems it may be going the other way though. Such as the satin and lace has been chosen to not be adorned very often at all anymore.
  17. If you were referring to me, I am alright Pepe my friend. How are you ? I've been curious awhile now about a point that was raised from one who used to be a regular visitor and subscriber of the project as well as here, and that is as to whether or not the pinnacle of attraction of occurrences of activities of higher interest have been reached and therefore may not be surpassed at the residence there.
  18. Was undoubtedly some nice views for a little while even though a somewhat reluctant behavior seemed to be exhibited, but then turned out to be yet just another day of a vacant residence there yesterday.
  19. Being the quite attractive woman she undoubtedly is, a curiosity has arisen as to why a woman of apparent very good taste and usually admirable disposition, has chosen to refrain from adorning some of the other very nice apparel such as some of the splendid satin and lace attire of which she possesses as it seemed she had enjoyed doing so more in the past. Perhaps there may be some feeling of in doing so, it may not be appreciated so much or enough. If that may be the case, perhaps that thought should be reconsidered by someone of her immensely appealing attractiveness. I am sure it was appreciated perhaps more than may have been thought or realized if that were the case.
  20. Such a certainly unique and amazingly attractive and special woman of which any man should feel quite fortunate and privileged to have her attentions, care, and affections bestowed upon them.
  21. Is appearing quite beautiful as usual. Perhaps some thought or idea may float through someones mind as to something unusual and extraordinarily exciting to do. 🙂
  22. Watching documentaries on a pc so far does not seem to be much in any way enthusiastic or exciting for the attractive woman. After nearly a three week period of virtually not much occurring in much of any ways of interest up until this past Thursday/Friday and then a weekend seeming to be only merely more of the same as the extended period without much of occurrences of interest, it is hoped that perhaps something is chosen to do that is more in some ways of enthusiasm and/or excitement for her.
  23. Appears to be just as predicted and anticipated after merely only some slight teasing. I once knew of a girl who was quite attractive who had became involved in camming. After her first year with a site she had joined, she then developed her own personal camsite. She still visited the original site she started on fairly often. On the two different sites, she used two different site names. On her personal site, she was known as "I Love To Tease". Perhaps I may start referring to the attractive woman of the residence usually referred to in this thread as "She Loves To Tease" since that seems to be about what usually occurs around half or more of the time anymore or at least here recently and for awhile now.
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