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Everything posted by itsme

  1. It kind of reminds of how Playboy decided they weren't going to do nudes anymore, and the reversed the decision when their sales tanked.
  2. It sounds to me like these were migrant workers, who tend to come to the U.S. during growing and harvesting seasons and go back home during the winter.
  3. More than 100 illegal immigrants were arrested at an Ohio landscaping company. http://thehill.com/latino/390750-immigration-agents-arrest-more-than-100-at-ohio-landscaping-company
  4. Not everyone can be a beauty queen. I am sure there are some lesbian viewers that enjoy them. Where are they from anyway?
  5. I think it's from a google picture album. My guess is they copied the URL from the top of the page which is specific to their account, and not the actual share link.
  6. The problem is they are trying to share the image from Google. It's either been deleted or they used the incorrect link.
  7. Yeah it's pretty much pointless now. It's more a women's achievement competition, which certainly has a place, but you can't just turn it into something entirely different and expect to get the same audience.
  8. They are dropping the bikini and gown portion. Now it's just going to be about what the contestants have to say. I don't see that being a viable business model. #metoo has gone too far this time. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/06/05/us/miss-america-swimsuit-trnd/index.html
  9. To each their own i guess. I remember before when it was just rlc and there was no rewind, i was more engaged in what was going on because I'd have to watch more. I'd then come here to see what happened while i wasn't watching. There were basically shifts where one group would watch while the other was sleeping and write about what happened.
  10. I think the rewind ability takes some of the fun out of it. You don't have to watch all the time to catch the "special moments" cough cough **pussy shots**, now you can just view the recording whenever.
  11. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AffectionateAchingHarrier-mobile.mp4
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