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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Perhaps currently it may not be conceivable to ponder as to any possible desires the owner of a certain kitty or it's neighbor may have for them even though if considering the time that has past since any desires for them were attended to.
  2. Appears not much of interest going to be occurring there anytime soon.
  3. It would certainly have to be quite an amazing experience to be privileged to bathe with such an intriguing and attractive woman.
  4. Referring mostly to the quite appealingly attractive woman of the residence.
  5. Perhaps with the tv being turned off and so much communication on a phone, there may unfortunately currently be other interests in mind by the tenant of the residence who is usually quite interesting.
  6. Last week with an arrival of an aunty approaching, it seemed considerate for one to have some personal time. It has been awhile since then and also any privilege of observance of anything of considerable interest from being away in doing so. Seems that perhaps there may be a good deal of communication on a phone and one of the tenants is still sleeping. Would be quite interesting if there was any considerable interest in relying on ones own resources in entertaining ones self while considering the time it has been since last being able to, and especially while currently being left alone at the residence while the roommate sleeps.
  7. Would be quite an amazing and exhilaratingly special experience to be afforded a privilege of being able to give the remarkable woman of the residences a good allover rub down and massage with a nice moisturizing and conditioning lotion or oil to stimulate her skin and aid in a tanning endeavor.
  8. Perhaps there may not be much more of appropriate or available time in the near future or for awhile of someone being afforded much of any opportunities to engross themself in and indulge in what could or may be good uninterrupted chances for any desire of any sensual or erotic feelings of ultimate satisfaction.
  9. Someone said she wasn't gorgeous, but then they were showered with the question asking when did they go blind. 😉
  10. Perhaps some desires and choices of satin and/or lace attire may be some subject matter of times of the past for the most part. If so, though it would be unfortunate, those desires and choices in times past were quite nice and only increased an amazing attractiveness already possessed by the remarkable woman.
  11. It seems that the remarkable woman of the residence may have an interest or desire to develop a tanned complexion now that some of the warmer season is approaching for this year. It seemed that a year ago, there was a slight interest of the same, although it seemed not as much of an interest or desire as in past times. A tanned complexion certainly adds to the appealing attractiveness of which she certainly already possesses. Either way, the intriguing and amazing woman of the residence is without any doubt quite appealingly attractive.
  12. Although there have been a number of times in the past when it turned out that I was wrong about various subject matters throughout life, more times than not having results from being so as not so good, this is one of some of those occasions that would actually have results of being quite good if it turned out that after all I was wrong in the particular subject matters referenced. 🙂
  13. Would be very nice friends to spend some time with indeed Spy my friend.
  14. Although Spring is in the air, as it is still quite cool there, it is likely that she simply visited a salon which usually has separate rooms with tanning machines or beds as they are referred to for individuals. As far as in reference to an earlier post and your response e, although it is hoped that I was incorrect in any prediction of any possible foreseeable future there, realizing what I know of the residence and basing it on experience of times long past up to the present , I certainly would hope that no one would have they're hopes set too high of much of interest occurring there at the residence anytime soon. It has appeared imo, to perhaps be what may be the beginning of a long next couple of weeks. Although it is always possible that perhaps I may be wrong again.
  15. In notice of some recent occurrences at the residence and in partial reference to a recent previous post, with a return of a shadow who had seemed to disappear for a few days and a visitation of a guest, it may be highly unlikely that occurrences or occasions of much interest may occur there anytime soon or in the near future. Especially if taking into consideration that a beginning of a weekend has nearly arrived, and that the weekend will include the Easter Sunday Holiday there, followed two days after by three other national holidays there, and an almost certain usual visitation from an aunt as well which will likely occur soon after the weekend. Perhaps it is seeming likely to be yet another extended time period of considerable drought of occurrences of much interest there at the residence once again.
  16. It has been noticeable for some time that though the intriguing woman of the residence is quite interesting in multiple facets including multiple favorable and admirable traits of which she obviously possesses, but additionally of how a quite appealing attractiveness of which she has been gifted with also, has but only increased over time of anyone being privileged to notice.
  17. Well you're not supposed to judge...especially being John the Baptist. 🙂
  18. Did you happen to notice if she took her little friend the pooch out with her e ? The pooch has not been noticed there since then. It had been noticed that recently she has been doing so at times again now that warmer days are arriving.
  19. O.k. But was referencing another post my friend, and I am well aware of a replay option, trust me.
  20. It was somewhat recently quite an interest to be made aware that some little black and white friends of someone had not been completely forgotten. Some company of a newer little pink friend and a little brown friend of someone has seemed to be quite enjoyable for that someone when chosen to be invited out and played with some. It has also initiated a curiosity of inquisitive interest. That curiosity to some may concern possible reasoning as to what may have been any decision to invite out and play with a little pink friend and/or a little brown friend more so than invitations have seemed to be to either the little black or white friends of someone that seemed at one time to be quite enjoyable little friends when played with also. In particular a little white friend of which when invited out and played with in similar ways as the little pink friend, and of who seemed at times to be enjoyed quite more substantially and offered more in enjoyable stimulation during play than the little pink friend.
  21. Not likely since it seems to have occurred several hours ago.
  22. Perhaps it may have been irrelevant to contradict some of the non believers on some of they're comments concerning the extent of actual genuine and real life events at the residence in the past when considering the non sensible timing of some of the occurrences there at the residence in comparison to what would obviously have been much more sensible timing of some of the occurrences. It seems to continue more now then in the past. Issues such as this and similar seem to project a view that perhaps the project is not so real life as portrayed or advertised. Oh well, so much for being privileged to some interesting observations at the project recently.
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