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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Look who's back! Our cam-talking friend! 😉👍🏼 And ooooo, some flirting going on! 😏🥰 I've always loved this girl. I think she is so cute! Does she have a name? 😇😍
  2. I saw. 😊 Personally, I hope she comes home drunk like that more often. I enjoyed following her around that morning.
  3. Yes, I agree. I kind of like her. She is super cute, and lovely. She just lives her normal real life, without any put on action for the cameras. That is great! But to me it seems like she has a pretty depressing life as it is now. She spends 23 hours a day in bed, she doesn't go out very often, and she has no visitors. Even moving to the kitchen every once in a while could help on our mental health, instead of being stuck in one room 24/7.
  4. You forgot the Hairdresser, and countless friends that we haven't even given a name yet. My first priority would be Babi and the Hairdresser. Both seem to have a huge social network, and both have proved that they can arrange great parties at home.
  5. It has been another wild and amazing weekend! With so many great guests there, I really wish RLC would open more apartments in Rome.
  6. I'm a simple man, I think every bathroom is a magical room.
  7. It takes time, but if my hairdresser stopped every once in a while to twerk and dance like her, it might be worth it anyway, even if it was pay by the hour.
  8. Maybe they have removed the toilet to make more space in there. They can always use other furniture for pissing. 😉 I loved the view yesterday. 😊
  9. The woman in red is a looker 😍🤤 An amazing ass in skintight jeans 🍑 Big Mama is in tha house too. 🤘
  10. Yes. I think Amalie is alittle bit thin. I prefer curvier / chubbier girls, but tastes are subjective.
  11. The gang is back, and we already have: ❤️🥳PARTY!🥳❤️ With guests and everything! 👍🏼 This bode really well! 🤞🏼
  12. 🤣 I'm always sitting here waiting for someone to ''go''.... Right now everyone in B4 and B2 needs to go, but that's go in a different meaning.
  13. Cam 16 should be moved to get a better view of the shower.
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