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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. After nearly three weeks of drought of not much of anything of occurrences of interesting activities at the residence usually referred to in this thread, there were several occurrences on yesterday of which one was somewhat interesting imo. Would not be at all surprised if today is only more of the same as the previous three weeks before yesterday in considering a subject matter of such there recently and for some time now. Which will lead into tomorrow, the first day of the weekend when it will likely be less chances of anything there of interest occurring for an additional several days.
  2. No worries mate because each to they're own, and mine is that it is not all really, truly and genuinely "Real Life" as it is made out to be for reasons such as striving for possible extra cam time accumulation for extra comp. in the form of extra living allowance subsistence allotted by the project admin. of which has been known for quite awhile now, regardless of some of the claims of some of the tenants. I have put in to cancel my sub. after this period ends as have a number of mates and comrades before me already have who also had subbed. to the project. If it ever gets back to more than 5, 6, or 7 days or less out of a months time to be more worth it again, who knows, I may resub. regardless of whether it is all completely genuine or not my friend. I have always held in high regards, strongly admired, had a lot of respect for, and cared quite a bit for the Lovely Lady. Still, I will likely continue to visit the forum to converse interesting dialogue and chat with some of the interesting and cordial friends and mates who I have been introduced to and conversed with here. Cheers mate. 😉
  3. I agree to most of what Mr. Squirrel was stating. It is known that many canine breeds are indeed very demanding. It is also known that some canine breeds are in fact quite placid or laid-back. It is evident that the one referred to is of a breed of the first mentioned. As far as such interruptions are to be expected can be considered and construed in several different ways of which: (1) yes they likely should be if one commences or engages in an activity and it is an activity of which they know beyond a shadow of a doubt gets the animal that is around excited and knowing such they proceed regardless, or, (2) no they should not be expected because of part of the explanation of the reasoning in stating that if they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would be an activity that gets the animal that's around excited, then one should know better. Believe me when I state, she knows that it does by now and has for quite awhile now and so therefore other prearrangements could have been thought out. So one of the points attempting to be conveyed in the previous posts, was why would one even commence an activity of such, even though knowing what it may likely lead to with an animal even around who does get excited without some other underlying reason such as some extra cam time accumulation. Yes, she obviously loves and cares for the canine quite a bit. Yes, it can be a nuisance at times. But she makes the choices and decisions she does. After all, is it or is it not supposed to be "Real Life" ?
  4. Agreed my friend. Conjecture and speculation it is. But it is my view and opinion that the chances of someone getting to that point of arousal and then just to think: "oh well to heck with it, I'm sure there was a good bit of cam accumulation here while it lasted, and besides, I have other things I'm going to do now anyway", instead of simply changing the situation by either putting the canine out of the room, or moving to another room and continuing until desired satisfaction was achieved, are low percentage chances. So, evidently there was not any fully genuine concern to fulfill the desire exhibited at the time anyway from the start. Almost as if as long as some cam accumulation was obtained, then other issues was of more importance to someone at the time. It was an occurrence that has reoccurred on numerous occasions in the past and is somewhat part of some combined reasons why the amount of more interesting occurrences of activities at that residence has declined down to 7 days or less out of a months time, and has become quite somewhat monotonous in some views and opinions. But as we all know it is the prerogatives of the tenants to do as they choose, just as it is of others to subscribe or not to, or to continue subscriptions to that project, of which many of the tenants seem not to take into consideration too often. Just my view and opinion and may be nothing more than speculation or conjecture, but it is something that can be given thought to or considered for some.
  5. My apologies for the long dialogue of the previous post. Just wanted to give my view and opinion and respond to the former post while the thoughts were fresh and the chance was available here.
  6. It is true Iwic that it is certainly open to each individual's own interpretation or perception as to what may have occurred then, as it is in almost all experiences of various observations. It is also true that it appeared as to be apparent that the pooch did intervene and interrupt that certain experience at a time when it would have been almost certainly better if it had not. Yet another truth is that statement by scutus that it is and has been quite obvious as to how much she cares for that pooch for any who have followed enough to know as has those of us who have long enough such as he, you, myself, and others. It is also known by those of us who fall into that category, that she is and has been a very avid lover of animals. It is also known that she has always been known to be quite unpredictable in her actions or behaviors and therefore her thoughts. Having stated all of such of which has been stated at one time or another and at various times in the past, what percentage of people ever get to a point of arousal only to allow some animal to intervene and interrupt an experience of attempting to achieve some sense of desired personal sensual fulfillment and satisfaction even though it may be someone who cares for animals as much. IMO, it is likely that an answer to this is likely to be on the lower side of the scale on a scale of 0% to 100%. It is likely that most people would either make arrangements beforehand, or even during the process if the experience dictated so. Especially when it is those who have already on a number of occasions been interrupted in the same ways time and time again. So, could the occurrence merely have been no more than another way to attempt to attract and accumulate cam hits and/or air time ? Who really knows but her, but it could be considered that the chances of this could be very possible knowing what is known about the project admin. and it's relationship with the tenants as far as any extra perks aside from any tenants contracts.
  7. In consideration of the time and state of mind or moods and actions of someone at the residence this morning, it is likely that a certain time has arrived for her. IMO, it was yet another squandered opportunity for her to achieve what was made to be believed that someone was interested in yesterday before she got ready and departed the residence. The same old same old song and dance routine so to speak occurring more too often then not has been seeming to be steadily and increasingly getting quite old to a number of what have been once quite interested followers, admirers, and supporters of the residence. It is therefore reasonably understandable as to why a number of followers, admirers, and supporters of the residence have lost interest and in turn canceled subscriptions to the project.
  8. The residence has IMO been close to a point of perhaps loosing a luster or reputation it had achieved quite some time ago with many of the admirers and followers it had gained. As has been previously stated on a number of occasions in the past by multiple followers, the times of interesting occurrences or activities have surely dwindled down and became less and less over time. It has therefore in turn diminished a once quite more appealing luster and reputation as mostly being the most interesting residence of the project. Also as has been previously stated the times of interesting occurrences was at one point down to perhaps a week and a half out of every month, but now it has been down to merely a week or less out of a months time for awhile now. Perhaps the additions of the other two cams and therefore the increases in the allotted subsistence allowance has made an influence on such. Regardless and as unfortunate as it may be, it must be difficult for many who maintain a subscription mainly to follow and keep as much interest in this residence to continue to do so for much longer.
  9. Over, done with, end of story. You and him can go critique whoever you like, but when you do me, there will be a response and possibly not to a liking of which I could care less.
  10. LOL It's supposed to be a voyeur forum. But there are more appropriate threads for the chatting dialogue and this one is supposed to be mainly for videos if I'm not mistaken. No worry's though my friend, I'm done carrying on dialogue in this thread of this section of the forum. Apology rendered.
  11. Granted, I perhaps could have stated it somewhat in a different manner to be only composed of 2 or perhaps even 3 sentences. But, I didn't, and though maybe I should have for perhaps convenience of those who read it. But nonetheless, it has a number of commas in appropriate places and a period at the end. Therefore, it could be considered a quite long sentence that forms a paragraph. Sorry it does not meet your or his approval, but I guess it's just too bad my friend.
  12. There was nothing whizzing by over my head. Perhaps you need not worry or concern yourself about it.
  13. As a matter of fact, no I don't. That wasn't the first time it's happened, only one of a number of times and not just about no sentence structure either. He has had a habit of cracking on, disrespecting or insulting others posts at different times every since I became a member here. Not just mine, and whether there was any genuine justification for him to do it or not. Most of the ones I witnessed other than the ones directed towards me, were mostly because he did not agree with or like what someone else had to say or post. If you didn't see any commas or periods either, I can't help it. Obviously they were missed or overlooked and maybe should have been read closer. So I don't care how long he or anyone else has been on here, I'll not set idly by and put up with it and take it as some may without responding back. What goes around, comes around bud.
  14. Really like her smile when she seems in good spirits or moods and sometimes expressions of concentration exhibited when indulged in some endeavor to achieve some forms of enlightenment of desired satisfaction and sometimes expressions of bliss when goals of endeavors are reached.
  15. Absolutely an amazingly attractive and uniquely special woman !💘 🌹
  16. If you are going to write content, the least you could do is write it using proper spelling in an attempt to create proper sentence structure. The correct spelling for the word misspelled happens to be double. Correct spelling of words is essential to proper sentence phrasing, meaning, structure, etc.
  17. Though it is always hoped and wished that the down to earth and gorgeously attractive woman of the residence arises after awakening in good spirits and moods, it does not always happen as it does not with anyone though it is still wishful thinking for her. Just as it is hoped that when she does not have other pressing issues to attend to or is not in any other moods to engage in other activities of talents that she possesses, that she may be in certain mindsets at times to delve into and explore the depths of her sensuality.
  18. Concerning some past employments you are correct my friend. On a different note, in consideration of intervals of timing of late and choices of being advantageous or not in perhaps some other ways than only some of the apparent choices made during some of those intervals, as well as intervals of recent occurrences and choices of such, it may likely be quite awhile. Imo, some of the sporadic intervals of time periods similar in the past where minimal occurrences of activities of interest seemed to occur, initiated some of the views or opinions of the residence becoming and perhaps at times seeming quite monotonous to some.
  19. Funny how she seems to not be hardly inhibited much at all whenever he is with her, but yet when alone, she is totally inhibited and very self conscious about showing or doing anything.
  20. There are two high rise apartment buildings there, of which both are of the same architectural design and resemble in appearance, and of which one still has quite an amount of construction in progress on it. The residence referred to is located in one of them, and is one not having much in the way of construction remaining with exception of occasional remodels. A good observation olga. 😉
  21. Stud ?????? 🤣 That's really hilarious Aussie mate ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have to give kudos to you on that one mate ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  22. Certainly right about the amazing tan. But as for anything other than the terrific dancing, it may likely be as far off as several weeks now as it is multiday holiday there now and a visitor will soon arrive. Perhaps today was the last opportunity for her until then.
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