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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. If that were the case, then he would have employment that offers very lucrative perks as far as permitted or given time off allowed although it is highly unlikely considering where it is that they reside and he was employed. Aside from all the other days off during the past year he has supposedly been employed because of the given Russian national holidays, and aside from all the other days off he missed that were not national holidays, but that were normal scheduled work days when he first started back around Sept./Oct. of last year, he also just missed 2 weeks for when they went on vacation for a week around this past Aug./Sept. and after returning, he took an extra week off and that's only been 2 to 3 months ago. IMO, he couldn't make it in the Red Army, and now may have indeed lost his employment or job because he is undoubtedly and obviously lazy, and misses much more time from work than he should, or maybe should have. As far as the other subject matter, he acts and behaves like an immature boy when it comes to issues of any sexual nature and he obviously has impotence issues most of the time. If he has indeed ended up losing his employment or job, I would suspect that there will not be as much strutting around the apartment as much as has occurred in the past since he first became employed elsewhere away from the residence, like he is the one responsible for paying the bills there when in fact he does not.
  2. Certainly wish there was something that could be done or that I could do to make the lovely Leora feel better and to lift her spirits to be in the happily content mood that she has seemed to be in more times than not in the past until more recently it seems. If there was anything I could do to make it happen, I certainly would. She is really a wonderful woman with a great demeanor and outlook on life and is surely, without any doubt, a very attractive woman just to mention a few of her numerous wonderfully admirable attributes and characteristics.
  3. It was noticed that this year her friend was not present at the apartment for the day of or couple of days around Hallows Eve as has been the last several years. It has also been noticed that now someone is back to waking earlier at times, and when so, usually leaving and staying gone whenever the other resident and companion is not there so that the residence is once again vacant much of the times. In times past, I would have never thought or believed that the residence may perhaps be heading in a direction of becoming closer to a point of being similiarly boring as most other residences of RLC and perhaps not worth as much of an effort to follow as much anymore to a point of not being financially worth it any longer, but in more recent times I have been experiencing considerations in quite other different ways. Since there have been certainly noticeable changes there, perhaps it may be time for changes here.
  4. It is certainly hoped that she is in no way ill and is always able to have good health. Perhaps it may be not much more than a case of her now being just somewhat interrupted from the comfortability zone of which she had become accustomed to after residing in the residence there for awhile because of the slightly different changes.
  5. Although the addition of additional cams was a good idea on the part of the project admin., the additional GR cam appears to be that of possibly only 720p resolution, if even that. It's resolution is noticeably not as clear or sharp in view as any of the other cams located in the residence.
  6. Perhaps it may have been an incorrect suggestion to propose the possibility of the attractive and sultry woman usually referred to in this thread to be ascending or rising towards a peak or level of sensuality and sultriness never before realized, as in more recent times it has seemed that occurrences there have reverted back to a certain same ole status quo as has been an evident regular routine in the past unfortunately.
  7. Perhaps the notions or assumptions of someone likely to have not reached the higher levels or peaks of one's sensuality may have not been an accurate assessment as it has seemed that not only has the times of sensual activity occurrences declined, but it also has been evident that what once seemed to have been perhaps a level of sensuality possibly increasing, as was noticed with more than usual items and activities seemingly being desired and occurring, but as of more recent times and for awhile now, unfortunately those other sensual desires or urges appear to be not desired any more. If this is what has come to pass, it could be certainly unfortunate as a substantial part of life is in one's hopes, dreams, and fantasies.
  8. I would make a claim to wish to be a fly on a wall in any room she was in whenever she felt the urges of desire and decided to attempt to do something about it in an effort to achieve satisfaction, but rather I will claim that I would just prefer to be there myself instead. She certainly is a special woman with an enchanting personality, sensuality, and attractiveness.
  9. She certainly does have really good taste in the types of clothing attire in which she chooses to acquire and wear.
  10. I have noticed that the attractive maiden had changed out of one of her newest undergarments yesterday which was a black, shear panty with leg strings of which she was trying out wearing and seemed proud of and of which she makes look quite good when wearing as she does most anything she chooses to wear, as she did not wear it to bed. It is more of a lingerie type undergarment for show instead of being made for to sleep in anyway. So show it she did, and quite well I should add.
  11. I wouldn't be too concerned with what he says Rock. He's been in this thread as well as others before stirring up arguments and dissension with others about what seems to be one of his favorite subjects to mention here in this thread quite often. Simply put, if someone doesn't care for her, then why come here to this thread to post any insinuations of unsubstantiated conjecture of negativity about her. It is known that there are some who navigate through the threads of different blogs or forums on the net in attempts to do such. I believe there is a term for those that do. I believe they are referred to as trolls.
  12. I like your response here as almost always Rock. There's just one small sliver of conjecture of which I want to profess. Though that with his supposed education and training in the electrical/electronics field, it would definitely give him a likely better advantage of possible employment opportunities more so than perhaps many others in that part of the world, knowing how the economy has been in Russia for quite some time now, and though it has slowly been supposedly getting better, Russia's economy is still severely lacking and there are many who still find it very difficult to find employment. A very large number of the Russian population has difficulty in locating and obtaining employment. So I'm not so sure about the implication that he can get work in a lot of places. They were with RLC for over 2 1/2 and nearly 3 years before he finally located and obtained decent employment elsewhere away from the apartment that he has now, even though he would try to do repair work on items such as headphones, ham-radio components, and sometimes stereo type components on a part-time basis at the apartment for those first couple of years. He was attached to a reserve military branch division for the first several years as well, and would only have to leave the apartment for training for one month during they're first year in the current apartment after moving there from the first, then two weeks the second year. He must have completed his service or got kicked out because he has not had to leave for those length of periods in the last couple of years since then.
  13. It appears that the mommies boy is wanting to lay-out from work again tomorrow. He wants to strut or lounge around the apartment when he has only been having a few sniffles and coughs every now and then and have her pamper and play-up to him as perhaps a mother would. But he will likely be up and doing everything just as he always does. It is my opinion that he is a put on or pretender who is very immature acting and behaving for his age, and not to mention he never lifts a finger to do anything around that apartment unless she practically has to beg him to, which is very seldom, and though it is a given that he is one of the few males of RLC that does seem to be actually employed elsewhere, that's not saying much and certainly is no excuse because it is clearly obvious that he is one mostly lazy male for his age. When and if he lays out from work tomorrow, he will then be satisfied because he will have affectively made it to the weekend of which he does not work anyway. Then he will only have 2 days of work in for this week. It should not be any concern of them ever leaving the project anytime soon for any that may, because they will never have the money to. If he eventually loses his employment, then they will be back to only depending on the monthly subsistence allowance of which they receive from RLC. Someone may then begin to give more of serious thought as to what kind of financial security that particular person actually and truly has at that persons current age in that relationship. After all, even though the perception of male and female partnerships or unions in relationships and/or families in some countries around the world may have changed, it is still strongly perceived in most of all Russian culture as it still is in many other of the world's cultures as well, that the male is to be considered as the main bread-winner and/or therefore the symbolic leader as well in most relationships and/or families.
  14. It is my opinion that what appears to be a newer addition of undergarment to the lovely woman's wardrobe, it is yet another piece of attire of which she makes look quite good just as she does most anything she chooses to aquire and wear. While it may be pondered as to what type of material the black shear panty with leg strings is composed of as far as how comfortable it may be, it appears to be composed of some type of shear satin material which is almost always very comfortable. Knowing her, it is composed of a satin type material which more likely than not is most comfortable to her. Though it is a bit high cut in the waist area, as stated previously, she makes it look very good while wearing it as she does nearly everything she wears.
  15. He does seem good at calling in to his employer and pretending to be ill, when it is more than obvious that he is not by his actions and behaviors and the fact that he does the same things he always does when at the apartment and everything is normal with him, so that he can lay-out from and miss work. So calling in to work and telling something that is not true just to miss work is something that he must be quite good at doing, because he did it yesterday morning to be out today, and he has done it a number of times in the past as well and then the same similar actions and behaviors would be obviously apparent with him. It has been stated here a number of times previously that he is immature acting and behaves like a mommies boy rather than a grown adult man of 25 to 26 years old now, and quite often he appears to behave those types of ways. Yet he had the nerve to be getting onto her earlier when she first adorned her newest panty made of the black shear material with strings. That guy is something else.
  16. Paul, Push his tongue into her pussy ? Surely you jest jimbo my friend. LOL For I for one find it hard to believe that he has learned how to do that without being instructed that is, as it has been obvious with him when it concerns most anything of those types of natures or circumstances.
  17. Though it is understood that what is important to her as far as her wants, urges, desires, and enjoyment and satisfactions is what matters mostly to her, and for those people who are involved in relationships with companions or partners of whom there is much care and affection for, knowing that it seems obvious that she has much as such for him, and taking into consideration those who have also acknowledged observances of his long time and continued immature acting behaviors, though not only limited to, but especially when it has come to any situations of sensual or sexual natures, from this voyeur's point of view, it is my opinion that it is much more interesting observing her by herself than with him. Of course, it is only my opinion, of which everyone has their own, but it has been obvious from what has been posted here previously that there are quite a number of others who visit this thread of the forum who are of similar opinions. Perhaps a portion of this analogy or opinion may be part of one of multiple reasons why it seems that the frequency of occurrence of interesting activities occurring in that residence has seemed to have dwindled compared to previous times past. Though she is most certainly attractive and still interesting and enjoyable to observe quite often whenever there and not away, it must be unfortunate that apparently there have been quite a number of subscribers of the project who mainly were for the purposes and privileges of observances of that particular residence usually referred to in this thread, who have refrained from continuing do so because of such or similar reasons. I for one personally, still have much admiration for her.
  18. LOL. No worries mate. For one of Nicholas's law's is "Better To Be Pissed Off, Than To Be Pissed On". But on a more serious note, not p.o.ed in the least, though perhaps maybe somewhat disappointed in being reminded of some unfortunate upcoming events of which I am already quite aware of. IMO, as far as he goes, I would think that someone of his age would be concerned about making as much money as he could as it seemed he may have been attempting to do for a short time period when he first became employed away from the apartment, but yet since has been not working as nearly as much. Perhaps a bill free residence being provided combined with some laziness has quite a bit of influence on a decision of that nature, or perhaps the amount of available working hours was just merely scaled back for some reason. Been curious as to where you have been bud. Hope you've been having a good one on holiday. Stay safe there in Turkey and travels home jimbo.
  19. Apartment has been vacant all day this day there. Could the quite appealing dance moves and dancing while listening to music while in between and amongst the routine of regular residence chores while adorning a really nice red lingerie outfit spanning out over most of the day yesterday been a ploy for attraction of and to accumulate cam hits and time because of knowingly not planning on being there almost all day today there so far perhaps ? Whatever the case or reason may have been, I must profess that the talented woman surely chose to do it in style. She is an amazingly attractive and giftedly talented and intelligent woman who seems to always be well meaning in her endeavors. I know she is certainly missed when she is not around.
  20. Well I must say, there can be no doubt that the lovely juli' has been in quite a mood for dancing this day there. Other than some of her regular tidying up chores, that is mostly what she has done for quite some time now this day. As always, along with her truly appealing looks, she is certainly amazingly attractive when she chooses to do so. She is without a doubt a special woman whom I have much admiration for.
  21. The pinstriped panty matches a long button up shirt she once had and she looked amazing in it as she does virtually anything she wears or at times chooses not to wear.
  22. Well I must admit that I stand corrected from some of the comments of which I made earlier. She certainly proved me wrong on some of them.
  23. As I previously stated, she knows what the deal is on why it is they keep enough hits on the cams there to not have ever been in any jeopardy of being asked to leave, but yet only is around very little out of a months time for anything to occur. Especially with him being employed somewhere now and them having another income other than just the monthly subsistence allowance received from RLC. That's why I'm done with a sub. for there. But, the other voyeur sites popularity are rising and RLC is not as fast as it once was. It may get to a point of peaking out like most things do, and then start to decline. I've begun to believe that she only does things only at certain times anymore in attempts to make sure the residence is not put in any jeopardy anytime soon. That's her prerogative though. Just as it's anyone else's prerogative whether or not to continue following that apartment as much anymore and financial support or not of the project any further.
  24. That is the point I was trying to make mate. This will make five out of the last seven days that this has happened and only one of those two days did anything much interesting occur.
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