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Everything posted by ed2

  1. When someone’s asleep in the bedroom / living room, and you want to watch a movie.
  2. New tenant! Stephie is replaced. A robot cleaner. 🤖🦾🦿
  3. The people there will openly hate her. Even the supposedly nice and easy going twins haven't welcomed her yet.
  4. Say what you want about Radislava. I feel deeply sorry for her right now. ❤️🤗❤️
  5. Sad, but true! We saw the evidence of that here. The managers have adapted too well. They are probably afraid of unpredictable and would continue the drunken behaviour, any minor incident will take the place offline, and they won’t risk putting them back online again until well into the next day, after they have had a chance to lecture the tenants. It's tragic! No good and spontaneous events will happen as long as this practice continues.
  6. 03:01 Vivian left B4 with all her luggage, after XXX days. [Noldus, where are you?] Nelly said goodbye by the door, Bogdan and Nana followed her out.
  7. GOODBYE STELLA! 👋🏼😭🤧 Thank you for everything!
  8. Totally disagree. Smartphones are possibly the greatest invention of this time. I don't need to go to the bank to pay a bill, I don't need to go to the library to find a certain book, it's all in your hand.
  9. Not really, no. It was a nice bate, but with a bad angle, far away and lights off, it wasn't much to write home about. But there isn't much else noteworthy on VH these days either.
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