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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Apartment has been vacant all day this day there. Could the quite appealing dance moves and dancing while listening to music while in between and amongst the routine of regular residence chores while adorning a really nice red lingerie outfit spanning out over most of the day yesterday been a ploy for attraction of and to accumulate cam hits and time because of knowingly not planning on being there almost all day today there so far perhaps ? Whatever the case or reason may have been, I must profess that the talented woman surely chose to do it in style. She is an amazingly attractive and giftedly talented and intelligent woman who seems to always be well meaning in her endeavors. I know she is certainly missed when she is not around.
  2. Well I must say, there can be no doubt that the lovely juli' has been in quite a mood for dancing this day there. Other than some of her regular tidying up chores, that is mostly what she has done for quite some time now this day. As always, along with her truly appealing looks, she is certainly amazingly attractive when she chooses to do so. She is without a doubt a special woman whom I have much admiration for.
  3. The pinstriped panty matches a long button up shirt she once had and she looked amazing in it as she does virtually anything she wears or at times chooses not to wear.
  4. Well I must admit that I stand corrected from some of the comments of which I made earlier. She certainly proved me wrong on some of them.
  5. As I previously stated, she knows what the deal is on why it is they keep enough hits on the cams there to not have ever been in any jeopardy of being asked to leave, but yet only is around very little out of a months time for anything to occur. Especially with him being employed somewhere now and them having another income other than just the monthly subsistence allowance received from RLC. That's why I'm done with a sub. for there. But, the other voyeur sites popularity are rising and RLC is not as fast as it once was. It may get to a point of peaking out like most things do, and then start to decline. I've begun to believe that she only does things only at certain times anymore in attempts to make sure the residence is not put in any jeopardy anytime soon. That's her prerogative though. Just as it's anyone else's prerogative whether or not to continue following that apartment as much anymore and financial support or not of the project any further.
  6. That is the point I was trying to make mate. This will make five out of the last seven days that this has happened and only one of those two days did anything much interesting occur.
  7. That's why I'm done with a sub. for the project mate. No more than is available in that residence anymore, I could observe in free cams.
  8. I also notice that it appears that someone is on a pc with papers and a passport nearby. Perhaps intending on starting to take vacations every three months also.
  9. I notice that someone has finally gotten some new towels after using the same two towels for over the last two years now. It's about time.
  10. Once again, it appears that the residence will soon be vacated. So, unfortunate as it is, like those other comrades who have already made the decision to cancel sub., I too am inclined to do so. I cannot continue financial support of something that seems no longer worth the cost. IMO, five days or less of each month of someone being at a residence long enough for any chances of any possible activities of interest to occur is not worth what is charged for a months sub. Though my financial support of the project has mainly and mostly been in support of the residence usually referenced in this thread, with that apartment being vacant so much, it is slowly becoming like most of all the rest of the project's residences which is not enough in ways of activities of interest to incur a sub. fee for any longer. If someone cannot be or stay around home sometimes any longer than three or four or five days only out of each month, where there may be more chances of activities of interest occurring in that residence that is being financially supported by others, and that person is more than intelligent enough to know what they're residence being supported by others is all about, then perhaps it may be time to withdraw some financial support. Unfortunately, it appears that those other comrades who have chosen to do so, were correct in doing so. I also am done.
  11. Though like many, I find the attributes such as an obviously high level of intelligence, attractiveness in looks and appearances, and obviously gifted and talented in a number of different aspects and ways, certainly appealing and interesting whenever chances of observation are available. But, leading up to last night the local time there, the last two days along with the two days of the last weekend, the residence was vacated for around half to most of the daytime periods. So four out of the last six days the residence has been vacated during the daytime for the most part. The weekends usually are because they usually go away from the apartment together for time periods for different reasons because he is off. But, since he is now off one of the middle days of each week the same thing usually occurs as does on the weekend days he is off. She used to seem more content about being at the apartment then she does nowadays or has for some time now. There certainly is nothing interesting about observing an empty apartment anywhere in this world. This was a credible and main reason why half of a group of comrades of mine and fellow RLC followers of mainly this residence have cancelled subs. and why the rest are still in consideration of. It has been previously stated in this thread that usually the amount of days out of each month that there may be chances of observing any activities of interest, usually ends up being only around the total number of weekdays out of one week or less anymore when taking into consideration these issues and the week out of each month of which many women experiences. Given that most everyone has to leave home several to multiple times during each week for business matters and/or shopping, they usually do not have to leave home for most of the days of a week unless they are employed elsewhere. Though she is certainly appealing and quite a pleasant experience to observe, it is something that cannot be done if the residence is vacant.
  12. Great dance moves and dancing by the one and only, the amazing Leora ! Been quite a while since she was in a mood for some dancing of which she is really good and talented at. Can there perhaps be even anything else of which she certainly receives enjoyment and satisfaction from that she may be in a mood for ? Only her and perhaps The Shadow may know.
  13. Oh my ! Such a vision of true genuine beauty and quite sexy ! How sexy could she possibly be feeling today perhaps should be the question.
  14. Have been considering the possibility of perhaps having the lovely juli' cloned and then leaving her clone there so that she can travel the world to many places and to do many things with yours truly.
  15. As much tm'ing occurred yesterday before, during, and after some chores and playing with the pooch, it is likely a day that the residence will be vacated and empty for much of the time once again.
  16. Too close to beginning of new month and therefore likely not much will any desires of activities of interesting occurrences be in any spirits or mood for unfortunately as the new month has already started out quite slowly which has seemed to become nearly the norm for quite some time now.
  17. Though it may be wishful thinking as far as any sensual self pleasure or gratification, it may be considered somewhat of an overstatement these days and in recent times kal. Whereas at times in the distant past that may have been the case, and though it may still sometimes occur more than once in a weeks time, if it occurs once a week is closer to being more of actual occurrences nowadays. There are and have been many times when there have been multiple weeks between those times as well, which seems to have been becoming more of the norm as time goes by. If it occurs more than once a week nowadays, it is not considered quite as much as of on a regular basis as it may have once been considered. This subject matter has been mentioned and referred to in a number of posts made in this thread by others as well as myself on a number of occasions for awhile now.
  18. Sorry to hear about your canine friend Rock. I too know how that can be for I have been through the same experiences with canine friends and companions. It is a shame and one of many things never understood by me as to why some breeds of animal species were not created allowing for more of length in their lifespans. After all, canines are regarded by many as mankind's best friends. But, I too have been through the same similar and unfortunate experiences with some feline friends and companions as well unfortunately. No matter which, it is always an unpleasant and unfortunate experience to lose a friend or companion. All we can look forward to is the time we may one day see them again.
  19. I've always believed and stated that the lovely juli' is not only quite attractive, but quite intelligent as well. The serving tray she has acquired and is now using for her tea or java beverages and snacks in some of her favorite places is just one good indicator of how slick she really is. I have developed quite a bit of admiration for her in a number of ways of which those several attributes are just some. Perhaps if I had the affections of her and her mate had a feather where the sun don't shine, we may both be tickled.
  20. Oh S*** !!! I have to say that is definitely a case of "Fire In The Hole" ! LOL What a Dumb*** to say the least ! LOL I'd wager he didn't have a good explanation for the 2nd or 3rd degree burns he received in those locations at a medical clinic or hospital ! Maybe he is another brother of Kim Jong Un , aka "Rocketman". LOL That's a damn good one StnCld ! LMAO
  21. It has appeared that he sleeps for at least 6 hours or more before getting up and getting dressed and leaving for the day. Then, when he returns, much of the times he eats and then goes back to sleep for an additional 2, 3, or 4 hours unless he just sleeps straight through until the next day. He does not have employment that requires any physical exertion or activities, so it can be believed when I say, he gets plenty of rest. Also, it's not unusual that he sleeps 10 to 12 hours or more on his days off, of which he is off at least 3 days each week.
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