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Everything posted by itsme

  1. Maybe it was Camarads then. Someone had an NYC apartment that lasted for like a week. It was a black woman.
  2. Wasn't there briefly a VH-TV apartment in New York?
  3. Thank you, I wasn't able to find this on the website.
  4. According to Goldman Sachs AI Brazil will win. https://www.businessinsider.co.za/world-cup-predictions-pick-to-win-it-all-goldman-sachs-ai-model-2018-6
  5. Did they move? I am I out of the loop?
  6. Trump Meeting with Kim Jung Un in Singapore.
  7. itsme

    Real Life Cam

    Yes, of course they are. I haven't followed Reallifecam for more than a year. Their copyright bullshit, limited free cams, and boring couples are all a big turn off.
  8. Except that having a trade deficit isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not to mention that we actually have a trade surplus with Canada. http://fortune.com/2018/06/09/donald-trump-trade-deficit-terrified-g7-speech/ http://fortune.com/2018/03/07/biggest-us-trade-partners/ The amount of money Trump is saying the U.S. “lost” is the trade deficit – the amount by which the goods and services Americans bought internationally exceeds the amount they sold to other countries. But the number he’s citing is itself is fundamentally inaccurate. Trump has previously cited an $800 billion trade deficit more than 50 times, according to the New York Times. But whether $800 billion or $817 billion, Trump’s number only includes trade in goods, excluding services. That distortion seems to represent a belief within the administration that manufacturing and farming are inherently better economic activities than providing services. This ethos would seem to align with the concerns of Trump’s domestic political base.But it doesn’t match the reality of America’s position as a global leader in high-value services including finance, engineering, education, and telecommunications. In fact, the U.S. has a global surplus in service exports – Americans sell more to other countries than they buy from them. Once they’re added back to the tally, the overall U.S. trade deficit drops to $566 billion – 30% lower than Trump’s number. In some specific countries, such as Canada, Trump can only claim there’s a bilateral trade deficit at all because his numbers exclude services. In reality, the U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada. What country does the US have the largest trade deficit with? China – $375.2 billion Mexico – $71.1 billion Japan – $68.8 billion Germany – $64.3 billion Vietnam – $38.3 billion Ireland – $38.1 billion Italy – $31.6 billion Malaysia – $24.6 billion India – $22.9 billion South Korea – $22.9 billion
  9. This is just crazy: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/06/trump-threatens-to-end-all-trade-with-allies.html He's more aggressive towards U.S. allies than he is towards Putin! Does he not realize that we need to work with these people? This isn't some real-estate deal where you can take advantage of someone and then part-ways and never see them again, the U.S. needs to work with its allies, at some point U.S. allies are going to get tired of this shit and either start their partnerships excluding the U.S. or Russia and/or China are going to swoop in and replace the U.S.
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