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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Although it undoubtedly was an occasion of particular and quite appealing interest, it still left curiosities as to what has become of the black and white little friends of someone, and as to what may have been any reason for any decision to not choose any company of either recently and for quite while now, and in particular the white little friend since it was noticed that a pink even littler friend had been acquired. It had seemed certain that more enjoyment and satisfaction was received when playing with either of the other two, and that when the white little friend was played with, it seemed to be obliging and stay where put for awhile for the most part when and where desired while other activities were achieved, and either seemed quite significantly more appealing and interesting.
  2. What an wonderful and exhilarating experience it would have to be to be setting on the couch there now.
  3. I often have been curious as to why there has not been more time spent there by the lovely little one since it is after all not one of the free cams.
  4. On a positive note, I'll take my leave now and bid all farewell until another time.
  5. Then you can believe me when I say it is fully understood. Just trying at times trying to remain positive and hopeful of the situation improving my striped little friend.
  6. Oh really ? Well no worries mate, none taken. But I would have included you as one of some who would have perhaps understood the underlying meanings of some of the indirect posts considering as long as you have been around and who may have also understood that by being sometimes somewhat indirect instead of straight out forward all the time, could not hurt the situation or make things any worse considering the current state of affairs there. Perhaps some aspirin may help.
  7. Well meaning and/or well intentioned, similar to as being referred to as down to earth to some, an appealing trait along with others of which I developed an admiration and fondness of that tenant for.
  8. There is perhaps a notion that the tenant who has been of most visitors interest in the residence, may have been experiencing emotions of feeling torn between any desire to be and do as that tenant wishes to at times, and of not wanting to cause someone else to feel down or bad in some way as that tenant has always seemed to have been quite well meaning and/or well intentioned in what parts of that tenants life that some have been privy to.
  9. Apology accepted and I'll give you 2 cents more to double that and you're welcome jugg. LoL 🤣
  10. I certainly have been hoping for the best outcome for our friend and mate Aussie and his health condition of which required surgery as I have not noticed any visit from him since going in for the surgery. Best Wishes and Hopes to our friend Aussie.
  11. Since first visiting this site and this thread of the forum, and after doing so enough such to accrue an interest substantial enough to become a member here to visit and contribute in and respond to the various dialogue mentioned here at times. It was a decision based mainly on the interest of the residence usually referred to in this thread of the forum. This was because of most of the interest of the project seemed to be the residence usually referred to in this thread of the forum and because of such, that was and has been for the most part the residence usually visited and payed any attention to and very seldomly to any of the other residences of little to no interest. This is the reason why I have mostly refrained from and seldomly ever contributed to or responded to any of the dialogue post threads related to any of the other project residences. Having mentioned this, I will also mention that it has been noticed at various times since I became a member here, that there have been some fairly harsh criticisms dealt out here concerning the tenants of the residence usually referred to in this thread. Some of the criticisms may have seemed to have been justified to some, and to others perhaps not. I cannot and will not deny that there have been times that I myself have been on the dealing out end of some of the criticisms dealt out here in the thread, and in retrospect and recalling some of those times, it did not seem to make me feel any better afterwards. Other than some of those times seeming to be a chance to vent some of the disappointment that had seemed to have developed in relation to a change of circumstances or situations at the residence, there was not much of any other reason and certainly not to insult or hurt the tenant of which most interest in the residence has been. This is also a reason of which there have been and at times sometimes still are, times of which I may make posts here that may seem vague or not so direct in attempts of perhaps not offending or hurting someone's feelings. Some of those times perhaps have been only fully understood by those who visit here often enough to perhaps know of me somewhat. But that is just me, and these are merely just some of my view points and opinions.
  12. Ever since discovering the existence of such an intelligent, talented, and surreally wonderful and down to earth woman who happens to also be quite appealingly attractive, a definite interest was initiated which increased as time progressed to a point of subscribing to the project with hopes of perhaps discovering and being privileged to even more interesting aspects of the intriguing and interesting woman's life. Although it was clear from beginning that the intriguingly interesting and fascinating woman was involved in a relationship with someone else, the developed interest was enough such that a subscription to the project was initiated although it seemed that more times than not, occasions of occurrences of higher interest seemed to have usually only occurred when that other someone was not at the residence. The subscription was continued for quite some time in hopes of somehow being privileged to more occasions of interest although the other person was almost always at the residence at the same times as the person of interest. Eventually, after a lengthy period of time and it seemed that the situation would not ever change and the subscription was about to no longer be renewed, it seemed that the one of less interest actually became employed elsewhere and began not being at the residence as much. Sometime after that, the occasions of interest seemed to have increased enough so that it was decided to not cancel and to continue to renew the subscription. It is unfortunate that around 7 to 8 months ago, the situation then seemed to have reverted back to being very similar to as it once was before the one became employed elsewhere as the occasions of interest have once again seemed to have become limited in time and occasions of interest which has seemed to have once again impacted the level of interest. It is quite unfortunate because of the monetary cost of what the project charges, as they have continued to add residences and tenants in hopes of raising more awareness of and interest in the project to increase both subscriptions and therefore revenue of the project. Not to be misconstrued, the appealingly attractive woman of the residence is still quite intriguingly interesting and whom I still have a high admiration and fondness of, although it seems even more unfortunate due to the situation yet once again, that someone that has seemed so intriguingly interesting, is now once again it seems being limited to less times of enjoyment in various aspects and parts of her life. 😞
  13. Aye Sir Jim, well put, as I as well as some other mates and comrades feel quite similarly, have agreed that at end of current subs., they quite simply will no longer be renewed as long as the current status quo continues there at the residence. It has been passed on that some of the owners of the project are not at all pleased with a noticeable loss of revenue as well as potential further loss unfortunately.
  14. I would stay for a coffee with her if I could. That would be magnifico ! 😉
  15. Likely would not risk it, but was unaware that she herself had substantiated it.
  16. Very true my wise feline friend. But there again, she never used her same given username as is on the project site either of the periods that she was known to have visited here. So they would have had no legal recourse either of those times because any decent legal representation would argue the fact that there is no way any body should or would in fact know that it was her other than someone who might have her email address('s).
  17. She eventually did again for a short period under a different member username anyway, so the RLC explanation is only conjecture and not factual as they cannot legally force any tenant to not post any dialogue on any social media sites as long as there are no pics or vids that they would disapprove of. It would not only be legally jeopardising to them from a business standpoint, but would also be detrimental to they're business reputation.
  18. Nothing to do with anything related to you my friend. The copy of the clip and pic was made from replay. Everyone here has always appreciated your efforts and contributions.
  19. Is quite alright and all is good as a copy of the clip and pic have been forwarded to the project administration along with a number of complaints from a number of subscribers.
  20. Since the residence usually referred to here is now uninteresting and seems to now be a lost cause for the most part, there is a quite interesting occasion on 10 at UM for anyone interested.
  21. Agreed. I know I've done my share of ranting and likely will more due to disappointment and frustration of the residence, but I've stayed away from those cams since yesterday. I can observe thumbs when visiting the site.
  22. With the obvious disappointment of the residence usually referred to here occurring for quite awhile now, it has been recently noticed that some of the other couples residences that have had changes in tenants since mid. 2017, actually does seem to now have some of the tenants that do seem somewhat interesting and the guys do seem mature enough to realize that even with an apartment paid for and an additional subsistence compensation, that having employment for a primary income is a wise idea, and not to mention but several of them being attractive women.
  23. Perhaps the subscribers and visitors of that residence's cams should play hard to get by seldomly ever visiting the cams from this point forward for awhile to cut back on registered cam visits and amount of time which factors into ratings and determines sub. comp. bonus amount.
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