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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. It seemed quite interesting and nice to state the least to be made aware of what may have been a dual visit of some red and white friends of someone. Perhaps possibly there may be some consideration by someone of perhaps some arrangements of possible additional dual visits of some of the other friends aside from the little red friend that would be enjoyed as much if not more, as it seemed that the dual visit of the red and white friends may have been in inclusion of both a kitty and it's neighbor.
  2. Yes, the bottle of Kardashian lotion was noticed and is considered to be on the costly side. Still, it is likely that a tanning facility is being visited sometimes as well. Although it may be considered by many to be more of an artificial complexion of tan to have been developed by some lotion or tanning light as compared to the natural light of the sun, it is my opinion that a tan complexion is a tan complexion, and that by using some type of lotion to both either assist in, or to completely develop a tan is much more the safer way to do so.
  3. Not sure. May be still hiding out under some bridge waiting for some reason to crawl out in an attempt to menace others.
  4. She has seemed to perhaps be using some lotion that has seemed to assist in bringing out a tanned appearing complexion instead of mainly depending on visitations to some tanning facility as it had been noticed in the past. She is certainly a quite attractive woman both with or without any tanned complexion, but a tan seems to add somewhat more to her allure and attractiveness.
  5. I suppose the little one has taken her pooch out for some outside activities.
  6. Well after all, it is but a little tidbit of which I hadn't noticed occurring every day.
  7. Agreed, but sometimes there are times when even some things may get through to some even with thick skin or higher tolerance of many things.
  8. Anyone who noticed any kind of crap such as that put out about them, would certainly not be in or get in any good or decent mood afterwards but would likely feel hurt because of it. Especially a woman.
  9. There are many in this world who have no consideration of others whatsoever when it comes to any choice of they're words or they're actions and could care less other than to inflict disappointment and discouragement to others it seems.
  10. Let's get some things straight here. First, she doesn't bate as many seem to be obliged to refer to it so often, several times a day. Although evidently, there have been some rare times when it may have occurred more than once within a 24 hour period, those times may have certainly been seldom, and it has seemed to only occur if it's felt an urge or desire arises, once in a day out of most of the times it may have ever occurred. Additionally, the pooch does not seem to bark nearly as much as it once may have. Second, she has never neither seemed to, nor ever been observed to fuck like a prostitute as it has been quite maliciously referred to. Third, she has never seemed to be, nor ever been anyone who should be referred to as a pornographic Barbie as it has been so derogatorily referred to. As it has been stated a number of times previously by multiple members of the forum and a subject matter of which obviously should be stated yet once again, for those visitors of the residence and this particular thread of the forum who don't find any substance of interest or enjoyment in any visitation of that particular residences cams, then perhaps you should simply move on to another residence's cams or a cam site considered to be more of a non-voyeuristic style site which may be more suited to some tastes, or anywhere else on the internet as it is a huge entity rather than visit this thread of this forum to spew some disparaging, insulting, and disingenuous comments.
  11. She is an amazing and gorgeous woman who I have much admiration for.
  12. A curiosity of which I personally have always wondered since first ever discovering such a wonderful and appealingly attractive woman as is she, is that of how tall the lovely and amazing woman of the residence actually is.
  13. Was quite interesting to recently notice some occasions which seemed to perhaps render some conclusions as to some possibilities of curiosities as to whether some friends of both black and white persuasions times of interest had past, although it had seemed that the times spent with them previously seemed to be enjoyed quite substantially. It still leaves some curiosities as to whether there may ever be any visit of both of the friends at the same times. Now that it seems that there is a red acquaintance also, there seems to be some curiosities as to whether the white friend's company with a kitty's neighbor is ever desired as much as it may have in the past once seemed to be. If so, it would perhaps be unfortunate as it seemed that some times the white friend spent with the kitty's neighbor may have been quite enjoyable.
  14. Chloe is an attractive woman and seems to be quite a tease. It would certainly be quite interesting to be privileged to experience any urges or desires of hers to be satisfied with some toys sometimes more instead of just teasing with fingers and other than exchanges of interactions with her mate.
  15. Certainly Ulyana is quite appealingly attractive and intriguingly interesting. The project admin. would without any doubt offer her a choice, should she so choose, to remain with the project and with a residence such as they did with another of the project members who is not, nor has ever been even close to as interesting or as nice looking as the beautiful Ulyana. It seems that she may be feeling distraught and emotionally hurting now, but it is certainly hoped that no matter the outcome of the cause, that she makes a choice to remain a member of a project of where her attractiveness and intriguing interests, are certainly admirably appealing and interesting to others privileged to be any part of observing.
  16. It is unfortunate to know that the beautiful Ulyana may be quite distraught because of some recent circumstances. Ulyana seems to be a quite attractive and interesting woman. If perhaps she chooses to stay with the project for awhile longer, perhaps she should possibly consider acquiring some items of aid in assistance of achieving some higher and more satisfying level of sensual satisfaction whenever an urge or desire to do so is experienced. Certainly it would be quite appealingly interesting occurrences of occasions of interest if that were to ever occur.
  17. There have been some curiosities as to any possible reasoning of any choice or decision to refrain from any use of any stimulating and lubricating solutions at times when it seemed there may have been sensual massage or other sensual activities desired.
  18. It has been noticed in the past to be quite interesting as well as quite nice when it seemed there may have been some willingness to not mind in allowing to be noticed what had been being observed when it seemed there may have been some arousal occurring with someone there.
  19. It has always seemed quite intriguingly interesting as to how well the choices of attire fit the appealingly attractive woman of the residence quite nicely.
  20. It was quite nice to notice that sometimes at times some choices or desires of some music and dancing or sometimes wearing some attire made with some satin or lace had not been diminished or given up on.
  21. Not so sure the lovely woman of the residence is in any good or decent mood today. Hasn't seemed so at least.
  22. A curiosity has arisen as to perhaps any possible reasoning as to why some visits of some friends of black and white persuasions of someone do not occur more often although it seemed that a substantial amount of enjoyment was experienced whenever either of them visit.
  23. She is quite an amazing and appealingly attractive woman. It would certainly have to be a wonderful privilege as well as a remarkable experience in a lifetime to know her enough to experience being near her.....the scent of her hair and her body.....to marvel in exchanging sensual massage and touch with her.....to experience the wonder and deliciousness of her tastes.....to offer to and experience with her any experiences of what may be yearned for in any of her desires to achieve any higher level of desired sensual fulfillment and satisfaction. She is certainly quite a remarkable woman.
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