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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Those fired employees can go work for the DNC and do the exact same job they were doing for the DNC at Twitter. :biggrin:

           Some will probably just go home where they live with their parents and continue sitting on their asses promoting propaganda for the left anyway and fraudulently apply for government benefits by claiming they are someone they are not from some other country and will probably get approved for such benefits by the current corrupt administration's fickle minded personnel.

  2.     Apparently, there are those on the left who have now become aware of the rejection of their twisted fickle minded ideologies that are soon to occur during the coming midterm elections in the U.S. The insane asylums and mental institutions have probably been working overtime converting non secured patient rooms into secured padded cells for the coming mental meltdowns that are about to occur in another 17 days with some of those who possess such screwed up twisted ideologies and minds. 

  3.      Recently Tulsi Gabbard showed even more courage and how intelligent, sensible, reasonable, and righteous of a woman she is when she basically told it like it is when she said she wants nothing more to do with so called democrats who in modern times evidently consist of a substantial majority of those on the left who claim such political affiliations although in reality are nothing more than fanatical, fickle minded, psychotic, socialistic, marxistic ideological fools. I believed that she would eventually get to a point when she finally did and had been wondering when it would be. A Red Wave in 25 days will be just a start in straightening out such a huge mess that such fanatical lunatics have gotten the country into in less than two years.  

  4. 5 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    During an interview with CNN, President Biden acknowledged that a "slight recession" could...

    October It's the month of the company's results 

    let's see what will happen 

    here comes a world crisis   




         That brain dead lying worthless excuse of humanity is worried what is coming when the investigations revealing evidence and proof of actual and genuine violations of sworn oaths of office as well as actual and genuine criminality begins after those who are successful in their election bids are elected in a little over 3 weeks from now and begin their terms of office after the 1st of the coming year. Impeachment will not arrive soon enough for that lying assed puppet.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    Goodnight Leora Paul Eva koala 


    See you tomorrow and sweet dreams 


    Good night and good morning to all 

    see you tomorrow everyone 

    Be happy 😃   

    Maria Sharapova Sport GIF

          My apologies for being off topic, but if I'm not mistaken in regards to the name, the cute lass in the pic does somewhat resemble a younger Bindy Irwin who is the daughter of the once upon a time famous 'Crocodile Hunter'.

    • Like 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Pfffft!          :biggrin:               


          The end is near alright, end of the fickle minded, wacko, nutjob, socialists marxists control of the U.S. congress in November that is. All of you TDS liberals will be singing a different tune afterwards, and that tune will be one of deep, dark, depression, and excessive misery because it won't do any good asking Ruby to spare an agony on any of ye'.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 43 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

    Old Biden's trip was a failure 

    Now  must be crying 

            Nearly everything he's been involved in since Jan. 2021 has turned out to be failures when it has involved the well being and survival necessities of the majority of the average working class citizens of the country. He, himself is a failure and has violated his so called oath of office numerous times because of what he has done as far as allowing over 2 million illegal migrants into the country, causing 13 American service members to lose their lives in Afghanistan and abandoning American citizens as well as allies there, along with leaving behind enough modern military equipment to make the Taliban a more deadly fighting force to be reckoned with, and directly causing the U.S. economy to decline into a recession because of his ignorant war on fossil fuel production ever since Jan. 20, 2021 even though fossil fuel production is and has been the main major driving force of every industrialized country's economy since the second world conflict. He's already been whining because of a number of even many on the left have been publicly expressing that they do not and would not support him attempting any so called re-election bid.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

    President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again Friday, the White House physician said...



               If it took his sorry and worthless excuse of humanity ass out, the only thing that would be disappointing or regretful about it, would be knowing what other sorry and worthless excuse of humanity there would be to replace him. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

    President Biden's trip to Saudi Arabia was deemed a failure by analysts.


              Anyone with any shred of common sense and integrity knows that besides a majority of the left being dishonest pathological liers who would just as soon tell a lie as they would tell anything else, which is why a majority of them don't mind being such hypocrites as well, such as the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and all of their cronies which include lobbyists and special interests individuals and organizations which also include a majority of the so called media outlets.

  10.     2022 is the year to start getting rid of the socialist/marxist ideological minded ignorant fools who hide behind a disguise of claiming of being progressive liberal democrats. They are progressive alright, progressive at fucking up anything they get involved in or touch. They have done nothing but run the U.S. economy way down and are trying to run it down even further with another tax payer funded outrageous social spending bill disguised as a 'Inflation Reduction Act' in the onset of an economic recession in which their delusional, fickle minded, ignorant asses caused starting with the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and their cronies. A majority of the country's working class population see right through their deception and dishonesty and are sick and tired of their ridiculous b.s. and will show just what they think of them in the midterm elections in the U.S. just 3 months from now.

    • Upvote 1

    4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    I already watched it.  It was a documentary made up by the far right conspiracy theorists.

           With all of the unusual high number of so called ballot drop boxes along with all of the unusually high number of absentee ballots that were sent out by those on the left as well as the extent of ballot harvesting that occurred by those on the left, anyone who would believe that, would also believe that there was nothing unusual or out of the ordinary when those in so called democratic led municipalities were tasked with checking ballots and running them through tabulation machines, decided to tell the observation witnesses that they were done until the next day so that they all had to leave, and as soon as they left they locked the doors and let blinds down or pulled curtains closed and returned to pulling boxes of ballots out from underneath tables, and appeared to resume what they had been doing but at a more rapid pace although unknown to them, it was captured on video.

    Another occasion that was actually recorded on video as well, was when the bumbling, stumbling, cognitively impaired, puppet known as Biden himself actually committed a so called 'Quid Pro Quo' by threatening that if a top prosecutor in Ukraine was not fired within 6 hours, that over a billion U.S. dollars in taxpayer funded security aid for the country of Ukraine would be withheld and not released to them. That occasion alone should have been sufficient reason for him to have been impeached and removed from the office of the vice presidency.

    Everything is always conspiracy theories when those on the left get caught being involved in some wrong doing or nefarious activities, and even lots of times when something gets mentioned in regards to such matters, it's always conspiracy theories according to those on the left, either to deflect from such matters, or provide cover for, or make excuses for most others on the left. Just like the corrupt scandels of the Biden's and the Clinton's, and it's all true.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    He only holds a minority government but since he bedded with the NDP to form a coalition government the NDP will see he stays in power until 2025 as the NDP will get whatever they want even though the NDP will never ever be a party with any power to ever form a government.  The only hope the NDP had was when Jack Layton was leader, he brought that party a long ways but he was cut down by cancer throughout his election bid a few years back.  The only party that can make a real change in Canada is the PC party.  Once Pierre Poilievre becomes their new leader then Trudeau's days and his scandals will be out in the open for all Canadians to see.  Trudeau can be removed from power at anytime all he needs is that grey haired bitty they call the Queen of England to tell him he's finished. 

            Regardless, the point was that some of the same sort of comments you mentioned have been previously mentioned before by other's other than yourself as well, and some similar comments were mentioned between his initial election and first re-election, and again some similar comments were mentioned between his first re-election and his latest re-election which occurred just late last year, and as was stated, yet he was re-elected twice since he was first elected.

    Could it be yet another example of how screwed up things get when so called liberals are involved in such matters as elections ? An example similar to how a puppet was installed as a so called president in the U.S. although many very unusual abnormalities and irregularities occurred during the so called election that never occurred previously in an American general election in a traditional sense as far as what had been considered normal and sensible rules and regulations regarding elections in the U.S. for decades.

    Certainly does seem so and has for quite some time since a time when I first started paying closer attention to what was actually occurring politically in the U.S. 

    Since way back in the early 80's I have noticed that there have been many more on the left than others in other political affiliations who lie and spread falsehoods, many of which who have been corrupt as well. 

    It's precisely why I haven't voted for a so called democrat since the early 80's and never will again.

  13. 3 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

    US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia, according to...


              Considering how she along with the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and their other inexperienced, ignorant, fickle minded cronies have been destroying the well being or abilities for average working class citizens of the country to financially get by or survive out of a majority of the country's population, I wouldn't feel disappointed in the slightest if the plane that corrupt, dishonest, fickle minded excuse of a woman was flying on went down somehow and she was never seen nor heard from again.

    Unlike when the CCP intentionally released the contagious bug upon the world in hopes of getting rid of a sitting president who applied hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs on them on many of their imported products into the country in attempts to get trade back to being somewhat on more of a level playing field compared to what the CCP has been able to surpass ever since they were allowed to become a member of the WTO by none other than another corrupt and dishonest individual of the left known as Bill Clinton himself, they would actually be doing something beneficial for the country as a whole if they were responsible for such a scenario.

  14. 19 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    Toxic burn pits in Iraq harmed veterans like me and Republicans turned their backs on us. This...



             As was recently mentioned in another post of comments regarding such matters, apparently there were some veterans who were either uninformed or misinformed, or some who actually had affiliations with a certain political party that whom such claims could or perhaps would be more beneficial to. Those on the right who disagreed with such a bill, did so because of all of the extra potential unnecessary spending measures included in the bill, and not any of the actual initiatives or spending measures that actually had to do with veterans assistance. It was occurring because of more political misleading disinformation by those on the left. Many of them are quite good at lying and spreading falsehoods, so much so that it seems to come natural for them these days and times. 

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  15. On 7/29/2022 at 6:23 PM, Ridgerunner said:

    Except that the bill was written in a way that would have allowed the money to be spent for things other than help for the veterans. That's why Republican senators were opposed to the bill. Now they are pushing for a new bill which will guarantee all the money goes to the veterans and not to  Democrat pet projects. 

           The bill was written in such a way that much of the funding would have been able to be allocated or spent on things other than actual assistance for veterans.

    It was written similar to how the so called 'American Rescue Plan' as well as the so called 'Infrastructure Bill' and the latest so called 'Inflation Reduction Bill' were written that Joe Manchin agreed to after he experienced immense pressure from fickle minded, ignorant, nut jobs on the left and a majority of the so called media outlets that are not much more than leftist propagandist outlets and have been for quite some time.

    Every legislative bill the left puts forth to attempt to get passed into law, usually involves only a small percentage of the total amount of other people's money (which are the taxpayers) they are wanting to spend, that is actually for what they call the bills.

    Anyone with any shred of common sense would realize that injecting more money into an economy that has been experiencing record breaking inflation to a point of now being in an economic recession, will only intensify the economic inflation and recession. So now that the country's economy has officially entered into an economic recession, if such ridiculous unnecessary spending continues to occur, the value of the national currency will continue to decline and the country's economy will be headed toward a full blown economic depression. 

    Just last week as well as the week before, Joe Manchin stated that he was not willing to vote on any spending bill that was introduced until after he saw what the economic data numbers were for the month of August because of the very same reasons.

    He went back on his word so he lied, which seems to be normal or typical for many politicians and particularly much more so for many more on the left than other political affiliations.

    There will likely be many in West Virgina who will keep that in mind when they cast their votes in the up coming midterm elections.

    Many on the left are desperate which apparently includes Joe Manchin, to make it seem as though some of them have been trying to do something that will be beneficial to a majority of the overall population of the country to divert and distract peoples attentions from the continuous disastrous so called policy failures that have been occurring since Jan. 2021, but enough of the country's population who have experienced the sky rocketing costs of everything which started with sky rocketing costs of energy, will more likely than not keep such matters in mind when they cast their votes in the up coming mid term elections as well.  

    • Upvote 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said:

    That makes sense. Thanks.

    I was under the impression the complex has air conditioning by some members in the know prior comments.

    Leora goes commando year around even when wearing a top.  Something else she does unusual is keep her legs apart aimed at different camera and commonly has her fingers playing with her pussy.  I find that odd behavior anywhere.

           You as well as most who have followed rlc long enough should have sensible understandings as to why some participants probably choose to do some of the things they do. Such matters shouldn't be considered much of any mysteries since they have been mentioned numerous times in quite a few of various participants threads over the years. Other than those who have not followed rlc long enough to have an understanding to be aware of why some participants probably do some of the things they do, those that have should be, or at least have an idea as to why, and therefore there is really not much of any reason to suggest otherwise.

    • Upvote 5
  17. On 7/23/2022 at 7:21 AM, letsdothis said:

    Richard Stengel, who has been a U.S. Under Secretary of State, TIME managing editor, and chief executive of the National Constitution Center, observed: “Some candidates for president seek power, some seek fame, but only one candidate in history seeks the presidency for immunity from prosecution.”

           It would be quite hilarious if one candidate happens to seek another nomination and wins it all again just to notice how much more deranged those with apparent extensive derangement syndromes such as Richard Stengel and apparently yourself become. Even more so, because the costs of everything would eventually get back to being reasonable because there would not be a brain impaired, and certainly cognitively declining puppet installed in a position of which he has continuously proven by his ass backwards, nonsensical, and unlogical decisions during the previous 18 months that he has absolutely no business whatsoever of being in, and he and his puppeteer handlers and their cronies would not be able to continue making a mockery of the country and a majority of the overall population experience misfortune and lack of well being.

    It would also be quite hilarious if it were an actual joke that such sorry and worthless excuses of humanity were installed in such positions but unfortunately it's not because they actually are, although it is likely that after the results of what will occur 3 months from now happen to occur, some of them will become what will be considered lame duck sorry excuses of humanity.

  18.       'Breaking News: A history making event has occurred' ! 

    It has been reported that for the first time in the history of mankind, a most unusual and historical event has occurred. It has been reported that for the first time in the history of mankind, a puppet has actually achieved acquiring an overall approval rating of '31%' amongst a country's overall population. Even more amazing is the report that the puppet has also achieved acquiring a '19%' approval rating amongst a Hispanic population of the overall country's population. Apparently, even Pinocchio considers such accomplishments quite amazing ! 

  19. 14 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    This committee will be over once they come back from summer recess.  They'll have two or three hearings in September, then wrap things up and the DOJ can indict Donald Trump.  They likely wont get him in prison but there should be enough to invoke the 14th on him to keep him from  ever holding office ever again. Something Pence should have done on January 7th but never had the balls to do it. As far as midterms the Republicans will likely gain but their riches will not be as large as they think.  

    The only way America will ever become great is the day they lay Trump to rest.  Lucifer will look after him.

             Whether Trump runs or not doesn't actually matter since after November, the puppets puppet strings will be severed from his puppeteer handlers, and come November of 2024, Ron DeSantis or Mike Pompeo would be a hell of alot more of an actual sensible leader rather than a unusually installed dishonest, senile, mind twisted puppet such as the one who's been there since Jan., 2020. You folks afflicted with TDS sure could benefit from some psychological assistance. He's not president now and look at the sorry state of the country, it's economy, and it's citizens overall livelihoods and well beings. Everything that puppet has done has been disastrous failures one after another for over a year and a half now. The left's control in congress is as good as over for quite awhile after November this year, and then in the executive branch as well two years later.

  20. 5 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, was convicted on Friday of contempt charges for...

    At least when he gets sentenced there's no pardon coming this time.

            Yeah, because of a b.s. partisan so called committee that's been nothing more than a political show of theatre for the left. After November, there won't be any shows of theatrics for the left for quite awhile.

  21. 2 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    EXCLUSIVE: The White House is firing back at Republicans who say the Biden administration is...



              The pic attached to the article is of a puppet who has proven to have been truly dishonest his entire existence. He's told many debunct and disproven tall tales during his existence, and has only increased doing so much, much more often since 2020. Hardly a week has past since then that he hasn't told multiple lies. So it is actually nothing new from them, only more lies from them as usual. They are getting desperate because they know that there are now many, many more who now also realize how often they lie and try to decieve others who are sick of their shit since they have cost so many so much of their livelihoods and well beings in just a year and a half and they know what is coming in the midterms because of it.

    • Like 2
  22. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Not necessarily. If he is prosecuted by a Soros backed prosecutor he might get off with community service and probation.

           Yes but libs like to pretend that fickle minded so called liberals such as George Soros, George Gascon, and recently recalled so called district attorney of San Francisco Chesa Boudin do not exist. It is all a part of their mentally lacking IQ'S and actual lack of education compared to years of mental indoctrination. It's why so many of them are considered f***ed up in their heads nowadays. It's probably part of the biggest reason why the U.S. has a puppet rather than an actual president for the first time in the country's history. But according to the latest release of news, the puppet just assured that a red wave that is likely to actually be a red psunami wave to assure that so called libs who are mostly nothing more than socialists/marxists in sheep's clothing do not have any input as to what may occur in the U.S. for at least the next decade or more. GO BIG RED ! Once impeached for ACTUAL and GENUINE Violations of Oaths of office and convicted in the Senate, that brain dead piece of sorry excise of humanity will go down in history as a worthless excuse of humanity much less any sort of so called leader.


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